Silk and Smoke by NikNak
Summary: In an AU, Ororo Munroe is being dragged back home to her dysfunctional family by her father's bodygaurd. She knows she should be careful but she can't resist poking and prodding a Wolverine. Soon enough, some animals strike back....
Categories: General Characters: None
Genres: Romance, Angst
Warnings: Adult language, Sexual Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 12763 Read: 8779 Published: 03-03-08 Updated: 04-24-08

1. Search and Return by NikNak

2. Tension by NikNak

3. Siblings by NikNak

4. Complications Arise by NikNak

Search and Return by NikNak
The man known to others only as Logan, leaned against the bar as the bartender left a bottle of Jack Daniels behind. He contemplated only taking a few shots but decided he’d just drink it all any way. Hell, he could definitely afford it now with all the money that had been thrown his way once he’d started his new job of playing body guard for an American Ambassador months before.

He looked at the empty shot glass and read the logo on it, Silk and Smoke. It was the name of the strip club, or rather the gentlemen’s club that he was now sitting in.

These types of joints didn’t do him much good, because he had someone he called when he got lonely or needed to get off. No, this place was his assignment and it had been for the last month and a half. The staff at the place had started calling him a regular even though he barely ever spent money on the exotic dancers, and even then he only tried to pry information out of them.

The women only danced. They never spoke. The only sound in the room was the soft music that they moved gyrated to, which left Logan feeling frustrated only with the assignment and not sexually. The strippers did nothing for him.

He picked up the fifth of Jack and poured a shot.

Tossing it back he thought back to the day, Charles Xavier had asked him to do this assignment.

He’d just come back from working out in the gym and had showered when Scott Summers, Xavier’s adopted son had knocked on his door. The two of them had never gotten along, because Scott felt there were other men who could do the job his father had hired Logan for. For some reason, it unnerved Scott that Logan barely ever smiled, and the fact that he had history as some sort of assassin.

“My father wishes to speak with you, Logan.”

Logan had taken the younger man in, his cold steely gray eyes twinkling. Logan hated the other man for the simple reason that Scott always had on those stupid ass ruby Oakley shades, even when inside of the house. That day, he hadn’t been wearing them, allowing for Logan to take in the other man’s hazel eyes. “About what?” It was simple and short. He considered himself a man of few words.

“I don’t know, Logan. That’s why he pays you for these things.” Scott had walked away, probable to see that cute piece of ass he was seeing, Emma Frost.

“Dick,” Logan had growled out before slamming the door closed behind him to go and see what in the hell Charles Xavier could want now. The man might be in a wheel chair, but he was a demanding bastard who wanted things done his way, which Logan didn’t mind so much as long as he was paid for his services.

Logan was quiet as he set in Xavier’s study and listened to the man drone on and on about roses. Charles Xavier was also a rambling idiot, Logan thought, when he wasn’t getting down to business. However, he abruptly stopped his speech on how roses needed to be taken care of and loved when he began to gasp for breath and his face contorted in pain.

Instantly, Logan knew Charles was having a heart attack. He helped the old man to the floor before calling 911 and yelling for help.

Logan cradled the man’s head, and tried to get him to save his strength but he wouldn’t shut up. “The assignment, Logan. It’s on my desk, sealed in an envelope. Everything you need is in the envelope.”

Another shot of Jack Daniels made its way down his throat as he turned to see a woman sidle up to him. Her dark auburn hair was pulled up into a French twist and she had on a business suit. She definitely didn’t seem to belong in this club. She seemed way above the place and she defiantly wanted Logan’s attention.

“Hello,” she said it politely enough as she climbed up onto the bar stool next to him.

Logan gave her another glance over and checked out her rack. He’d always been a boob man and she had one of the nicest set of tits he’d seen in a while. They were real and he could always tell just by the way a woman set if they were real or not.

“Whatever, you’re selling lady, I ain’t buying.” His tone was harsh but the woman laughed anyway and stuck out her hand.

“My name’s Jean Grey. I’m the owner of Silk and Smoke. And you are?”

He suppressed a growl and managed to bite out, “Logan.” He shook her hand gently because she seemed like the type who only wanted gentility out of a man. Roughness would not do for her. Logan smirked because rough was the only way he did things and that included women.

Her eyes twinkled. “No last name, Logan?”

He always got this shit. Sometimes he just didn’t wanna give his fucking last name. He knocked another shot back. “Just. Logan.” He bit the words out and Jean Grey seemed to find that even funnier. He held back a growl because it was something about being laughed at that didn’t make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Jean looked the man over taking in his appearance. He was probable taller than her and he had the eyes of well…someone who had probable killed before. For the last month or so, he’d been hanging around her place and she wanted to know why. She had an idea as to what his reasons were but she wanted to hear them from his lips alone. She flashed him another smile. “Well then, Logan, would you mind if you came with me.”

He whirled on her, his face betraying nothing. “What the fuck do you want lady? I ain’t in the mood.”

Jean smirked at his gruffness. “And neither am I. I honestly just wanted to talk to you about why everyday you’ve been in my bar. In all fairness, you’re starting to scare my staff.”

He cocked an eyebrow. So this was her joint, huh? You could have knocked him over with a feather at that moment. Logan stood then and latched onto the bottle of Jack Daniels that was still sitting on the bar. “Mind if I bring this?”

Jean shook her head. “I do mind.” She turned away from him then, her heels clicking into the floor and he watched her go before taking another shot and following.

The bartenders watched the two of them leave and relief washed over them. They honest to God were afraid of the feral looking man who always seemed to be in the worst fucking mood and they always seemed to have his ass on their shift.

Logan watched the careful sway of Jean’s hip and defiantly decided that he wouldn’t mind tapping that, but only if he could do it rough. He didn’t like to hear women screaming because it hurt with the way he was fucking them.


That was defiantly the word that described Jean. The woman probable hadn’t done one kinky thing in her life except running this damn strip joint.

Logan closed the door behind him and looked the place over. It was a large back room office, plenty of space and a desk behind which Jean Grey sat.

“So, as I said before, Logan, I want to know why you’re here.”

He chuckled. “I’m just enjoying spending my money in your place, lady.” He reached around inside of his leather jacket and found what he was looking for. A cigar. “You mind?”

“I do.” She sure as hell minded a lot about what he did. Instead of denying her wishes, he stuck the cigar between his lips and chewed the end mindfully.

“So darlin, I’ve got the feelin you could help me with my problem.” He watched as she raised a coopery brow before leaning forward, interested. He was a mystery, and if Jean enjoyed nothing else in life, she loved a good mystery. “I’m looking for someone. A woman.”


Ororo Munroe walked into the club known as Silk and Smoke with a duffle bag slung over her arm, and made her way to the bar. Victor Creed, or Vic as Ororo called him was standing by the bar having a drink when she finally approached.

“Hey,” she smiled good naturedly and he gave an appreciative roam over her body. The man didn’t know much about the white hair, blue eyed black girl, but he knew she had a killer body and should’ve been a model instead of a stripper.

