Tabula Rasa by Pari
Summary: An accident leaves everyone to start over...
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Completed: No Word count: 16892 Read: 24452 Published: 10-16-03 Updated: 04-30-10
In the Beginning... by Pari
10:45 am

Bright lights blinding, hurting the eyes, voices unclear and an unfamiliar abyss.

“…we have to stabilize…Order a cat scan…”

“…family’s outside…”

“…Can you hear…squeeze my hand…”

Darkness embraces, soothing, welcoming, utter peace and clarity; an abyss.

“What happened, I don’t understand.” One of the young students cried hugging her shoulders as another girl came up and embraced her. The waiting room housed the ten students who had been on the field trip that was just supposed to be an outing to the museum. Some nurses check them over, treating the ones with wounds.

“Did someone call the school?” A boy asked.

“Ah did…they’re on their way here.” Rogue spoke out calmly and she placed a bandage over her classmates’ eye. “There ya go, Jubes. Ah don’t think it’ll scar.” She added putting on a brave face.

“Is…will,” Bobby struggled to find the words. “There was so much blood.”

“It’s gonna be all right, we X-Men are tough. This aint nothing.” Rogue came and stood before him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

“Yeah,” He agreed nodding trying to find strength in the words, but failing as his brow burrow in anger and confusion. “But there was so much blood.” He repeated and Rogue was at a loss for words, for there had been a lot of blood. They had learned from their ‘life saving’ classes with Jean that a head wound would bleed a lot, but none of them had been prepared for what they had just witnessed.

The nearly dead silence that filled the hall and waiting area was soon interrupted as the ER examining room doors burst open and the Doctors, nurses and patient all rushed out, and down the hall.

“What’s going on, what’s happening?” a frightened Jubilee screamed and she yanked at her hair in frustration and helplessness.

“Ma’am, what’s wrong?” Rogue managed to snag one of the nurses as she raced by.

“We have to get to the OR, Sweetie to stop the bleeding. Don’t worry you’ll get word as soon as it’s over.” With that the nurse raced on towards the elevators.


He was planning on enjoying this day, a day all to himself, all the brats were gone, on three different field trips, supervised by all the adults in the house, all except him. So he had the place to himself for a few hours and he was gonna make the most of it. He had just settled back with his beer in front of the TV, readying to watch a hockey game when the phone rang. With a growl and a mumbled curse he got up to answer to be bombarded with a frantic voice. “What? Rogue darlin yer gonna have ta stop cryin, and slow down I can’t understand ya. Yer where…I’m on my way.” Earlier plans forgotten Logan raced from the mansion heading for the hospital.

10:50 am

He entered the emergency door not stopping to ask where they were, his nose had already told him so he made his way to where it led, down the hall and to the left. He moved back a bit just in time to avoid being ran over by the crew rushing by with what looked to be, in his opinion, and lost cause. He shook his head a bit as his nostrils became overwhelmed with the smell of blood, and something familiar that he couldn’t place. He moved on down the hall and to the waiting area.

“Logan!” Kitty exclaimed causing everyone to look up and then rush to where the confused man now stood. They all began to speak out trying to tell what happened and most failing to do it clearly through their crying.

“Whoa, I think we need a spokesperson here, Bobby, fill me in.”

9:00 am

“Alright every one take a seat so I can get a head count, we do not wish to leave anyone behind.”

“That maybe your wish…” Bobby mumbled invoking giggled from everyone except a stern face stared back at him from the middle of the isle.

“If you desire to stay here that is fine by me, I believe Logan is staying behind, you are welcome to keep him company.” She said arching her brow and smiling at the sour looks that cross the student’s faces.

“No thanks, ah’m still sore from last week’s training session, and I know that’s what he’ll have us doin if we stay and make him have ta miss his hockey game.” Rogue commented from her seat.

“Great, then off we go, Bobby would you care to make use of that new driver’s license you just acquired?” She asked trying not to laugh at his happy child-like expression to her question.

“Heck yeah, for real?” He asked as he quickly jumped from his seat and moved to the front of the van. She dangled the keys out to him and he happily snatched them and took the driver’s seat.

“And do mind the speed limit.” She said as she took her seat, sitting sideway as so she could face the student as she discussed their itinerary to the day.

9:37 am

“Shake ya fass, watch ya self, shake ya fass, show me watcha working wit…” The students sang along with the song that Bobby was blasting over the radio.

“Hang on guys, getting over and on to the ramp.” Bobby stated using his side mirror to guide him.

“Bobby watch out for your blind spot.”

“What…whoa…” He gasped as he jerked the wheel back, narrowly missing the car that was right beside him. The van veered to the right and skid and he fought to regain control. The students in the back screamed in a panic as the van shot across lanes, nearly hitting oncoming traffic, before running off the road and towards a wooded area.

