And Hell Follows with Him by Ogrenaught
Summary: Death comes for us all, but sometimes for different reasons
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Action, Angst
Warnings: Violence, Adult language
Series: None
Chapters: 8 Completed: No Word count: 26363 Read: 14064 Published: 07-10-07 Updated: 10-28-11
Dark is his path on the wings of the storm by Ogrenaught
Hear the Trumpets,Hear the Pipers
One Hundred million angels singing
Multitudes are marching to that big kettle drum
Voices call and voices crying
Some are born and some are dying
Its Alpha and Omega’sKingdom Come
Johnny Cash

Can you feel it Ororo

The smell of it

The taste

That chill at the back of your neck

That ever so slight whisper in your ear

I can see you

Do you feel me here?

Do you know I watch you all the time?

Do you know that I watch you as you quickly get into bed after you turn the lights out afraid that I am there underneath your bed?

And I am

I am waiting for you here

In the dark

Reaching out to pull you in

And swallow you up

I will always be here

Waiting for you……

Wanting you……

Come to me…..

Ororo snapped awake. Her breath was haggard, cold drops of sweat fell from her forehead, and her hand was gripped around the pillow against her chest so hard it ached.

“Shit” she whispered to herself and went into the kitchen; she poured a glass of water and drank it down quickly. She closed her eyes and breathed out a long breath. Those damn dreams kept coming to her more of late. It didn’t matter how deep of a sleep she entered, they were there to greet her as soon as she drifted off. It was so cold in the house, all the windows were closed and the heater was on, but she felt a dread chill wrap around her shoulders.

She walked into the den and took one of the small blankets on the couch and wrapped it around herself. She sat down and stretched out her arms and legs, trying to make the lingering feelings of the dream drift away.

She had taken a day off from the diner today. All of the business that Nate and Scott had been bringing in lately had allowed her to do so.

Nate had been the one to suggest that she should get some rest. She hadn’t stopped really since that incident at the diner.

Ororo didn’t want to stop though. It kept her busy, kept her mind from drifting to thoughts that she knew she shouldn’t

And of people she shouldn’t

Nate had to almost break a kneecap to keep her in bed this morning. He had stayed again last night. He came over they had dinner, a movie and then made love. She liked waking up to him in the morning. The sight of his large and muscular form gave her a much needed sense of security. When he had left for work, she felt so isolated,

She had gone to the diner for just a moment to finish up some cleaning. She just needed to get out for a while. She had felt better about herself until when she left she saw that police cruiser sitting parked across the street.

Essex was watching her.

She didn’t see him, but knew that it was in fact him

She could feel it

Like lying on an examination table, a cold metallic feeling crept up and down her body

She did her best to ignore it and made her way quickly through the alley and to her truck.

When she got home she took some medicine and tried to take a long nap.

“So much for that.” she said, turning the television on, and flipping through the channels

There was not much on that was for sure, average evening shows, and afternoon news.

She sluggishly switched from one channel to the next

An older man wearing a very fine suit and holding a large black bound book appeared on the next channel.

“And I say to you all’ He said. “Fear not those who walk in my Light, fore no Evil shall hinder your steps for those that follow my course so sayeth the Lord.”

Ororo didn’t turn the channel for a reason and turned the volume up a bit

“But to those who turn their back on the way of righteousness.” the preacher continued. “I say woe to you, for the time is coming, the stains of evil shall engulf this world and the Horseman will ride, and all the power of Hell shall follow them and Death Himself will walk among you reaping all as a farmer would his crops.”

A thunderous roar came to Ororo’s ears. She turned the TV off and went to the door.

Up the gravel road came a motorcycle bearing two riders, and her breath caught in her throat as she saw her sister on the back seat and the stranger in front.

Even from here she could see his eyes

Looking into her own.

The stranger stopped right at the foot of the steps. He eyes never left hers as Jubilee dismounted from the back.

“That was fucking awesome.” She said, while pulling her backpack over her shoulder. “If I promise to be your lifelong slave can I have this?”

The stranger only barely raised the side of his lip in a small grin.