“Hey yourself, ‘Ro.” Victor had felt overly protective of Ororo since the first moment they’d met and he didn’t really understand why. He just knew that she was the kind of woman who deserved protecting.

One of the bartenders slid Ororo a shot of Grey Goose with ice in a glass and she cradled it before drinking. “Please tell me, Mr. Tall, Dark and Scary is not here tonight. I need the cash.”

Vic gave her a look that said it all. “Sorry sweetums!”

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“Why is he after you?”

Ororo shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe I ran over his dog and killed it. Why is the sky blue?” She polished off the drink and picked up the duffle bag with her
Wonder Woman costume inside. “I don’t care if he sees me tonight, I need the cash.”

That was a total lie. Ororo had never needed money a day in her adopted life. Her adoptive father had seen to it that she had a credit card in her name since she was at least sixteen, one that had no limit. She moved to the back of the club ignoring many of the patrons who gave lusty leers and made it into the dressing room where she found one of the dancers, Lorna Dane, waiting for her with a message.

Ororo sat down with a small sigh. “Wus up, Lorna?”
The other woman who had died her hair a weird tint of green grinned from ear to ear. “Jean says she has a customer for you.”

“Private?” Ororo turned and wondered what the smile was all about, especially since Lorna didn’t smile much.

“Uh huh! And he has deep pockets and seeing as how you haven’t danced in a while…” Lorna trailed off as Ororo began to strip and was about to pull on the Wonder Woman costume when she decided against it. If this customer was rich, then this needed to be sensual and sexy, not something that could be made a mockery.

Sadly she reached into the bag and pulled out another costume, one she rarely wore. She used it only for private dances. It was a simple black corset that had matching panties. When she wore it, she didn’t feel degraded, but instead liberated.

A sigh escaped her lips because the feelings of liberation were dwindling, especially now that her father had sent his henchman after her.
She looked her reflection over in the mirror after she’d dressed herself, and was a couple of inches taller with the stilettos. Her cloud white hair was pulled back into a simple pony tail and her exotic blue eyes stood out the most because of the black makeup she’d rubbed around her lids making them smokier, if that were possible.

Need the money, she reminded herself before going up the step to the back room where the private dances were held.

She was in control of the situation. If she got into to trouble, Victor or the other bouncer she’d made friends with would rescue her.

The room was darkened. Just the way she liked it. The only thing in the room was the man, the pole and herself.

She could make him forget about his day, his life, and if it came down to it, she could make him forget about his wife. Through dancing all this was possible for the patron, but not for her.

She could never forget.

The music started and she instantly knew it was one of her favorites that would be forever tied to her emotions. Sheryl Crow’s Can’t Cry anymore wafted through the speakers as she spun around the pole and began to dance.

Her movements were liquid as she spun and dipped and moved even closer to the shadowed man who was hidden in the room.

Suddenly, she got the oddest feeling and shook it away. It couldn’t be him because Jean, best-friend Jean, knew her situation. Best-friend Jean wouldn’t sell her out to her father and with renewed confidence and the movements of eight years worth of ballet and other training she continued to dance for the stranger, still having removed no clothing.

Logan took in a ragged breath as he watched the white haired woman he’d only glimpse briefly around Xavier’s mansion and in photograph. He now understood, even as he cock became harder at the sight of her dipping gracefully, why Charles Xavier wanted his child home. Ororo was a woman who was beautiful in every sense of the word and she needed to be protected from the likes of…well him.

He knew that the moment she had walked into the room, that he should have stopped her from dancing.

But he decided to see how far she’d go after a month of not taking off her clothes.

He knew he should have stopped her the moment she came closer to him, unlacing the corset and letting it drop to his feet.

But he didn’t.

Why? Because he wanted her, not only so that he could go the fuck back to Xavier’s but because he plain and simple wanted to fuck her. As his now hard cock demanded. But Logan was a smart man, and he was a patient man.

Once she was on top of him, grinding away at the erection she’d created, she finally looked into his face and what he saw in hers was one of pure hatred.

“What the fuck?” She questioned, stumbling in the impossible high stiletto heels.

Logan caught her wrist and pulled her back to him as he stood. “Fer a month now, darlin. A month. I’ve been hunting yer ass down. Yer coming back with me to Westchester.”

She shook her head. “I don’t think so, Wolverine.” She looked behind her to the door and wondered where the fuck Victor and Bishop were not seeing the look of surprise run across his face at the name she's thrown out without care.

“They ain’t comin, darlin.”

Ororo turned back to him. “First, unhand me. Second, what do you mean they’re not coming? And third, why the fuck are you here?”

The Wolverine only reared its ugly head but so often and when it did all hell broke out. Logan was desperately trying to keep his emotion in check but this woman was enough to make him loose his mind. In the last ten minutes she’d made him feel emotions he’d thought he’d buried a long time ago, not to mention she’d given him a raging hard on. “Darlin, I suggest you shut you pretty mouth and listen up.”
Ororo, ever the one to calculate how things worked, turned her back on Logan. A dangerous move. She went immediately to the door and tried to open it but to no avail. It didn’t budge or give and she nearly slumped against it in defeat.

“You ready to listen, darling?” She watched him closely and noticed the way he moved towards her, like he was being careful. She also noticed he’d gotten hard and that brought a blush to her cheeks. She nodded her head and indicated that she would listen. “Your father obviously sent me after you. Now, we can play this game one or two ways. You come with me and go back home. Or you keep running and I track you down each time.”

He came closer and in that moment, she realized that she was still topless and at his mercy. Abruptly she turned back to the door and screamed. “Damn you, Jean Grey. When I get my hands around your neck I’m going to squeeze the life out of you.” She turned back to Logan then. “Can you at least hand me my corset then. Please.” She added that for effect, not that it would have any on him.

He smirked and handed her the ridiculous garb. Xavier would have another heart attack if he realized the other man had seen his precious daughter naked.

“Thanks, Wolverine.” She began to lace it up and stopped when she noticed he was watching. “What?”
“Why this place? Why Silk and Smoke?” He waved his hands to indicate and get his point across.

She smirked going back to her task, and finishing up the laces and then letting her hands drop to her sides. “Why are you what you are?”

He slammed her against the door of the darkened room and she became aware that if he raped her, no one would help her because no one was on the other side of the glass. “And what is it you think you know about me, little girl, huh?”

She sneered up at him as he pressed himself against her. He was taller than her by a few inches. “I know you’re a killer.” She squirmed to get away from him but he only pressed harder. Suddenly he wound his hands through her hair.

“You got a pretty mouth on ya’ darlin.” He watched as her eyes became skittish and then he realized he was to close. To close to becoming someone else. He needed her to trust him, not be scared of him as if he was the fuckin boogeyman or some shit. He stepped away from her. “Look, I’m going to give you five minutes to get your shit. Clean out of this place and do it quickly.”

“You don’t own me,” she sneered lightly before she heard a resounding “click!” on the other side of the door and realized that someone had opened the door from the other side.

