Getting Together by modernbard
Summary: Logan and Ororo have been close friends for a long time. Suddenly, one day Logan really sees her for the first time. Read on for a few surpises, some very unLoganlike behavior, some twists, a little romance and maybe even a tragedy or two.
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Comedy
Warnings: Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 41 Completed: Yes Word count: 220887 Read: 99940 Published: 10-24-05 Updated: 11-05-08
Lull Before the Storm by modernbard
Ororo sat on her knees inside of the greenhouse, her hands buried in the soul as she worked with the seedlings for Jean’s wedding. Surrounded by plants, with the smell of wet soil filling her nostrils and the feeling of life all around her, she felt at peace and centered. Something that had escaped her for the past couple of weeks as the chaos around her escalated. And now, stressed out and feeling stretched thin by it all, she had come to the greenhouse with a deep sense of need, desperately trying to pin down exactly when it all seemed to go so wrong; as of yet she had not found the source.

Perhaps it all began with their return from the bayou. After all, her time down there had been peaceful enough. Once the family arrived, and the gathering was large despite Papa Jeans assurances, Ororo had simply given herself over to the madness of it all. Embraced by family member after family member as if she were the long lost daughter, returned home after a very long absence.

It also helped that her family welcomed Logan wholeheartedly into the fold, with Papa Jean’s support of course. And it had been so nice to see the twins again. Even Remy’s dour face and somewhat sullen attitude had been a balm to her soul.

And the party, it had lasted well into the night, dragging on past midnight to nearly see the dawn. Ororo did not remember much after the bonfire was rekindled for the third time; she nodded off somewhere around 2 a.m. She vaguely remembered Logan lifting her up and carrying her inside to place her in a nice warm bed; the same bed she awoke in the next morning. But beyond that everything else was vague. She just remembered enjoying herself immensely and reconnecting with the family had not seen in far too long.

So perhaps it had all begun to unravel when they returned to the mansion. It was after all, upon their return that Logan and Ororo decided to drop any pretense of Logan still sleeping in his own room and moved his things up to her, quieter, more private attic quarters.

But that did not seem quite the place either. The move was something they both easily agreed upon. Ororo had simply walked into his room and gathered his things and taken them to her room while he looked on with a surprised and pleased look on his grizzled face. And while there really had been no discussion beforehand, so many of his things were already there that it seemed a waste to just keep on pretending that they were not sleeping together. Not even the students were that gullible any longer.

No if the truth be told, Ororo had a pretty good idea of just where it all began to spiral out of control. She just hated admitting it, even to herself. Because once she did, she would have to also admit that the person responsible had broken a promise to her. And that was something that she just could not fathom happening.

Ororo heaved a huge sigh, blowing her hair out of her face as she felt a wave of annoyance and frustration come over her. She resisted the urge to simply chuck aside her gardening tools and tried to calm her breathing and her heart. She was rapidly losing the fight. She knew what had caused the whole mess and she knew what had started it all as well. Her name was Jean, and she was getting married; if one of her bridesmaids did not try to off her first. And it all began with the wedding party.

It had been assumed, being as they were very close friends, that Ororo would be Jean’s maid of honor. There really was never any question but Jean was still kind enough to ask. To which Ororo replied with a simple laugh and an expression of “you even need to ask” clearly written on her face. Things seemed to progress well enough from there. Betsy was asked if she wanted to be a bridesmaid and she readily agreed.

Scott of course asked Warren to be his best man. Friends though they might now be, Logan had no illusions of Scott needing him to fill that role. Hank was asked to fill in as a groomsman. Things seemed to begin going bad right at that point.

Up until this point, Jean had wanted to keep things simple. A small wedding party, a private wedding, an intimate reception and a quiet send off to their honeymoon. All things that were quickly and easily planned. But then something changed and suddenly that was not enough for Jean.

In a somewhat turbulent mood, Jean vehemently decided that a wedding party of only six was bad luck. So she insisted on Rogue as her second bridesmaid and Logan found himself asked to be the second groomsman; though he had never expected to play a role in the wedding in the first place.

Then things calmed down again when Scott agreed with Jean that Kurt perform the ceremony and the professor walk her down the aisle. The professor had been very touched by Jean’s query and wandered around the mansion with a small smile upon his face for the rest of the morning. With the wedding party formed, the priest and the father roles filled, it seemed that most of the major details were set and the only things left to do were the final refinements of the reception and the guest list.