Jubes sm8iled and suddenly took notice of her sister staring at the tow of them.

Jubilee had wrapped her shirt around her body so that Ororo would not notice the tears and small bruises that she had on her chest from Bobby. It was best that her sister be left in the dark about this evenings happenings.

She bound up to the steps and kissed Ororo on the cheek before turning back to the stranger.

“Thanks for the lift……” She paused waiting for an answer.

The stranger said nothing only slightly tipped his hat to her

“Strong silent type” She whispered to her sister as she went inside/” Taaaaake it”

Ororo said nothing back.

She studied the stranger a moment

The stranger?!?!? She thought to herself, Shit I still don’t know his name. God it was like being in a cheesy western

She did not know his name

She did not know a damn thing about him

Other than that look he gave, it made all the areas of her mind race and swarm

Despite how she was feeling she had to take into consideration that a total stranger had just driven up their house with her little sister in tow.

“Just who the hell are you and what were you doing with my sister.” Anger yep, that was the way to go, even if it was all for a show, anything to keep those eyes from burrowing any deeper into her soul

The stranger reached down and pulled out a pack of Camels.

He struck a match on the end of his thumb and lit it

He took in a few deep drags and let them out slowly

“Did you hear me?” Ororo snapped, coming down the steps to next to his bike. “I asked what the hell were you doing with my sister.”

“Heard ya fine darlin” He spoke back. “Just being a Good Samaritan is all.”

“Why was she with you?”

He shrugged/ “She had a argument with some kid outside of her school, he took off and she started walking, even in a small town like this not good for a girl to walk that far by herself/”

Ororo wasn’t convinced. “And what were you doing by the school?”

“Coffee” was his only reply

Ororo’s brow furrowed in confusion

“My favorite coffee place was closed today, had to get some at that little shop over by the school.” He was actually smiling at her now.

She felt the tremors in her legs jump to a six point five

“Oh” She couldn’t find any more words and the anger she was using as a shield just dissolved at the way his lips formed into that grin.

He threw the cigarette to the ground and stomped it out. “Feeling under the weather today?”

“No” she responded, looking away, “Just needed a day off is all.”

“Eventful past few weeks huh?”

She nodded, if he only knew

“Well thank you for bringing her home, let me get you some gas money at least.”

He waved that away. “Don’t worry bout it darlin.” He patted the one of his handlebars. “This beast runs off blood sweat and tears.”

“Please take it” She reached into her pocket and pulled out one of the twenties in there. She handed it to him.

He reached up and slowly but firmly, folded her fingers over the loose bill.

A power line didn’t have the spark that their touching did.

“Forget it” he whispered. His voice, even at a whisper had a thunder to it

He squeezed her hand a moment more before releasing.

A crow called off in the distance and the stranger turned his head to it.

He listened to the calls a moment longer before turning back to Ororo. “Guess I better be going/”

He went to kick start his bike but she stopped him from doing so.

“Wait, what’s your name.”

His name

He almost laughed at that

“Do you really need to know?” He asked seriously

Oh God if I don’t find out I will fucking scream


He sat in thought a moment

As if he were trying to remember

“Logan” He pulled the hat on his head up a bit. “You can call me Logan.”

He started the bike and left

Ororo stood there a while, rolling that name off her tongue and tasting how sweet it sounded.

Arkham Heights

Clint Barton sat in a finely furnished office, taking a few shots of whiskey, and waiting for Boss Fisk to show up.

The little prick had no punctuality. You just didn’t leave one of your best hitters sitting around with his thumb jammed up his ass/

McManus sat in a chair across from him, twirling a small knife on the tabletop. The crazy bastard had been quiet of late. That made Barton’s skin crawl

Essex and a couple of his deputies were there too. One of them a tall and overweight man named Dukes or something like that, the other a heavily built man with a worn face. The name on his uniform read Gargen

Fucking Po-dumps

In the corner of the office was a few of Fisk’s guys

The large frame of Creed was unmistakable. Fisk had wanted Creed with him when his father assigned him to this little piece of nowhere. That walking tree trunk was a poster boy for steroids.