He nearly growled. “Darlin, you wouldn’t want me to own ya.”

“Okay, one, I’ma need you to stop calling me darlin. And two, did you just growl at me? Seriously?” She rolled her eyes at him and left the room. Once she reached the dressing room, a woman with fiery tresses made her appearances.

She cringed inwardly at the fact that he’d growled at her. Jesus! What a freak. He was obviously deprived of love as a child, she thought. So unlike her.

Charles had made sure she had the best of everything.
“How could you?” Ororo demanded of her so called best friend.

“How could I what?” Jean asked. “Look, ‘Ro, the man has been looking for you for a month. I have a business to run, honey. I’m sorry but he was scaring off customers.” Jean eyed her wearily.

“Really? This is about money. Jesus, Jean when did you become so fucking money-hungry?”

“This from the girl who lived life as Malibu-fucking Barbie. ‘Ro don’t give me this shit. Logan is obviously here for a real reason, not just to drag you back home.” A few of the girls in the back room turned to look at the two.

Ro sighed and leaned against the table that held the remnants of her life as exotic dancer. “I just don’t want to go back. There is nothing there for me anymore.”

“Your family is there.” Jean quirked an eyebrow. “And your hot brother.”

“Ewe! Jean I’ma need you to stop thinking of Scott like that.” She tapped her bottom lip. “Besides, Scott is still dating that gold-diggin ice bitch Emma Frost.” Ororo honestly disliked Emma for everything the other woman represented to her. She rolled her eyes mentally and turned back to Jean.

“You know you love your soon-to-be sister in law,” Jean smiled playfully.

“I hate that bitch,” Ro smirked. “Anyway, now that the feral caveman has come to drag me back home, I have no clue when I’ll see you again.”

“I know. I hate this part, Ro. I really do.” Jean looked like she was about to become weepy eyed like she usually did.

“I got it. Why don’t you take a few days off and come back with me.”

Emma gave her a look that said, girl please .

“You’ll get to see Scott,” Ororo through out there.

“Well…” and she was hooked. She hadn’t seen Scott since that summer they had made out in the rain, right after her freshman year at NYU. “Okay, but the first time Emma says something to me, I’m gonna go Jet Li on her ass.”

Ororo had no doubt about Jean doing just that. The other woman had one of those belts in karate.

“Alrighty then, now I just have to explain this to grumpy butt!”

Jean sighed, and Ororo laughed.
Tension by NikNak
Tension. There was defiantly some tension in the black SUV that sped down the highway on its way back to New York.


There was a lot of that too. Ororo snuggled into her parka because the stubborn ass man next to her in the driver’s seat refused to acknowledge that it was thirty fucking below outside. So instead of causing even more tension over the tension already there, she simply bit her tongue.

Jean watched the two in the front seat and wondered if they shared some sort of past. Ororo had only told her that Logan was a creep who worked for her father. And that he was moody and overbearing and commanding and masochistic. He had a thing for pain or some shit.

She too snuggled closer into her coat still wondering how in the hell she’d been talked into this little trek from her cozy spot in Newport News, Virginia to Westchester County, New York. Then she remembered Ororo's brother who was probable happy in his relationship, but when had that ever stopped anybody.

She looked outside of her window and noticed that the sun was going down. She sighed and her breath fogged up the window just a little bit and she found herself drifting back to the summer when she’d first kissed Scott Summers.

God that man could kiss.

The sun had started to shine after a complete down pour the night before. She and Ororo had flown out of the house, tired of being cramped up inside. They had put on fresh clothes and then darted out onto the front yard and started to chase each other around playfully.

She had tackled Ororo to the ground and then the two of them lay there laughing manically until their insides her. She remembered Ororo’s father, Charles calling her into the house for a moment that eventually turned into a thirty minute conversation.

Jean had sat there letting the sun warm her face, eyes closed until a shadow descended over her.
Her eyes opened to find Scott’s there looking wonderfully fit.

“What are you doing out here, the ground is still soaked?” He helped her to her feet taking in her ruined sundress.

“Ro and I were playing.” She answered him truthfully trying to hide the blush that was creeping into her features.

He smiled. “You two are nothing but a bunch of kids.” His hand moved towards her hair and pulled out some of the grass that had gotten caught in her coppery mane.

“Sorry, we can’t all be as serious as you.” She jabbed him in the chest feeling the muscle ripple behind the blue polo shirt that he word. He was the hottest thing walking as far as she was concerned.

He laughed at her playfulness. In truth, no one joked with him fearing that he was to serious but Jean seemed to bring out his playful side. And she had such nice lips. Lips that just seemed to be made for kissing and suddenly he found himself leaning forward as the rain began to fall and captured them.

Her lips…

Jean had eagerly received her first kiss and wound her fingers through his hair as he brought her flush up against him. She leaned out of the kiss, breathless and smiling. “What was that about?”

He only smiled and began to kiss her again, lightheartedly nipping at her bottom lip.

Jean sighed again as Logan’s voice cut through the silence like a sword on silk. “Were staying here for the night.” She noticed that they had pulled into a motel parking lot and it looked seedy as hell. He cut a look to her in the rear view mirror and cocked an eyebrow, daring her to protest. When she said nothing he got out of the car with the car keys and closed the door going inside to get rooms.

“He’s such a fucking asshole!” Ororo turned around and practically screamed.

“Yeah, what’s with the heat?”

“Once again, a serious asshole. I swear to fucking God, if I were a dude I’d kick his ass.” She turned back around and pulled the visor down to check her hair. It was mussed form the long ride.

Jean smiled. “He really does get to you, doesn’t he?”

“No, what gets to me is that my father sent him to find me when I didn’t want to be found.”

Jean laughed. “So he doesn’t get to you?”

Ororo glared at her through hooded eyes before sighing. “Maybe just a little bit, but don’t go tell the jackass that.”

Jean smiled and noticed that Logan was coming back to the car. “We could have escaped if he hadn’t taken the keys. He’s a thorough kidnapper!”

Ororo said nothing as Jean cracked herself up and Logan got back into the driver seat. She looked him over but refused to admit to anyone that the man was sexy as hell.

“I got two rooms fer the night,” he said and then popped the trunk slipping out just as easily.


Logan sat on the bed looking around his accommodations and watched as the door to the bathroom opened. Ororo stepped out still fully dressed and glared at him. Her blue eyes seemed to spit sparks and he had no doubt in his mind that if looks could kill, he would have been dead from the first moment she realized that he was the one in that private room.

“So is this how you get your kicks, Wolverine? Drag women off, maybe even rape ‘em?” She stormed over in front of him, letting her mask slip. She was usually so in control of her damn emotions but now they threatened to over take her.

He sneered at her, not wanted to feel the attraction he felt to her. “Your fucking father had a heart attack and even as he lay near death, all he could think of was you, ya spoiled brat. Sorry that I had to do my job.”

She was boiling now. “A spoiled brat! You know this much,” she held up her pointer finger and thumb and closed the distance between them. “About my life Wolverine.”