10:58 am

“At first I thought she was rushing up to help me, try to regain control, but then…I don’t know the airbag was coming out and it all happened so fast…and God I’m so sorry.” He said as tears fell from his eyes. Logan listened with clenched jaws. “After we all got out of the van and made sure no one was seriously hurt, we realized she was missing so a couple of us walked off, looking for her, calling her name, while the others made their way back up to the road to flag down help. I don’t know why I thought this, but for a second I figured she was already up to the road getting us help, cause we walked and walked and we hadn’t found her and we were a ways from the van and there was no way she…” He paused and squeezed his eyes shut to the image that his mind had re-invoked. “She was laying face down, she must have hit something, I mean besides the windshield, cause there was a lot of blood. So I took off my jacket and placed it against her head, you know to apply pressure, but it just kept gushing out, it just kept gushing.” He repeated as he stared down at his hands, which were caked with dried blood. Logan regarded the boy for a moment, feeling pity for what he knew was going to be a hard dealing for him, he then turned to Jubilee who stood beside him, clinging to his arm.

“Hey Jubes, take Bobby and see if ya can get a nurse or somebody ta clean him up a bit, ok?” She simply nodded and she moved to Bobby steering him towards the nurse’s station. He then focused his attention to Rogue. “Which room is she in?”

“She was in there.” Rogue turned and pointed to the open room, whose floor was covered with blood. “But they just rushed her up to the OR, they said that she was bleedin, like we couldn’t tell that already.” She said hugging her self a bit. Logan stared out towards where he had come in and that unfamiliar smell suddenly struck him, it was Sandalwood, what he referred to as ‘Ro’s smell’.

“Shit.” He silent cursed.

1:32 pm

The others had finally arrived and now the waiting room was filled with frightened and anxious bodies, awaiting word.

“Did you see her?” Scott asked as he paused in his pacing long enough to turn to Logan, who sat seemingly calm, though his mind flooded with flashes of what could have happened if he had decided to take her up on her offer to go.

“Fer a sec, but…I didn’t know it was her.” He said and Scott, and the other three adults turned to stare at him.

“What do you mean you didn’t know it was her?” Scott questioned.

“There was a lot of blood, a lot and she was swollen, I caught her scent but it was overshadowed by the smell of blood, that I didn’t connect it as hers until…later.”

“Oh God, it’s that bad?” Jean gasped as she buried her face against the Professor’s shoulder, as he gently stroked her hair.

“Yeah, it’s bad.” Logan said as he stood and began to walk out.

“Where are you are going?” Scott called after him.

“To the scene, ta see just how bad it was.” He said over his shoulder as he rounded a corner.

2:00 pm

He sat waiting patiently as the last of the crime scene officers surveyed the accident area. Once they had finally packed up and left he headed down, using all his senses to help him in his search for answers. When he sniffed the air he immediately caught a faint scent of Vanilla and Coconuts, and he knew it belonged to Ororo. He followed his nose and it lead him 20 ft. from where the van had crashed landed against a tree. As he scanned the surroundings trying to remember why the scent was one he had registered as Ororo, and then he stumbled upon the answer, just a few feet from where he stood he noticed a small boulder on the ground that was covered with blood and the item that made Logan recall the scent. It was the scent of Ororo’s shampoo, and he kneeled over the boulder and ran his fingers over the larger patch of white hair that was matted to the rock.

“Damn.” He whispered.

6:45 pm

They had all been waiting hours and everyone was growing more agitated by the second, Logan more so than anyone, upon his arrival back at the hospital he had been silent, not speaking of what he had found, not wanting to upset the others more. But he was on pins and needles awaiting the word he was sure was coming, he was sure there was no way Ororo could survive the trauma he was sure she had endured. As if on que a doctor and several nurses walked out of the OR and the hall towards the waiting room, jean was the first to spot them and immediately stood with Scott bolting up after her, followed by all the students, who had all stayed to get word on their favorite teacher’s condition.

“Doctor, how is she?” Jean questioned.

“Ah, Dr. Grey, it’s nice to see you again I wish it were under better circumstances.”

“Yes me too, were you able to stop the bleeding?” Jean asked going into full doctor mode.

“Yes we were your friend had a bad skull fracture as well as a Epidural hematoma. It took so long simply because we had to virtually piece her skull back together, it was like a puzzle with tiny pieces.” The doctor explained.

“So how is she, will she be ok?” Logan barked out not caring for the medical terms they were spitting out.

“I honestly don’t know, only time can tell. To be honest I was surprised she survived the surgery, now it will be touch and go, the next twenty-four hours will tell a lot, but I have to tell you, you should prepare for the worst, notify her family…”

“We are her family,” Logan remarked.

