Chapter 3

Before his hand could thump the oak door to ask entrance, he heard, “Come on in, Logan.” He hated when Charles did that. Telepath or not, it was downright eerie when he did that. Resolved to see his errand through, Logan opened the door and stepped inside Charles Xavier’s domain. As he always did when he entered the room, he took a moment to appreciate the sheer beauty and design of the room. The huge arched ceiling to floor window that took up the entire wall, situated behind Xavier’s huge antique oak desk, trapped the glory of the morning sun light and provided a great view of the remarkable mansion grounds. The antique old English furniture, floor to ceiling bookcases filled to their capacity that covered most of the walls gave the room its unique appeal and relaxing feel.

Charles Xavier looked up from The Corsair by Lord Byron he was reading just in time to see a pensive expression cross the Wolverine’s face. Logan’s thoughts as always were heavily guarded, so Charles was clueless as to what would have a man like Logan brooding so early in the morning. “Good morning, Logan.” He indicated one of the two brown leather chairs in front of his desk. Logan took a seat and fidgeted, which didn’t go unnoticed by Charles. First broodiness, now restlessness? Something was definitely going on with Logan. Maybe he was leaving for parts unknown again and had come to relay the news. Charles remained calm as he waited for Logan to open the conversation.

“Mornin’ Chuck. I wanna talk ta ya.”

Charles placed the bookmark at the page where he stopped reading and laid the book on his desk. “I have about an hour free before my first class. What can I do for you?”

There was a tense silence as Logan attempted to get his thoughts in order. Charles waited patiently. “I need ta talk ta ya about ‘Ro,” he blurted out.

Charles was taken aback by that statement, but he retained his calm expression. He wondered if Logan had taken stock of Ororo’s depression. Charles was positive that he did. He wouldn’t be the Wolverine if he didn’t. “She’s not herself, Chuck.”

The telepath nodded, not surprised at Logan’s statement. “I do believe you have taken notice of her depression.”

Logan nodded. “Yeah. I don’t like it.”

“Neither do I, Logan. But I am at a lost as to how to help her.”

Logan stood up abruptly and began to pace the length of Charles’ desk. “I have a way ta help her.”

The Professor smiled inwardly. It would appear that Logan had finally come to terms with his feelings for Ororo. Charles knew the feral wouldn’t be this disturbed about Ororo if he wasn’t acting on those feelings. Charles felt joy swelled in his chest. Back when he had worked with Logan to help him attempt to regain his lost memories, Logan’s feral half had revealed its intention to claim Ororo as its mate. He had also learned that Logan’s human half was grappling with accepting his feelings for Ororo. He had watched over the years as Logan resisted his intense feelings for the African beauty, knowing that eventually he will have no choice but to succumb to his destiny. Charles was also pleased about Logan’s emotional maturity, a direct result of his struggles, as he was able to gain better control of his emotions and mental state. He was elated for the man sitting before him. Elated that the feral’s desires for stability, a pack of his own and love were slowly coming to fruition.

As for their resident weather manipulator, he had unintentionally learned of Ororo’s own struggles in coming to terms with her strong feelings for the enigmatic Canadian. Before learning about her interest in the Wolverine, Charles was troubled, to the point of being fearful for Ororo. Ever since the failure of her relationship with Forge, he was fearful that she had completely shut herself off to love and deemed herself unworthy. He had bear witness to a confident, affectionate Ororo withering into an insecure, aloof Ororo after that debacle. The gift of the greenhouse was his way of helping her then. Just as her behavior then had troubled him, so did her behavior now. He didn’t want to endure watching her silently suffer again. He was at a lost as to how to help her this time around, but now, here was the Wolverine, asking for his assistance in helping the woman they both cared for deeply. He was ecstatic that he was being sought out to help, as he had always believe that the two stubborn mutants were each other’s soul mate. However, he had chosen to keep the knowledge to himself, as he felt they were both not ready to accept their fates. Now, he believed that their time had come and their destiny was finally on a path to fulfillment. He would definitely aid these two strong-willed creatures in any way he can. Nothing truly happens before its time.

“Okay, Logan. I am listening.”