He tried to suppress the growl that rumbled from deep within but fail miserably. “Look, darlin…”

“What have I told you about that ridiculous name,” she turned her back on him and stalked to the other bed and crashed down on it. “I can’t believe we’re sharing this room. I could have just as easily stayed with Jean.”

He smirked. “Oh no, darlin. I want you where I can see you.”

“Bet you say that to all the girls.” She looked over at him rolled her eyes.

“You love to push people don’t you, Ororo.” His dark obsidian eyes pierced her and she suddenly knew he was envisioning her naked. “That’s the thing you do. You push them to see how much they love you. How far they’re willing to go, right? Tell me I’m wrong.”

She didn’t bother to look at him as she once again stripped. “Wolverine, I sleep in the nude. Please try and control yourself, if you can.” She was down to her underwear and bra and he swept over her with a deeply appreciative gaze and watched as she settled under the covers. She turned out the light leaving him shadowed in darkness.

Moonlight filtered through the sole window and allowed him to see that Ororo had the blanket pooled around her waist. Her delicious breast still encased in a black bra. He smiled a sinister smile, thinking of how easily he could slip the bra from her chest and make a feast of her tits.

He groaned as he felt himself harden at the thought of slipping between her legs and taking her hard. His favorite sexual position was that of doggy style and something told him that Ororo would enjoy it as well. However, he knew he’d never get the chance, especially since they both hated each other.


He pulled hard on the cigar thinking about her words. It was true that he didn’t know much about her life, but he didn’t’ get paid to know that shit. He worked for her rich adopted daddy and that was the only relationship they were going to have.

The cigar eventually burned down into nothingness and he snuffed it out in the ashtray by the bed. He watched Ororo twitch in her bed and eventually she sat up awaken by the nightmare she seemed to be having.

Her chest heaved and she glanced around her unfamiliar setting and sighed once she realized she was still in the room with Logan. For some reason, she felt that he was awake. Figured it had something to do with him being the type who never really slept?

“Bad dream, darlin?” His voice was like the darkness itself and it surrounded her. She sighed, because even she couldn’t escape the dark. She laid back down without down right answering him and pulled the blanket closer around her.

“Yeah, bad dream.”

He grunted. “Wanna talk about it?”

“You offering to listen, Wolverine?” She almost smiled and felt her lips curving and stopped herself.


“Sorry, I don’t do maybes. It’s either you want to know or you don’t.” She closed her eyes and heard him grunt.

“How do you know about that name, Ororo. Who told you, your daddy?” He propped himself up on an elbow, intent on getting something out of her.
She rolled onto her back and pushed her hair away from her face. “No, Charles didn’t tell me about you. I found out myself. He was looking into people he could hire that would do his bidding. Very much unlike his children. Your name came up. Mr. James Logan Howlett. Ex marine. Said to be one of the most dangerous men on the planet. A killer.” She looked over. “Sorry you’re not much of a mystery, Wolverine.”

He growled, hating the way she’d recited that shit. Hating that she knew him for what he was. “Why’s that darlin?”

She smirked. “I love a good mystery.” She had snuck into Charles Xavier’s file cabinets and studied the profiles of the men that he’d considered hiring but Logan had been his number one. Even from the beginning of the whole process.

“There is still plenty left to be found out.”

A sudden chill came over her and she shuddered. “Sorry. Not interested.”

He chuckled and it was low and deep from within his throat. “Sure about, ‘Ro. I mean you were ridin’ me pretty hard back there in that club. Is that how you get off. Get a guy going and then you leave him wantin more?”

She sat up at that. “Want me to finish it, Wolverine? How about I jack you off? Maybe that’s the shit your into. Oh no, wait!” She tapped her bottom lip thoughtfully. “How about I suck you off. I bet you like it when you come in a girl’s mouth and she swallows.”

He growled again. “Darlin, you wouldn’t want me to fuck ya. It wouldn’t be pretty.”

She swung the covers back and stalked across the room her body utter perfection in the moonlight, her hair luminescent and silvery. “Don’t worry, Logan. I won’t tell daddy you did it to me hard because you don’t have any compassion for the one you’re screwin.” She smiled. Her voice like velvet steel.
He’d set up as well and watched as she straddled him.

“Want me to finish what I started, Logan? I mean, that is why you got this room?” She licked the side of his face and nipped at his ear lobe. How could she have known that he was into the idea of women biting him right before he fucked them? “You want me Logan, I can tell. You’re hard for me.” She rubbed herself across him realizing that all that was between them, the only barrier, was a pair of cheeky panties and boxers. She was playing with fire and both of them could be burned.

He inhaled deeply noting that she smelled of sandalwood and a hint of strawberry. He pushed her off him and as she hit the floor splayed out in an odd fashion became aware of the fact that she had an amused look on her face.

“Guess you don’t want it as bad as I thought,” he held out a hand and she took it as he helped her to her feet.

“Sorry,” he mumbled trying to hide the massive erection that she’d brought to life. He watched as she scrambled back under the covers of her bed and rolled over to face the wall in his own.

“Logan,” she called out.


“I just want you to know that you only turn down what I offer once. I don’t do sequels with sex. So good night.” This time she chuckled.


The black SUV pulled into the driveway and drove up to the mansion. Ororo took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself for this.

“You okay?” Jean whispered from the back.

“Nope. But that doesn’t matter.” She looked over at Logan who hadn’t said a word since last night. It had been slightly awkward that morning but Ororo decided that he’d already seen her naked so what did it matter.

“I’m here for you,” Jean’s hand on her shoulder reassured her just as he adopted siblings appeared outside. Logan pulled the vehicle to a stop and he finally spoke.

“They don’t know anything about that strip joint. I only told them that you were working as a cocktail waitress. So whatever you tell them is up to you. I’ll get your luggage while the two of you get reacquainted with the family.”

He was like a fleeting shadow that slipped from the SUV and Ororo decided to do the same. She and Jean left the SUV together and went to greet Alison, Scott and Bobby. The stood waiting but only Alison and Bobby embraced her and suddenly it felt so very good to be home.

Scott stood reserved taking in both his sister, and her gorgeous friend. He still remember their kiss in the rain that summer and apparently so did she because she refused to meet his gaze and her face was just about as red as her hair.

“Scott,” Ororo turned to him once Ali and Bobby had let go.

“Ro,” he nodded.

“No welcome home hug?” She crossed her arms not knowing what else to do in the presence of her big brother. He just didn’t seem approachable.

“Dad wants to see you,” he turned his back on her and
started to walk away.

“Go fuck yourself, Scott.” Crickets chirped for eternity and then Scott turned back around.

“Really, Ro? Don’t tell me you expected to pick up where we left off with being a family. You did this to our family. Dad had a heart attack and you were off doing ….hell I don’t know what you were doing.” He shook his head. “You weren’t here to pick up the pieces with us. Just don’t expect something when you turn your back on those your suppose to care about.