Something Ororo was privately thankful for that. Despite the fact that she loved Jean dearly, she was nearing the point of doing the woman actual physical harm. For as long as Ororo could recall, when the subject of marriage had come up between them, it had been a given that each woman would stand for the other as their maid of honor. So, with that thought in mind, certain promises had been given by both women with respect to what they would ask of their wedding parties.

First off had been the dresses. After all, they had seen and heard many a horror story of some poor woman being stuck with an orange taffeta or pink chiffon bridesmaid dress that was not only abhorrent, but a veritable crime against nature as well. So they had both promised to be completely honest; and if they truly hated the dresses they were being made to wear, they would say so. The bride might not want to hear it but better she be told up front then find out in ten years when she discovered the dress lining the dog’s bed or something similar.

And Jean did keep her promise about the bridesmaid dresses after all. They were beautiful and simple, done in emerald green with gold trim. Definitely something Ororo could wear again or at the very least tolerate wearing once.

The second promise had to do with the behavior of the bride. Having seen women go completely nuts over planning their weddings and driving nearly everyone them insane, they had both been adamant that they would never, never turn into the shrewish indecisive women they would see in television and movies. And for the most part Jean had yet to stoop to that level of behavior; until two weeks ago.

Of course, Ororo expected that some part of those promises might be discarded as the big day loomed closer for whoever married first. It was human nature to become stressed over matters that were very close to one’s heart.

But ever since their return from the bayou, she seemed so emotional. At least twice now, Ororo had found Jean sitting in the library quietly crying while opening the RSVPs for the invitations. And it seemed that her emotional state was quickly growing turbulent. Once she wandered into the greenhouse to find Jean there, seemingly livid over the state of the flowers Ororo was growing for the bouquets. Worst of all had been her reaction to the tailor who came to fit her and the wedding party once more.

Ororo did not hear what was said between them, as she was not in the room. But she heard Jean’s response loud and clear as the red head began arguing with the man about material and some such. In a pique, she did something quite unlike her; she simply turned her back on him and walked out of the room, leaving the man to sputter angrily behind her as Ororo rushed forward to sooth his frayed nerves.

And that was the reason she had chosen to hide herself away in her greenhouse that very morning. Hoping that Jean would not find her for a while so she could find a way to ease some of the stress she had been feeling.

She looked up as the door opened and Jean’s head appeared in the doorway. Ororo sighed as Jean stepped into the greenhouse.

“Ororo, I’ve been looking for you.”

Ororo smiled, continuing to work as Jean approached her. “Really?” She looked up as Jean kneeled down next to her.


Ororo waited, but the silence stretched between them. She began to wonder just why Jean was looking for her and more importantly whether it had anything to do with the wedding. She looked at her friend, raising an eyebrow as she prompted her. “So, was there any reason you were looking for me, or were you just a bit lonely?”

Jean sighed softly, wringing her hands together. “I kind of wanted to talk to you.”

Ororo noticed the nervous gesture and felt her stress level rising once more at the mere idea of something making Jean nervous. She gave the woman her full attention, pulling off her gloves as she did so.

“Really, about what?” She saw a strange sparkle in Jean’s eye and sighed loudly. “Please tell me you have not changed some minor detail for the hundredth time. I love you Jean, but if you change your mind one more time about this wedding, I will be sorely pressed not to beat you senseless.”

Jean looked slightly chagrined at that. “I haven’t been that bad, have I?”

Ororo took a deep breath and pondered the question for only a moment before answering. In truth, she really had not been that bad; she had just not been herself. “No more than any other bride I am sure. But as your maid of honor, I must remind you that the sanity of your entire wedding party is at stake. Not to mention everyone else in close proximity to you.”

Jean laughed. “You make me sound like some sort of bridezilla.”

Ororo chuckled also and decided to be diplomatic rather than enflame Jean’s anger. “Hardly but it has been…interesting around here lately.”

Jean held up her hands, placating. “Well, to ease your mind, I haven’t changed anything minor.”

Ororo felt a bit of tension flow out of her at that. “I am wholly glad to hear that.”

Then Jean continued on. “Now something major, well that’s a different story.”

Ororo was unable to grab hold of her frustration. “Jean, I thought we had all of the major details settled. Surely it is a little late to be making drastic changes now.”

“Well this one was a bit of a surprise and completely unexpected.”

Ororo’s own temper rose to the surface. “What, did Kurt back out? Did the dress shop burn to the ground? Did you decide to have the damn thing in a church, what is it?”