There were a few other faces Barton recognized. The majority were just hired muscle without a brain between them. Lonnie “Tombstone” Lincoln was there, last Barton had heard of him, the Guilimornia Family had a hit on that sick fuck for what he did to a bunch of wise guys with a piece of barb wire and a salad fork

A few others of no real reputation.

All except Russo

Billy “The Beau” Russo

Consigliere of the Fisk organization

And the fucking nurse maid to Richard

He stood slightly away form the others of his group, wearing a finely bade suit with a cigar smoldering in an ashtray beside him. He had barely said two words to either Barton or McManus/

The guy was smart and no one could ever deny that

He knew what it meant bringing in a pair of hitters like these.

Richard Fisk wanted something done

And he wanted it done bloody

The door to the study opened and Fisk walked in wearing a white evening robe with a glass half filled with bourbon

He was a young man. Average build and of fair complexion. He wore his blond hair in shoulder length and usually well combed. He would be called a handsome man by most, but Barton had to admit right now the guy looked like a pile of hammered shit

The drugs and stress were finally starting to show on the kid. It really was a damn shame when Barton thought about it. The kid had real potential in this line of work. He was damn smart and savvy, had a great mind to make money.

And he was vicious

And that was a strong word coming from Clint Barton

Barton knew exactly the kind of killer he saw himself as

Sure the money was good and he would sure as hell never turn down a fat paycheck.

But all in all he just liked the killing

Really just LIKED it

And the Fisk family was always more than happy to keep his dark little fetish satisfied

The things he had been asked to do for Richard Fisk in the past though…..

Shit, it sometimes bothered him how cold and merciless the little prick could be

Fisk sat down at his desk, poured another cup full of booze before addressing his guests.

“Welcome Gentlemen” He said half heartedly. “I hope your trip was well, but in all honestly I really couldn’t give a fuck.”

McManus laughed a bit under his breath, Barton said nothing

“As you know I have a problem in my little rat hole of a town” He took a pair of photographs that Russo had sitting beside him. “A few days ago, a couple of men under my employ went missing and the merchandise they were carrying is gone.”

“How do you know they just didn’t fuck ya and cut and run?” McManus asked, not bothering to hide the humor in his voice

Barton absently shook his head. The dumb fuck would have been dead a long time ago if he weren’t such an effective hitter.

“I have faith in my employees Mr. McManus.” Fisk answered, knowing that Lester “Bullseye” McManus was just being his normal sociopath self/ “Not out of loyalty. But because they know what I do to pieces of shit who don’t deliver when they are supposed to.”

He handed the photographs to Creed. The large man took them and handed them over to the two professionals.

They were pictures of an alleyway. There were no body’s only bloodstains on the brick walls.

“This is where they were last known to be.” Fisk added

“No corpses?” Barton asked

Essex shook his head. “Other than that blood not a single fucking thing, even their vehicle was gone”

“They lay low?” Barton asked

Essex snorted and looked over at Fisk

“Not as well as I had would have liked>“Fisk answered. He took another photo out and handed it to Creed. “They assaulted a pair of women at a local greasy spoon.”

McManus whistled at the picture of Ororo he was handed. “Now that is a piece of ass right there man.”

Barton took the picture and had to agree. “So you think this little lady whacked out your guys and took their stash.”
“Hardly” Fisk said. “Marco and Laughlin didn’t have the self restraint or common sense that God gave a bag of hammers, but they were capable men.”

“So no leads?”

Fisk cleared his throat. “Sherriff.”

Essex pulled out yet another photo. “Tire marks in front of the diner where the woman works” He set it down on the table for McManus and Barton to see. “Somebody came calling, but not a fucking clue as to whom>“

“There is someone new passing through from the word around town.” He continued. “A drifter, short stocky guy, rides an older model hog, One of my deputies just caught a glimpse of him in a bar the other night with the Munroe woman, and from her report it was this guy who beat the hell out of our missing colleagues.”

Barton nodded his head. “So we go shake down this bitch for info?”

Essex didn’t like the sound of that. “She doesn’t know anything; she hasn’t been here long either.”