She nodded her head in agreement. “You’re right, Scott. You’re so right.”

She brushed past him and went on into the mansion and Jean followed.

Ali and Bobby stayed put and watched their older brother, realizing he was an asshole and called him on it.

“You didn’t have to bring that shit up in front of company,” Ali pointed a finger at him and jabbed his chest with it.

“Whoa! Did she not start it or was that just me?” Scott asked trying to defend himself.

“Not the point,” Bobby shook his head. “We just got her back. We just got Dad back, Scott. I for one don’t want to drive her away again with fucking drama. We still don’t know why she left the first time.”

The two brushed past him and left him feeling like he was the bad guy. He just didn’t understand how she could breeze back into the lives and make him the enemy when he’d been home the entire time. For a long time he stood then and then through his hands up in the air, as if to say he gave into to the universe.

His cell phone vibrated in his pocket and he saw who was calling: Emma.

He didn’t answer. Just didn’t wanna hear what she had to say.


Charles Xavier had known the moment his daughter was back in the house. He had felt it as if someone
had whispered it in his ear and for a moment he thought he was having another heat attack but he quickly realized that he was just happy to have her back.

Logan had done his job, and he truly applauded the man because no one made Ororo do anything that she didn’t want to do. He had found that out the hard way when he’d met her as a three year old and her mother had tried to sell the white haired girl to him for crack.

The door to his study opened and he glanced up from his desk, slipping from the memory. His daughter blazed into the room with his bodyguard and he noticed the other man looked weary. Exactly what had she done to make the other man weary caused Charles to fear the man would quit.

Logan, in the history of them working together had never looked fatigued.

“Your home,” his voice lilted out and Ororo raised a snowy brow.

“You look like you’ve been hit by a train.”

He smiled. “Never one to beat around the bush.”

“Whatever, Charles. I’m back. Now tell me whatever it is you want so that I can get the hell out of here again.”

She sighed and set down in a chair. She saw Logan move over to the fireplace and lean against it as if he were seeking a warmth only the roaring fire could give.

Charles quirked a brow this time at her choice in words. He didn’t know why he’d expected the words father to slip from her lips. She was still angry and upset with him. “So eager to leave, again are we Ororo?”

“The other side of the country couldn’t be far enough from you or your lies. Dad.” She sneered the words making a point. She was trying to hurt him and it was working. By God, it was hurting him.

Logan watched the exchange between the two and decided he was glad his old man was dead and by the way Ororo was talking to Xavier, she was wishing he was too.

“I have some information for you, daughter.”

She sighed. “You don’t get to call me that. Ever again.”

He seemed saddened even more and it showed. She looked away. “It’s about your birth parents.”

She stood. “What is this information going to cost me?My soul? My first born child?” She through up her hands. “Cause if it’s patience I’m all out. You had twenty three years to tell me everything I wanted to know and you didn’t.” She couldn’t help that her voice was breaking but it was. She was about to leave but his voice stopped her.

“Twenty three years, Ororo that I have lived in fear. Fear that you would find out what I did to keep. Fear that you would hate me.”

She turned back to him, realizing that her emotions and her life story were playing out in front of Wolverine. She gave him a look and dared him to comment. He caught her eyes and held her gaze only for a moment before she shifted them back onto the only father she’d ever known.

“All I wanted was to know where I came from. I wanted to know things because I’ve never been complete. Twenty three years of wandering day to day never having a glimpse into my past. How selfish of you to keep me to yourself.”

Charles Xavier actually cried. The tears slipped unabashedly down his face. “I’m so sorry, my dear.”

“Yeah,” her hands dug into the pocket of her jeans and she pulled out a necklace. It was a silver Tiffany’s Diamond by the Yard necklace which she tossed to the floor. She’d received it on her sixteenth birthday. “This is what I think of you and your apologies. I’m outta here and if you send your goon after me a second time I can’t be held accountable for what happens to him.”

She shot Logan and her father dirty looks as she left.

She closed the door behind her, not really intending to leave the mansion again. She was home and it felt good to be there, but the air was too thick to breath.
She just wanted to take a walk, so she went back to her room, grabbed a jacket and started for the frozen lake. It always soothed her.


Logan watched the angry white haired woman from Xavier’s window and he heard the older man behind him sigh.

“She’s so angry,” he said.

Logan grunted in agreement his gaze never wavering.

“Nothing happened between the twoof you did it?” Xavier inquired totally unashamed. He paid Logan to guard what was precious to him. Not to mess around on the job.

“Sorry, can’t say that it did.”

“Good. Any way, I have a trip that I’m making to Genosha in the coming weeks.” Xavier was back to all business now. The old geezer was healing and he was ready to take on the world. Logan gave Ororo one final look before pushing away from the window and going over to Xavier’s desk where a file lay. It was the other man’s idea of homework.
Siblings by NikNak
Jean wiped away the steam covered mirror and gave her reflection a once over. Her green eyes seemed fine. Her wet auburn hair looked as wavy as it usually did.

Something was off but she just couldn’t place her finger on it.

And then realization hit her. She was tired. Fatigue was taking her over and she realized that Ororo had made her take a vacation. Gads, she thought. If it hadn’t been for her white haired friend, she probable wouldn’t have taken a vacation again ever. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d had a decent date let alone a decent vacation.

That was why she’d jumped at the chance to see Scott Summers Xavier. He was the potential that never was. She yawned slightly, glad to be full of food because she hadn’t eaten a decent meal in a few days. The dinner had defiantly been tense, and the mysterious man that had pretty much kidnapped Ororo hadn’t came but Scott had been there, with Emma as well as Charles, Alison and Bobby. She honestly adored Ororo’s family, they always made her feel as if she belonged. However, Ro had been silent through the whole meal with the exception of asking if someone could pass her something for the potatoes.

The other woman had barely spoken a word to her until they’d gotten back to her room that was across the hall. Their discussion had been long and draining with Ororo nearly breaking down in tears. Jean still got the impression that Ororo was still bottling up a lot of her emotions. She stayed so in control of her emotions and Jean admired her best friend for that.

She dressed herself in some pajamas and slipped into bed, her thoughts turning to Scott. Gads, that man was so hot. He was intelligent, well educated, polite and had perfect manners. How he’d ended up with Emma Frost was still something she couldn’t understand and yet, he seemed totally at home with the icy blonde woman.

She had to admit. They made a nice looking couple.
Thoughts of Scott and Emma danced their way into her dreams as she drifted to sleep.


A glass of water was on Ororo’s mind as she slipped into the kitchen for a quick sip. Her throat was parched from all the crying she’d done today.

She noticed that the smell of cigars was wafting in from the open side door and she knew immediately that “he” was there. She elected on not saying anything to him and minded her business.


That was what she’d come for.

Reaching into the cabinet she grabbed a glass and then went to the refrigerator and poured some. It frosted the glass over with its coldness and she stared at it for a long while, unaware that “he” had watched her from the moment she had came into the room wearing a tiny tee shirt and girl boxers. He made a decision to keep the image with him, along with a few others that he’d gathered over the last few days.