Jean took a deep breath before responding. “I’m pregnant.”

Ororo was shocked into utter stillness. “What?”

Jean laughed slightly, a wide smile splitting her face. “I’m pregnant!”

Ororo reached out to hug her, her own smile stretching across her face as the news penetrated. “Truly? Oh Goddess this is wonderful news! Does Scott know?”

There was a sheen of unshed tears in her eyes as she nodded. “Yeah, I told him this morning.”

“Well, this does change a few things. No wild and crazy bachelorette party for you. How far along are you?”

“Hank thinks about 2 months. He’s set me up with an OBGYN friend of his to be sure. But it looks like we should be expecting our addition around February.”

Ororo gave a delighted squeal and hugged her again. “This is just wonderful. I am so happy for you both. Have you told Charles yet?”

Jean nodded. “I think he knew before I did. I swear nothing gets past him.”

Ororo laughed. “Not in this house at any rate. To think in a few months time we shall a little one here in the mansion. That will truly make this a home and all of us a family.”

“It will won’t it? Of course that will also make you an Aunt.”

Ororo paused for a moment, letting the word fill her with warmth. “Do you mean that?”

Jean was surprised by the statement. She reached out and grabbed Ororo’s hand in her own. “Ororo, you’re the closest thing I have to a sister. I want this child to look at you and everyone else here as a member of their family; even Logan.”

Ororo laughed at that and hugged Jean once more. “I am sure he cannot wait to hear that one Jean.” She stood, helping her friend up as well. “I cannot sit still after such wonderful news. I have an idea, let us go shopping, then maybe a relaxing beauty treatment or two, my treat. What do you say?” She wrapped an arm around Jean’s waist and led her out of the greenhouse.

“If you’re buying I am so there. Lead on Auntie Ororo.”

Again, the word filled her with a warmth she had always hoped for and never expected. “Goddess I love the sound of that. I cannot wait to tell Logan.”

While Ororo dragged Jean from the mansion for a relaxing and much deserved day of beauty and pampering, Logan and Scott sat on the back patio, simply staring out over the English gardens.

“Man, am I glad that Ororo took Jean out for the day.”

Logan chuckled as he lit a fresh cigar. “That sweet little red head drivin’ ya nuts Scooter?”

Scott shook his head, motioning for Logan to hand him a cigar. After a moment of hesitation, Logan did so.

“No, but her mood swings are.”

Logan laughed as he offered the taller man a light. “That’s what ya get fer knockin’ her up.”

Scott took a deep puff, and released it, the stress slowly leaving his body with the smoke. He looked at Logan, a slight frown marring his face. “Thanks for that crude reminder Logan.”

“Don’t mention it Scooter.”

The door behind them and Warren stepped out, taking a seat near Scott. “How’s it going out here mates?” He reached out and gave Scott a firm cuff on the shoulder. “Bets told me the good news. I hear congrats are in order.”

Logan chuckled again, offering Warren a cigar and a light. “Don’t thank him too fast, Jean’s turnin’ out to be just a little short in the fuse department.”

Warren shrugged, as he lit the cigar and then leaned back into his chair. “I hear that’s pretty common. Besides, Jean always was a bit of a feisty girl.”

Scott groaned slightly. “Don’t remind me, I swear she and Ororo could con you into anything.”

Warren chuckled. “Sad part of that is, when they were done, you’d think it was your own damned idea in the first place.”

Logan snorted loudly. “Yeah, I been on the receivin’ end of that a time or two.”

The annoyance in his voice caused both Scott and Warren to both laugh. Scott gave him a mock salute with his cigar as he ribbed the other man. “Yeah, we know. She’s shown us pictures.”

Warren was leaning back, watching the smoke from his cigar float slowly up into the air as he spoke. “I must say Logan, I never figured you for make-up.”

Logan snorted again, his expression hardening as he pointed at Warren. “Can it Warren, or I’ll sic Betsy on ya.”

For a split second, a look of fear flashed across Warren’s face before he managed to regain control himself.

Scott laughed aloud. “Got him running scared now.”

Warren shot him a disgusted look. “Funny, real funny. I’ll have you know, I’ve got a mind of my own ya know.”

Logan took a deep drag on his cigar and snorted as the smoke flowed out of his mouth. “Yeah, when Bets lets ya use it.”

Warren leaned forward. “Oh really boyo? And I suppose Ororo doesn’t have you whipped?”