Logan shrugged as he retook his seat. He raised his ankle of one foot to his opposite knee. “I want ta give ‘Ro a home.”

Charles was shocked. He was curious to see where Logan was going with this, so he played devil’s advocate. “She already has a home, Logan.”

“I’m not talkin’ ‘bout here, Chuck. I’m talkin’ ‘bout a home of her own. Where she’s the boss.”

“This is a tall order, Logan. How do you plan on completing it?”

Logan dropped his leg back to the floor and leaned forward. “I know ya gave Scott and Jeannie the old boat house ta make their home.”

Charles nodded. “Yes, I did.”

“Remy also told me that ya agreed ta lease him and Rogue the old barn fer them ta remodel.”


“A few weeks ago, I found an old, abandoned cottage ‘bout three miles from here. I checked wid the city ta see if it was part of this estate and it is.”

The Professor nodded, knowing of what he spoke about. “Oh yes! The old caretaker’s cottage. The one where the creek runs about fifty yards behind and empties into the pond that is about half of a mile away from the structure.”

Logan pierced Charles with his eyes. “I want ta purchase that piece of property from ya, Chuck.”

It was a rare occurrence when someone was able to render the most powerful telepath in the world speechless. Today, it seemed was one of those occasions. Charles looked at
Logan and managed a simple, “Why?”

“’Ro.” Logan’s equally simple answer was the Professor’s undoing.

“You love her that much?”

There was no need for him to insult Charles’ intelligence. Deciding that honesty was the only way to see his plans through, Logan’s voice was quiet and intense when he replied. “Yeah. More than anythin’.”

Charles beamed at hearing the confession. “And you would love to show her how you feel by building her a home where the cottage is located?”

“Ya know I’m no good wid words, Chuck. So yeah, I wanna show her.”

The Professor clapped his hands in happiness. Logan raised a questioning eyebrow, unaccustomed to seeing the telepath in this state of glee. “Well, Logan. I do believe your plan will send shockwaves throughout this mansion and no one will feel them more than Ororo. How do you propose on getting started?”

“First, I think we should start with me buyin’ the land from ya.”

“I will give that particular piece of property to you and Ororo free of cost, Logan. I would also like to take full responsibility for all the costs that will be associated with the renovations.”

Logan was stupefied. When he had decided to approach the baldheaded man for help, it was more or less to request the purchase of the property. What Charles was offering was substantially more than he had bargained for.

Xavier watched the emotions play across the feral’s usually stoic face. He knew he had stunned him with his offer as the enigmatic man was unfamiliar with accepting any help or gifts without suspicion. He waited for Logan’s answer.

It wasn’t long in coming. “Look Chuck, all I wanted was ta buy the land from ya. I was goin’ ta do everythin’ else by maself.”

“Please let me do this for you and Ororo. As a thank you for your dedication to my cause.” And as a wedding gift, he silently added.

Logan was a suspicious man by nature and he was stumped as to why the Professor was being so generous. Hell, he wasn’t even this generous with Scott and Jean nor Remy and
Rogue. “Why ya doin’ this, Chuck?”

Xavier smiled. Steepling his fingers in his trademark temple pose, he answered. “I have been acquainted with many people throughout my life. No other has had more tragedies in their lives than you and Ororo. I want to do this because you both deserve happiness in your lives.”

Logan’s brows furrowed, as he realized that the Professor knew more than what he was alluding to. However, not one to look a gift horse in its mouth, he decided to accept Charles’ bounty. He stood up and leaned over the desk, extending his hand to shake on their deal. “Ok Chuck. But I do all the labor maself. No outside help.”

Taking the extended hand in his, Charles solidified their agreement. “Agreed. Good luck and please keep me abreast of your progress.”

“Ya got it, Professor.” He glanced down at his watch. “I’ll leave ya now, ta get ready fer yer class.” As an afterthought, he added, “Thanks.”

Charles maneuvered his chair towards the exit of his office. He was overjoyed. He was going to take great pleasure in seeing Logan and Ororo come together as a couple and create a life they so much deserve. He was not a gambler, but if he was placing bets on when the marriage between the great, fearsome Wolverine and the elegant, resilient Wind Rider would be, he would put his money on one year’s time.

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