He pulled on the cigar a few more times before coming in out of the cold. At first he wasn’t going to say anything, but she turned and caught him starring.

“Need something?” She asked as she turned the glass up to her lips.

He almost grinned in a feral way at the immediate response that ran through his head. Hell, yes. “Ya got nothing I want darlin.”

He moved to leave the kitchen but after his snide ass comment she just couldn’t help herself. “Right. Is that why I get you hard?”

He turned on his heel and faced her. “Well what am I suppose ter do when yer throwin yerself at me for money one night and the next yer’re trying to prove a point?”

She finished off the water and a little of it trickled down her chin. She wiped it away angry at him, her father and the world. “Can we forget this conversation? I have a plan, how about we forget each other. I’ll go back to pretending you don’t exist and you can go back to being the mystery guy who works for Charles Xavier.”

He prodded her, wanting more of a reaction. He was tired of playing this game, whatever it was, with her. “Scared to call him daddy so ya result to usin his first and last name?”

She moved to go past him but he blocked her path. “Move, Wolverine…please just get out of my way.”
He smiled knowing by the tilt of her chin that she was feeling trapped. He knew that feeling well. Hated that feeling. “That’s what you do, Ororo Xavier. You use the names as a way to separate what you feeling from a person. Your angry wit yer daddy, and ya don’t like me. Which is fine, I don’t much care fer ya either. But yer daddy, he’s in here, right?” Logan tapped the side of his head.

“Yeah, okay. So I’m a fucking head case.” She leaned in close, fighting her fear of him. “But I think you’re one to. You have to be with the life you lead.”

“Ya don’t know what yer talkin bout, woman.” He growled.

“I’ma need you to stop growling.” Because I kind of like it and it kind of unnerves me.

He watched her and decided this was the moment. He bent down and watched as those pretty blue eyes darkened with something he could only call desire and kissed her full on the mouth. He pulled away when he realized she wasn’t fighting him or kicking him or doing anything really other than standing there in her pajamas. Pajamas he suddenly wanted to pull from her body. He grew hard at the thought.

“How about we take this up to my room?”

She almost agreed and then gave him a scathing look instead. “Don’t ever touch me again.” Her words came out in a whisper and both of them knew she was only lying to herself. The moment he’d kissed her she’d gotten horny and wanted to do him right there in the kitchen.

He took his hand and started at her face. He roughly rubbed her lips, daring her to bite him and then slid it further south over her body, gaining friction and leaving a hot trail down her entire being. He reached one breast and smiled down on her. He flicked his hand back and forth over her sensitive nipple and smiled again as she moaned arching into his touch.

A light bulb popped on in her head and she suddenly remembered why in the hell she’d come down to the kitchen in the first place.


“Why? Scared?”

She smirked at him. “Of you? No.”

He leaned down again and whispered against her lips. “You should be.”

“Well I’m not you jerk. Stay away from me and stop trying to screw the boss’s daughter. This could lead to you getting fired.”

He pulled her up against him and at the same time sandwiched her between his body and the wall. He pressed into her making sure she felt his desire for her. “Yer daddy likes me, Ro. Likes me a lot. Hell, he’d probable pay me to take ya off his hands so ya could be my full time job.”

She was breathing hard now. She hated the feeling of being trapped. After years of trying to figure it out, she just concluded that she hated boxed in areas and this certainly felt like a boxed in area.

She took a deep breath and looked up into his face. “That’s what I am to him, though. A full time job. He doesn’t treat me like the others because I’m different.”

He scowled at her words and realized she was being honest with him but it was lost on him. “I don’t understand.”

She smirked again and he realized she did that a lot when people annoyed her. She pushed at his chest but his solid frame didn’t budge a damn inch. “I’m the only one Xavier didn’t really want or rather the only one that was sold to him for drugs. The only thing I know about my parents is that at the age of three my mother tried and successfully sold me for drug money. She saw him on the streets, begged him to take me for money. She didn’t give a shit about what happened to me and then she skedaddled.”

He stepped back from her and his hand instantly flew to his neck to message away the tension that had built up there in the last few minutes. “Yeh, ah, sorry.”

She waved away his sympathy just glad to have herself not pinned against the wall any longer. “Don’t worry about it. Hell, I only bring it up with complete strangers. That’s how me and Jean became friends.” She smiled. “Maybe there’s hope yet, Wolverine.”

He almost returned the smile. “Maybe, but first you’d have to call me Logan first.”

She gave a fake pout. “But I like calling you Wolverine.”

He ran a hand through his hair. “What you like to do is taunt, Ororo.”

She smiled again and casually leaned against the wall. “Maybe. So tell me, Logan. Do you do this with my sister as well.”


The smile stayed in place. “Do you meet her for secret rendezvous to talk in the dark? Do you kiss her?”

He grunted. “I respect yer sister and her guy to much to make a pass at her.”

She briefly wondered if Ali was still dating Anthony Stark. They’d met in Central Park one day when Ali was just sitting around sketching. It was her favorite pastime. A wave of guilt overtook her at that moment when she realized that she hadn’t spent much time with Ali. They had barely talked since she’d gotten back the day before. She remember all the times they’d stayed up late into the night talking, but she hadn’t gone so far as to make one phone call when she’d left.

“Nice to know.” She watched as she he shrugged under the wait of her gaze. “Good night…Wolverine.”
She turned and promptly began to go back up the stairs that would lead to her room.


Ororo slept peacefully after her meeting the night before with Logan and awoke the next morning feeling revived. Things felt like they were almost normal, with the exception that she had been gone for months.

She showered and then went about finding warm clothes. The day’s forecast had promised that it would be freezing. She wanted to go into the city, where Ali lived, to visit and talk with her. It was weird not having her in the house, but she guessed that was one of the many changes she would have to adapt to.

She pulled on a pair of black dress pants and a creamy blue top that matched her eyes. She pulled her hair out of her face and grimaced at the dark circles under her eyes.

She made it into one of the cars after battling Bobby for the keys, promising that she wasn’t trying to run away again.

“You guys still have Jean. I wouldn’t leave her behind.”

Bobby had sighed. “No you only leave your actual family.”

She frowned. “I’m sorry, B. You know that I wouldn’t have left if …” She trailed off not knowing what else to say so she didn’t say anything and left.

An hour later she arrived at Ali’s apartment. Ali opened the door, not expecting her sister to be there and smiled.

“Hey stranger.”

“You gonna let me in?” Ororo quirked an eyebrow at how jubilant her sister seemed. Maybe Tony Stark was doing something right, especially since Ali had had one disastrous relationship after another.

Ali moved aside and let her sister pass. Ororo hung up her coat and crashed on Ali’s couch in the large studio apartment that over looked Central Park.

“So what brings you by, Ro?” Ali asked as she moved over to sit back down where she’d been painting. Plastic was spread out under everything to catch any falling paint.