“Not damned likely.”

Warren gave him a strange smile as he leaned back, the cigar hanging from his lips. “Time will tell, won’t it?”

They fell silent after that, each lost in their own thoughts as they simply sat there, enjoying the quiet and the cigar smoke. A vice which, often, the women of the mansion frowned upon. Scott was the first to break the silence.

“I’m going to be a father.”

Logan turned to look at him, waiting. Across from him, Warren did the same. “Ya scared?”

Scott turned to look at him. “Of being a father?” Logan nodded. Scott shrugged. “Not really. Never gave it much thought before.”

Warren took up the conversation. “But you’re thinking about it now mate.”

“Yeah.” He paused for a few minutes, taking another pull from his cigar.

“So what brought that on?”

“I’m just wondering if we’re doing the right thing? The world is such a damn mess right now. And we’re bringing a baby into all that.”

This time Warren snorted. “Shit Scott is that all? You’d think you’d worry about something real big, like changing diapers and midnight feedings. Or what the hell you’re gonna do when the cravings hit Jean and she sends you out at 3 a.m. for Chinese or something worse.” Scott laughed. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Knowing you two, that kid’ll be more than able to take care of themselves.”


Logan threw in his own two cents as well. “Yeah. And if not, well he’ll have plenty of family to go out kick some ass for him.”

Warren nodded. “Yeah mate, we take care of our own. Besides, if you start thinking like that, they win.”

Scott looked at both of them for several moments in silence. Then he simply nodded at them. “Thanks.”

“Anytime Cyke.” Logan stood up and walked towards the door of the mansion. “I don’t know ‘bout you two, but after that kinda soul searchin’, I could use a beer. Who’s comin’ with me?”

The other two stood as well, following Logan into the mansion. “Only if you promise not to make fun of what we’re drinking. Some of us don’t like to chew our beer.”

“Yeah well, the shit you two order ain’t beer. It’s more like the water they used to rinse out the kegs with. The two of ya ain’t got no taste.”

“Says the man who likes his steak so rare, it might as well still be mooing.”

“Pansy assed, that’s all ya are is a bunch of pansy assed pretty boys.” Logan mumbled as they walked out the front door, towards the garage. Scott and Warren trailed behind him.

They reached the garage door just as Warren let fly with a loaded question. “Hey Logan, speaking of new arrivals, when are you and Ororo going to grace us with one of your own?”

Logan stopped walking and turned, giving Warren a look that would have withered every plant in Ororo’s greenhouse. “That ain’t funny Warren.”

Scott nodded solemnly. “Yeah Warren, can you imagine, a miniature Logan running around here. Kid’d be hell on wheels.”

Warren pondered that for a moment and then he too nodded. “Good point. Listen Logan, in the interest of humanity do you think you could promise to never reproduce.”

Logan jerked the door to his jeep open as the others climbed in. He slammed it shut, an angered growl on his lips. “Funny guys, real funny.”

Later that night, long after Ororo and Jean had returned from their day of pampering and self indulgence and soon after the guys had returned from their foray into the realms of hops and barley, the mansion lay quiet and still as the residents settled down to sleep. Save all but two.

Ororo and Logan had climbed out the window of her loft room and scaled to the roof where they lay on a soft blanket, admiring the stars and the moon that shone brightly above them. What had begun as Logan simply pointing out a few constellations had turned into a rampant fascination for Ororo. And she quickly became adept at not only finding each constellation but could also recount for Logan many of the legends behind them.

He lay there on his back, with her head resting on his stomach as they both gazed upward, neither one speaking, just simply enjoying the peace and the contact between them. He fingered her hair absent mindedly as he let his thoughts roam.

Jean and Scott were having a baby and they were getting married. In an instant, the entire dynamic of the mansion and its residents changed. They were and always had been a family. But now, that family was changing, growing and they would have no choice but to change or be left behind. But given the challenges they’d all faced before, Logan had no concerns about their ability to do just that.

She sighed softly against him and he found himself smiling slightly. “Ya know, I’ve been thinkin’.”

She shifted, lifting her head and gazing up at him. “Really, does hearing about the impending arrival inspire you to thought?”

Knowing very well just what she assumed his thoughts might be, he decided to toy with her. He put a smirk on his face and leered at her. “No, but thinkin’ about how Jean ended up that way does.”

She chuckled as she rested her chin on his stomach. “I can just imagine what those thoughts are.”