“Then maybe get a priest…” The doctor added causing sobs to fill the room and a low growl courtesy of Logan.

“Ro’s a fighter, she’ll pull through if she made it through tha surgery she’s gonna pulll through it all.”

“Can we see her?” Jean asked hopefully.

“Yes, she should be up in ICU in about twenty minutes, but I don’t think they should,” The doctor nodded to the tired and frightened faces of the students that filled the room. The Professor nodded in agreement.

“I will take the students home,” He finally spoke.

“Don’t you want to see Ororo?” Scott asked, stunned that he would leave without seeing her.

“I am linked to her now, reassuring her.” The Professor said.

“Has she responded, I have been trying but…” Jean asked but the Professor shook his head no.

“No I get no reply from her, but I still want to let her know we are here that she is not alone.” He replied.

7:15 pm

They stood outside the ICU room, not making an attempt to enter it. Jean took a deep breath, conjuring up the courage, before turning the knob on the door. The second her eyes fell on the still form laying in the bed, hooked up to many tubes and machines, Jean nearly crumbled to the floor as she gripped at the door frame to keep herself up right. Scott moved past her, staring in disbelief.

“That’s not her.” Scott said as he looked from the bed back to where Jean and Logan stood just in the doorway. “They’ve made a mistake, that’s not Ororo.”

“Yeah, it is.” Logan mumbled as he stared at the unconscious women.

“No,” Scott said shaking his head. “Ororo’s not that dark or fat…”

“She’s swollen, flying 20 ft. and smacking head first into a big rock will do that to you.” Logan spoke in a harsh tone his words caused Jean to clutch her chest.

“Oh God, Roro,” She called out as she moved to the bed and gently grasped her friend’s hand. Logan and Scott also gathered about the bed, standing silently as Jean softly spoke words of comfort to Ororo.

“What do we do?” Scott asked looking directly to Logan for the answer, but got none.

Two Weeks

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Scott asked as he stood outside the med lab.

“We are better equipped to take care of her here, Scott, you know that. Between Hank and I Ororo will have the best chance to recover from this.” Jean spoke as she moved about the room making sure everything was setup correctly as they awaited Logan and Hank’s return from the hospital with Ororo.

“I don’t know I guess…I just pictured Ororo’s homecoming differently.” He said sighing heavily.

“We all did baby,” She said as she moved to him reaching out to stroke his cheek. “But at least she’ll be home and surrounded by people who love her.”

Six Weeks
12:15 am

“How long has he been in here?” Jean asked as she entered the med lab to take over watch while Her colleague, Dr. Henry ‘Hank McCoy got some rest.

“Since lunch time.” Hank replied with a heavy sigh as they watched the man sitting beside Ororo’s bed. “Goodnight Jean.”

“Goodnight Hank and thank you.”

“No need, though I did not know her as well as I would have liked, what I did know of her from our brief encounters, I liked and I considered Ororo a friend too.” He spoke smiling and then looked back at the bed holding the woman he wished he could have known better, before he left. Jean turned her attention to the man sitting deathly still in the chair beside the bed, she stood watching until he turned and looked directly at her, sending a shiver through her, it always freaked her out, how he always seemed to know she’s watching him even when she’s trying to hide. Having been caught she moved into the room, going about checking Ororo’s vitals. Logan didn’t regard her with his usual smile or snide comments of flirting. It was Jean who spoke first.

“It’s late Logan, you should go try and get some sleep, I will be here all night and I will call you if there’s any change.”

“I’m fine.” He said never looking up at her. She sighed and nodded her hair before turning to leave. “It’s growing back. He said and Jean turned to him with a look of confusion over her face.


“Her hair thought it would take longer, considering how it came out.” He said cringing a bit, remembering the day he found a clump of Ororo’s hair and scalp on a rock.

“I guess when she wakes she’ll have you to thank, we were able to graph the piece of her scalp that you found, and in effect saved it. He hair should grow fine as it always has.” Jean said as she reached out and stroked a soft lock of Ororo’s hair. “Swelling going down too, did you notice?” Jean asked referring to Ororo face and head, which had been so swollen that she was unrecognizable.

“Yeah, she looks good, now she jus needs ta wake up.”

“Yes it would be nice if she would.” Jean spoke as she brushed her fingers across Ororo’s cheek. “I’ve got some paper work to go over, I’ll check in on you two later.” She said as she walked out.
4:06 am

His dream was filled with guilt and was always the same; they were under attack by Magneto. Ororo hanging on the edge of some cliffs and before he could reach her, she falls. He awoke with a start and a growl on his lips and his sense stood on alert and his eyes scanned the room for any threat. His eyes then settled on the only other person in the room and found that she lay still same as she had before fell asleep, except now she was staring directly at him.
This story archived at http://