“You. I realized that I owe everyone an explanation for what I did, Ali. And I’m so sorry but I needed to get the hell out of dodge when things with me and him blew up.” Ororo rubbed her forehead trying not to conjure up the images that played out behind her eyes like a movie of some sorts.

Ali picked up the paint brush. “Remember when things were simple?”

Ororo sighed. “All the time. I just can’t remember when they got difficult.”

“Me either.” Ali let her hands carry themselves across the canvas becoming completely lost in the sensations that art brought to her life.

“You know that I love you, and that me leaving wasn’t about hurting you. Or hurting Charles or any one else.”
Ali whirled on her. Anger danced in her eyes like some wild fire that was barely contained. The younger woman barely ever lost her anger with Ororo. “Why is he suddenly Charles to you. He’s your father, Ororo. The only one you’ve ever known.”

Ororo stood.

“He was dying while you were God knows where.”

“I can’t take it back, Ali. I want to, but I can’t.”

Alison Blaire Xavier stood but not before carefully putting away her paint brushes. “You never do or say anything you didn’t mean. Remember who your talking to, Ro. Don’t insult my intelligence by giving me that shit.”

This was not going the way she had planned. “Ali…I.”

She paused. Meetings with her siblings were becoming strained. Suddenly, she wanted to go on the run again and stay gone.

“Me and Tony broke up.”

Ororo’s eye brows shot up into her forehead. “When? I mean what happened? If he cheated on you, Ali, so help me God, I’m goin to fucking kill him.”

Alison waved her hands. “No, no. Nothing like that. After you left and dad had the heart attack, he wanted to be there for me but business kept pulling him away. Every time I needed him, the government needed him more. Finally, I just told him that we should be friends.”

Ororo actually laughed at that. “The two of you will never be friends. And the two of you aren’t done either.”

Ali gave her an, ‘Oh-really?’ look. “I’ve missed this, Ro.”

“Me, too.” Ororo admitted, if only to herself, that she was wrong from running.

“You want some coffee?”

Ororo went to her and hugged her. “Yeah, Ali. I want some coffee.”
Complications Arise by NikNak
He fisted a hand full of silk and reared her head back, prepairing her for the brutal assault of his mouth. He had discovered that she liked it ever so rough and he was just the man to give her the pain she craved.

He pulled back from her mouth long enough for her to undress and for him to pull his pants down around his ankles. A smile briefly flickered in the woman's eyes as he came back to her, fisting his cock. She was wet for him, and he was ready to be inside of her.

Of course the first time it had happened between them, it had been a building thing. Flirtation here and there, nothing more. And then a storm had come up out of nowhere knocking out the lights as she'd sat waiting for her fiancee to come home from work.

She'd naturally went to him for company, although most would have considered staying alone rather than going to Logan. However, she'd felt that they were kindred spirits from the moment that they'd met. Both outsiders looking into a world that seemed to hold no real place for either of them.

He teased her channel until she gave him a nip to his bared neck and then he slid all the way in, filling her.
She moaned in ectasy as he growled away in her ear.

"Your tight, Em." He gripped her hips harder.

He began to pump away inside of her. Needing her for all that she could offer him, which wasn't much. He pictured the face of another, while she did the same.
Between the two of them, it was a cause and effect relationship. A balanced relationship, a secret one.

No one got hurt.

There were no regrets when she finished fucking him at the end of a long day. They both enjoyed it; both enjoyed rough sex.

James Logan Howlett and Emma Frost had an understanding and that was that it was just for sex and giggles.

No one got hurt.

He gave thrust even harder, knowing that she was in slight agnony. It was better when it hurt sometimes. That was also something they both agreed on.

"Been so long, Logan," beads of sweat tumbled down her body as she rode him harder. Her climax was just over the hill, insight, and yet, still so far.

He smiled down on her, knowing how close she was. White hair flashed in his mind but he shook the thoughts away and concentrated on pleasign the woman he had in front of him now.


Ali reclined on the couch and paused the Tivoed episode of All My Children and listened to Ororo talk. Her sister was one of the strongest women she knew; she'd always admired Ororo's beauty and strength. She still admired her, even after she'd ran away.

"I just don't kow what he sees in her, Al. I just don't get it." Ororo sighed as she sipped the coffee Ali had put in front of her no less than five minutes ago. It slid down smoothly.

"Well don't ask me. I was against the two of them dating from the very beginning. Dad seems to like her alright though." Ali shrugged.

"How did they meet again?"

Ali gave another shrug. "Mutual friend."

Ororo thought. "Emma Frost doesn't seem like the woman who keeps friends very easily. She think her shit don't stink but I think something's off about her."

Ali sighed. "I hate her."

Ororo quirked an eyebrow. "Your not the only one. She's just a little to cold for me. So not Scott's type. I almost wish he'd cheat with Jean. But Jean's not that type of girl."

Ali's eyes lit up. An idea had just formed in her head. "I have these gallery tickets and I suddenly don't think I can make it."

Ororo gave a hearty laughed and slapped her knee. "I like how you think."


Robert Drake Xavier had been raised in the Xavier mansion from the time he'd been an infant. Charles Xavier, had been more than the father that he was, more importantly, he'd been Bobby's guide in life. Everytime it had come down to making an important decision about right or wrong, he'd always thougth of his father and thought about what his father would do in that situation.

The one situation he never pictured his ownself being in was the one where he discovered his older brother's fiancee in the laundry room with her lips wrapped around the bodygaurd's dick. And he was pretty sure this had never happened to Charles Xavier either.

"What the fuck are you doin?" Bobby could have probable been heard in China.

The look on Emma's face was one of pure shock, while Logan looked just plain pissed the fuck off.

"Well…" he waited as the others tried to compose themselves.

"I…" Emma tried and failed to find the words that would fix things.

"What the fuck did it look like, bub?" Logan stalked towards the other man, a sneer set on his lips. Bobby backed up a few steps, unsure of what to say to the other man but their eyes collided and that said it all.

Bobby Drake would not be saying a word to his older brother. "You don't say a damn thing to Scooter. This is our lil' secret, bub." He tapped the side of Bobby's face like Al Capone would have done to a lackey and left.
Bobby nodded and watched as Emma scrambled to find her panties. She walked by him and he noticed the tears in her eyes but Bobby didn't have comforting words for a woman who would disrespect his brother like that.

Bobby scrubbed a hand over his face and let loose a long ass sigh. He knew that he couldn't tell Scott, this would break the other man. And Logan was going to make sure he didn't tell Scott. But what Logan didn't know was that when Bobby had a really challenging problem and thinking like his father couldn't fix it, he didn't run to Scott any way.

He ran to his big sister.


Scott was being such a wonderful host, Jean thought. He was being kind and gentle and patient as he showed her the grounds she hadn't been on in years even though it was completely barren and frozen outside.

"That's the green house over there," Scott pointed. "Wanna check it out?"

Jean smiled up at him, her green eyes giving her answer way before she vocalized it. "I'd love to, Scott."
He smiled down on her and before she knew it, he'd taken her hand in his and was leading her into the warmth that the green house offered. The scene of their summer kiss replayed in her mind and she suddenly felt like a fool for lusting after Ororo's older brother. He was engaged to be marry.