He smiled at her, running his finger gently across her cheek. “I bet ya can’t.”

She smiled at him, running her hands up his stomach and across his chest as she slid up his body and held herself still above him, her lips inches from his. “I have quite the vivid imagination.”

He waggled his eyebrows at her, feeling her settle against him. “Don’t I know it.” He let his hands slide up her sides, watching her eyes darken with passion.

She touched her lips softly to his, her heart beginning to pound. “Do not let that stop you from sharing.”

He nuzzled her neck, fighting the urge to laugh aloud as he spoke once more. “How do ya feel ‘bout campin’?”

She stilled above him, looking down at him in surprise, the shock instantly killing her mood. “Camping?”

He ran his fingers through her hair. “Yeah, ya know, going out inta the wilderness, sleepin’ in a tent, hikin’, catchin’ fish and cookin’ what we catch. Any of that sound good to ya?”

She sighed, at both the sensation and the idea. “That sounds lovely. When do we leave?”

He shrugged. “A few days maybe. Soon as I can get the gear together and decide where we’re goin’”

“Did you have someplace special in mind?”

“Don’t know, is there somewhere ya’d like ta go?”

“You did once promise to take me into the wilds of Canada.”

“I did, didn’t I? So I guess that means we’re goin’ ta Canada.”

“Can we take someone with us?”

“Who’d ya have in mind darlin’?”

Logan nodded having wondered about the same thing himself. “Sounds good ta me. I’ll ask him in the mornin’.”

They left the next morning, telling Scott and Jean not only where they were going but how long they expected to be there and when they were going to return. Jimmy of course was thrilled at the idea of leaving the mansion and spending time with the two of them. He was ready in record time and even helped Logan pack the mini jet before they crunched themselves in and took off.

For two weeks, they roamed the Canadian wilderness, hiking, fishing, swimming and simply existing. Ororo and Logan enjoyed the return to nature, using the time to not only rekindle their ties to their baser selves, but also to deepen their relationship and bond.

Jimmy for his part took quickly to the life as a woodsman. The lessons Logan gave him were quickly absorbed and utilized by the young man. And he often disappeared into the woods for long periods of time by himself. But as he always took a locator and a compass with him, Logan and Ororo remained unconcerned; both of them simply glad to see Jimmy so at ease with both them and himself.

The two weeks passed in the blink of an eye for them and they found themselves returning to the mansion before they knew it. As Logan landed the jet in the hangar, he watched Ororo pause in mid motion, as if deep in thought. Recognizing the look, he waited patiently until she had finished communicating with Xavier or Jean.

After a few moments, she appeared to snap out of it and turned to Logan. “Charles has asked to speak with me.”

Logan gave her a quick kiss and nodded. “Jimmy and I’ll stow our gear. You just head on out ta see Chuck. Come find me when yer done.”

She smiled. “Deal tough guy.”

As Ororo walked towards Xavier’s study, she came upon Jean walking towards the hangar. She shot her friend a beaming smile and gave her an enthusiastic hug.

Jean smiled, looking closely at Ororo’s choice of clothing: jeans, flannel shirt and a pair of worn hiking boots. “Hey, you guys are back. How was the trip?” Jean looped her arm through Ororo’s and they continued to walk through the hall.

“Wonderful. I really enjoyed myself. I think we are going to have to do it again really soon.”

Jean shuddered next to her. “I don’t know how you could stand it. The bugs must have just been awful. And snakes and sleeping on the hard ground. It makes me cringe thinking about it.”

Ororo laughed. “You always were a city girl at heart Jean.”

Jean did not even deny it, simply nodding. “Don’t I know it.”

“So how have things been here?”

Jean sighed loudly as she and Ororo stopped walking. “Well, that’s why I came to find you. Charles said that he wanted to speak with you.”

Ororo nodded. “Yes, I know. It was rather strange but I sensed a great deal of apprehension and anxiety from him. Is everything all right?”

“Yes but we’ve had an unexpected guest arrive.”

There was confusion in her voice. “Unexpected?”

Jean sighed again. “Yes and maybe even a bit unwelcome too.”

Feeling a bit of exasperation at her friend, Ororo resisted the urge to shake Jean. “Jean, who is our guest?”

Jean reached out and took Ororo’s hands in her own, squeezing them tightly in her own. “Honey, I don’t know how to tell you this.”

“By the Goddess Jean just spit it out.”

“Forge is back.”
This story archived at http://