“Just makes her more suspicious doesn’t it.” Barton retorted

“You go and rough her up and I have to clean up the mess” Essex grounded out. “And when I just string her along, what happens when she goes to the state cops, there’s only so much shit I can shovel.”

“Who said we would rough her up?” McManus said looking up from the blade he had been twirling on the desk. “We would probably show her the time of her life.”

Barton mirrored the sadistic grin McManus was beaming to Essex.

The sheriff felt the blood thunder in his ears. These sick fucks would not be going anywhere near Ororo. If anybody around here was going to break her in it would be him

“Don’t fuck with me on this Barton” Essex hissed out. “Remember who the law is around here”

Barton stood up and got nose to nose with the sheriff. “Do I look like law abiding citizen of the year to you Po-dump?”

“ENOUGH” Fisk shouted “You two assholes put your dicks back in your pants and put the measuring tape away”

They stood facing each other a second longer before each returned to his own corner. Essex shot a look to Barton that promised this wasn’t finished

“Essex is right Barton” Fisk continued after both men had calmed a bit. “The last thing I need is State here fucking up my schedules anymore than they already are, but I need information on this little sawed off prick that’s running around town and so far the only one who seems to know anything about him is this Munroe bitch so I want her tailed.”

“Wait a damn minute my men….” Essex tried to say but Fisk cut him off

“Are not worth the meat bags they call a body.” Fisk interrupted. “I want this done professionally, follow this woman, see what she knows, and after you find this fuck kill him and her, whether she knows anything or not.”

“For fuck sake…” Essex shouted

“No loose ends” Fisk hissed. “I want my merchandise found, and this whole shit pile cleaned up do you follow me?”

Barton and McManus both nodded rose and left.

Fisk turned to Creed and Lincoln. “Keep an eye on those two; make sure they keep their minds in the right head.”

The two large men nodded and left

Russo whispered something into Fisk’s ear and he nodded. He stood up and made to leave.

“Get in contact with my buyers.” He said to Essex at the door. “Tell them they will have their shipment before the week is out.”

Essex burned holes into Fisk’s back as he left

“Who do these City fucks think they dealing with?” Gargen spit out

“This is our town right boss?” Dukes asked

Essex breathed in a deep breath and clamed his nerves. “Get Toynbee to talk to Fisk’s dealer, let him know what needs to be done, Dukes you and Ruckus put a watch near Munroe’s house, and tell Raven to get the boys together tomorrow night, we got things to discuss.”

The two deputies nodded and followed behind Essex as they left.

The Miskatonic Overlook
A lone figure lounged against a large rock high up in the cliffs.

His large formed draped lazily over the sharp edges of the broken boulder.

His deep colored eyes looked over the town with a malicious amusement.

A scorpion crawled onto his arm and made its way up the sleeve of his black colored jacket.

He looked down and smiled.

He grabbed it by the tail and hoisted the squirming thing up to eye level

He snorted a laugh at the little creatures dangling

He stuck his tongue out and let the dangerous stinger rest on the tip.

He squeezed


Small drops of venom oozed out and fell onto the end of the figures large and cracked tongue.

He closed his eyes and relished the taste before biting the tail off and crunching it loudly between his teeth.

He swallowed it down quickly and then threw the rest in.

A few loud wet crunches and then he swallowed again, He almost moaned with the satisfaction. He reached into his mouth and pried out one of the pinchers which were wedged between a pair of his strange and misshapen teeth. He pulled it out looked at it a moment and began using it as a toothpick to get the smaller pieces of carapace out from his back teeth.

When he was done he tossed it aside and stood up. He was large and very tall; He easily reached the seven foot marker. A large black trench coat hung down to the black leather boots he wore. He reached down and grabbed a black leather ranch hat and placed it atop his head.

A strange and familiar wind caught him just right, and he smiled at the scent it carried.

“Hello Logan.” he whispered ever so quietly. “Nice to see you again.”

He laughed as he turned and walked away into the dense forest that lay around the cliffs.
He disappeared into the thick brush and the stones of the mountains seemed to breathe sigh of relief at his parting.