To a bitch, she thought. Emma Frost hadn't wanted to come on their walk complaining to Scott that Ororo needed to take better care of her guest and that it was too damn cold to walk. Jean realized that the only one who was cold was Emma because she didn't care if her man spent time with another woman.
"I'm not boring you am I ?" Scott asked waving his hand in front of her face and snapping her from the day dream.
Of course not. You’re being the perfect host, Scott."

She smiled.

He smiled back. "I like the way you say my name."
Jean blushed. "Huh?"

"You always say my name so directly. Some people just don’t do that. But you, your sure of yourself aren't you. Confident. Beautiful. The whole packgage." Scott led her over to a bench and they sat down to talk. "Tell me about this suppose strip joint my sister was working in. I hear the owner is a total knockout."

Jean blushed furiously as she realized that Scott was completely and utterly flirting with her.


It was late when Ororo got home. She walked into her room just about ready to strip when she noticed that someone was in her room.

She flipped on the light switch to find Bobby sitting there waiting. He only did this when he was in trouble of some sort.

A brief thought fluttered into her mind and she wondered how many times he'd come in here while she was away.

She was his big sister, she'd been the girl who fought all of his girlfriends because he couldn't hit back. Not that Bobby wouldn't hit a girl, cause she'd been subject to many of his rages when he'd been younger.

"Hey," she came instantly to his side. Her motherly and protective side coming out.

"You always do that?"

"What?" She asked stroking his hair the way she use to when they were little, before there'd been problems.

"Never mind. Look, I got something on my chest. I don't know what to do and you’re the only one I know that can make it right."

Ororo starred into his blue eyes and saw that he was frightened. She wondered what had made her usually fearless younger brother upset. A frown of worry took over her features. "Tell me, we can fix it I promise."

"I…" he trailed off, trying to decide on whether or not he wanted to tell the truth or not.

Ororo turned so that she had all of her energy focused directly on Bobby. "Robert Drake, I am your sister. No matter what DNA tells us. I was the one who fixed up all your boo-boos. Occassionally did your math homework and gave you bowl haircuts when I wasn't suppose to. Trust me."

He looked at her and she knew it was something horrible. The words tumbled from his lips and then he instantly wished he'd never said anything as the look of furry raced across her face.

Her voice was a whisper. "Emma did what?"

Bobby repeated what he'd found her doing.

She looked away and then met his gaze again. "Logan threatened you?"

Bobby eyes looked slighlyt panicked as he nodded his head, "yes." He took a breath. "I just didn't know what to do."

Ororo leaned over and kissed his head. "You go get some sleep kiddo."

"What are you going to do. You can't tell, Scott, Ro. This will crush him." Bobby scrubbed a hand over his face and he suddenly felt older than he was.

"Don't worry bout that. I'll see you in the morning." She got up from her bed and left the room.

She made it down the stairs in record time, her blood boiling. No one pushed around her brothers or sister except her. Logan was going to find that out soon enough. She knocked on his door and he came to open it, bare chested, looking pissed off.

"Whatya want?" he asked bluntly, noting that she looked ticked the fuck off.

"Sorry, did I interrupt your porno. Oh well, you'll just have to rewind it." She brushed past him and ducked into the room before he had time to reply.
He frowned and closed the door as she whirled to face him.

"I don't know where you get off…" she paused. "Actually, I do know where you get off but that's not the point. The point is you threatened my little brother. My kid brother and now I'm here to return the favor Logan. You do that shit again and I can promise you that all that Marine core training won't mean shit when I cut your fucking nuts off and hand them to you."

He wanted to smile because she was sexy as hell when she was angry but he held back, wanting to see how much she knew about him and Emma. "I have no clue as to what you talkin about darlin."

She nodded. He wanted to play games. "You want to fuck, Emma. That's fine. But don't screw over my family to do it."

He growled as he came closer. The cat was out of the bag now and they might just end up having a knock down drag out fight, or hot steamy sex. Logan was of course hoping for the last one. Something about her made him hard at just the thought. "Don't come in here yelling at me cause your brother can't keep his woman satisfied."

She smiled. "You have no problem taking what doesn't belong to you, huh? Logan, here's another warning, don't screw my family over."

"Oh you mean, like how you did a few months ago. Making yer daddy worry himself sick." He grabbed her by her upper arms and pushed her up against the wall he'd slowly been stalking her towards.

"Fuck you, Logan." It came out way more sultry than she'd intened.

"You've been wanting to since we met, darlin. Remember the first time we met," he sneered reminding her of how she'd shamelessly dropped herself into the pool wearing a white bikini while her ex-fiancee T'Challa had been watching.

He angled his face closer, their lips nearly touching.
She breath heavily, still remembering how she'd without doubt gotten a more than one rise out of him. "DON'T kiss me," she dared him with her eyes.

He accepted and covered her lips with his own gently. "Open for me, Ororo. Please." He added that as an after thougth. She did and their tongues battles until it became hot and moist.

He reached down and felt over her body coming into contact with her hips and then slidding both hands further until they reached her thighs. He hoisted her up and pressed his erection into her making her gasp. Making her forget why she was in his room in the first damn place.

She moaned because it had been so long and because she was reacting to his touch. Wanting there to be sking to skin contact.

"I want you, Ororo. I'm through denying that I don't. I've wanted you since the moment I met you." He ground out as he swiveled his hips against her core.

"I know, Logan." He smiled at the sound of his name on her lips.

"I want to fuck you right now, Ororo."

"I" she looked up at him and for the first time in her life she felt shy. "I want that to."

He quirked an eyebrow as he lowered her legs to the floor and she regained her balance. "I thougth you didn't give third chances."

"Just this time, Logan. This one and only time."

A smile touched his lips as he moved them from the wall to the bed. Pulling and tugging to undo her pants he almost hesitated. How many times had he wanted to do this in the last few days. Ever since she’d danced for him in that club he’d barely been able to look her father in the eye for fear the old man would read his mind.

She seemed so sure about this and yet, he knew it was the heat talking. He backed off and moved away.

Ororo’s face was confused by what he’d done.

“Get out,” he said his voice stoic and indifferent to what she might feel at those words.


“I want you to leave, to go. And don’t come back here again.”

She sat up on the bed then. Her senses returning.

She ran a hand through her white silk hair and nodded. “Your right.” She stood and walked to the door, her hand on the knob. “You just fucked Emma earlier today and here I was about to let you screw me.” Her voice didn’t seem to waver, it was strong but it almost seemed detached. “Stay away from my kid brother, Logan.”

She opened the door and left him standing there feeling like a coward. And he was a coward because he couldn’t go through with the one thing that had made his blood boil for the first time in a long time.

He was afraid suddenly. Not of her threats or of her at all. But afraid for the first time in his life that Ororo might be the woman who was meant to challenge him in all ways.
This story archived at http://