Highway 41


That was a name he had not heard in a long time

A long time

He had told her

Did he know why?

Did he have a reason to?


He just had

Mysterious ways He thought to himself and scoffed

He decided to put it away in the back of his mind

Things were in motion now

There was work to be done

He knew HE was here now. He could smell him on a coming eastern wind.

The players were getting in place.

The golgus were out in full force now.

Everywhere he looked he saw the little bastards sneering and screaming at him.

There were thousands of them in the town now

Tens of thousands

Things were about to get bloody that was for sure

He had wondered if Madelyn had made her move yet.

Probably not. The bitch was as meticulous as she was cruel

She would probably start with a different one before moving her way up the the prize

The stench of the Taint hung around so many here.

She could choose anyone of them as a puppet to get what she and hers wanted

Logan knew it would just be one more obstacle he would have to see too, just one more job to take care of

He hadn’t seen much of Warren and Jean

For that he was glad

He caught only a glimpse of Warren earlier that morning.

He had been perched high on a Cliffside near the Miskatonic, squatting down with his head bowed and his hands together.

He had started his part and wherever Jean was Logan was sure she was doing the same.

The last player had arrived later in the evening at dusk. Logan had caught that all too familiar scent.

Romulus had come

And he had brought friends.

Logan gunned his engine down the long highway and prepared himself for what he must do.

Essex’ home

Fucking little bastard shit asshole cocksucker

Needless to say the sheriff was not happy. He knew Fisk was a bastard n all but he was taking away what he felt was his job and giving it to a pair of trigger happy psychopaths.

He slammed his badge and gun belt on the table and kicked off his boots. He needed a release.

He opened the always locked room in the back of his house and stepped in

The things and pictures that hung on the walls I don’t have the heart or the stomach to say, but perverse was too subtle of a word to describe them

He stripped naked and sat in the lone chair in the middle of the room. He took the picture of Ororo he had taken one day off of the table and looked at it longingly.

He wanted her

She was his, to do with as she pleased

Nobody else was going to get her but him


He reached over and took the small surgical scalpel from the neat and organized table and ran a crimson line down his forearm to his elbow,

He smeared his hand in the blood and began rubbing at his exposed crotch.

The burning sensation of his arm and the slickness of his hand turned him on instantly. He gripped the picture and himself harder as he began moving his hand.

Damn it felt good

But it wasn’t enough

He wanted more

He wanted it to be Ororo’s blood

He wanted it to be her hand, her body.

He would give anything for it

“My my” a low and sultry voice said.

Essex jumped up with scalpel in hand.

A tall red headed woman stood in the corer of his playroom.

“That maybe the most delicious thing I have seen in a long time” She said motioning to his still hard and crimson soaked erection

“Who the fuck are you and how did you get in here.” Essex shouted. The front door was locked as was the door to this room, He had never seen this woman around town, and he had to admit he would defiantly remember one like this.

She laughed and took a step forward. The sheer outfit she wore left little to the imagination.

She was gorgeous.

“Oh Darling I am all of your dreams come true.”

Essex was still angry but that look in those deep green eyes held him firm. He couldn’t even move if he wanted to

Madelyn smiled when she knew that she had made the right choice.

“You want this woman don’t you Nathan? You want Ororo.” She purred

Essex couldn’t find the words. That look in her eyes, that sound of her voice, the way her lips parted with every word, and the movements of that amazing body.

He barely had the mind activity to nod yes

She walked over to him and took the hand that still held the blood stained scalpel and ran it down lightly over her shoulder. The wound bleed a deep, deep red.

“I can make it happen” She whispered into his ear. “Do you want that?”

“Yes” He weakly responded.

She smiled and dropped the clothing form her body. “Drink of me Nathan, and take me as you would her and I will see all your darkest fantasies come true,’
Essex bent down and lapped up the blood on her shoulder as a rabid dog might

They laid and bed and as he entered her, he felt a level of pleasure and pain that was unfamiliar to the race of man.

As he pumped faster and faster into her she smiled knowing her first victory was in place

Bishop takes Knight Logan She thought. Your move
This story archived at http://