Disclaimer: They are not mine but Marvels……but I am going to use them to put on a beautiful Ro/Lo wedding!
Title: Part2: Bachelorette Party
Rating: NC-17
Author Note: Guys I’m sorry but this is for the Ladies (but if you want to peak…….I wont tell Ro!) enjoy all! Don’t forget to check out the pic Jeanie snuck of the bride to be.

For days now Ororo knew her friends and teammates were up to something. And her best friend, Jean Grey was the ringleader. For three days now every time she walked into a room, she found all the X-women including Sara and Cecelia with their heads together whispering. The moment they saw her, it became quiet. Exactly what they were planning, Ororo did not have a clue but she knew it would be soon. There was only four more days to her wedding. Goddess, her wedding! She would finally become Mrs. Ororo Wolverine!
“Ro! There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.” Jean Summers walked up to her and linked their arms together.
“I did not know I was lost, but now that you’ve found me…….” Ororo smiled knowingly. Now she would learn what all the whispering had been about.
“Darn! You know don’t you? How? We’ve tried to be as sneaky as possible!”
Ororo laughed gleefully. She patted her friends’ manicured hand.
“You forget dear friend who I am marrying. Besides I do not need heighten senses or physic ability to know when my friends are acting suspicious!” she smirked, not unlike her intended.
“You have a point. Promise me you’ll act surprise. They’ve put a lot of work into this and would be disappointed if they knew you figured it out.”
“On one condition. You tell me exactly what I have figured out!”
Jean laughed. “I’ll do better then that. I am here to show you. Right this way your highness.”
Her friend tugged her along the extensive oak paneled halls of the school until they came to a set of double doors leading to the rec room. Facing the doors, Jean let go of her arm and reached for the brass knobs. She sent a mischievous smile over her should before swinging the doors open with a flourish.
Ororo stood speechless, gaping at her friends and the wonderful transformation that had been created in the once elegant but sparse room. In its place was a canopy of bejeweled, earth tone silks dangling from the ceiling; the former ceiling fixtures were now replaced by a tasseled voltive chandelier. Rajah curtains adorned the long windows and luxuriously decorative pillows thrown on the authentic Persian rug were placed for seating. A long table, on one side held aromatic, Egyptian dishes that quickly caused Ororo’s stomach to rumble with hunger. She heard the subtle sound of a harp and lyre surrounding the room in exotic, rhythmic music and searched with her disbelieve eyes for its source. Obscured behind thick palm planters, she spied the Egyptian garbed musicians.
A riot of emotions raced through her mind. Surprise, delight, and wonder were at the forefront. That they, the only family she had had done this for her was more then she was capable of understanding. In that moment since becoming part of the school and the xmen, Ororo finally realized her importance and place amongst them. These people, her chosen family valued her, appreciated her, but most importantly they loved her. It was not that she did not know they cared. After all it had been her choice to remain apart from them and because of her powers, needed to retain distance from too much emotional entanglements. So for years she had remain in the shadows, watching everyone else go on with their routines and lives. Until Logan. He had broken down the barriers and showed her she did not have to hide to control her powers or deny love to save her heart. Tears glittered in her eyes
“Goddess Jean! How? How did you know that part of me wished for this?”
Seeing the look of wonder and pleasure on Ro’s face caused Jean’s own sprout of tears. “Every girl during the time of her wedding wants to feel some kind of kinship to her natural family and culture. We thought since you could not be there, we’d bring a part of Egypt to you.”
“Thank you my friend, thank you all of you.” She said around a clogged throat. Her eyes slowly touched each of them with the deep appreciation she was feeling. Several sniffles sounded around the room as well as tissue wiping away wayward drops of water.
“Com on you guys, is this a party or what!” shouted Rogue. The feisty, brunette walked over and grabbed Ororo by the hand. She propelled her towards the center of the room and pushed her down on a giant, silk pillow. Jean plopped next to her and leaned over.
“Before we get started, Ro there is only one thing required of you tonight.” At the perplexed furrow of her white brows, Jean laughed. “Tonight you are not co-leader, teacher, surrogate mother, confidant or even a goddess. You are a woman enjoying her last days of freedom. So you will not worry, hold back, and most importantly have fun!” Ororo laughed. “I will do my best.”
“That’s a start, so is drinking this!” Sara handed her a glass filled with a red substance and urged her to drink. Before doing so, Ro gazed into the other mutant’s eyes and nodded. It had taken a long time but she was satisfied they had finally reached some sort of truce. She took a sip of her drink and was barely able to keep from spilling it back out. The strange mixture traced a burning path down her throat until it settled in her stomach in an avalanche of heat. She glared at a smirking Sara. The room grew silent as all eyes waited in trepidation.
“What’s the matter, Ro. To much for you.” She challenged. Ororo held back the resort that sprang to her lips instead she plastered a serene look on her face and took another, longer sip. This time the strong mix of alcohol did not burn as much. Sara frowned with disappointment and scurried away to sit as far away from Ro as possible. Almost with a collective sign, everyone relaxed.
~Ignore her~
~Do not worry, Jeannie. I will not let Sara’s childish antics ruin my party! ~
~Good. Tell me again why you want her as part of your wedding party? ~ Ororo giggled.
~She is now one of us, and I feel responsible for her. Besides it is time to bury the past. ~
~Yes, but she doesn’t seem to want to do that~
~Maybe with enough time and patience. Actually, her drink is not half bad. ~
~Well take it easy. I don’t want you too plastered that you don’t enjoy everything! ~ Ororo giggled again.
~No chance of that. ~
Jean smiled. She didn’t want to point out that since their mind link Ro had giggled twice. That’s more times then she’s ever done that.
“Here. Open this.” She took the elaborately wrapped gift Jean handed her and tore at the paper. For the next hour Ororo opened box after box of beautifully wrapped gift sets, appliances, and various glassware from all over the world. With each present their oooooooo’s and aaaaaaaaa’s, were getting louder as glass after glass was refilled.
“Goddess Rogue! I will not wear this!” Ororo said in surprise shock after placing a flimsy black teddy back in its box.
“Aw come on Ro, you’ll look great in it. Besides I know of a certain Canadian who’d love it!” teased a grinning Rogue. Ororo could not help the smile that parted her full lips.
“Well I guess, it does hold a certain appeal.” She reached for the scrap that was a matching G-stringed panties and blushed prettily. Yes, Logan would enjoy these, providing he allowed her to wear them long enough to see them!
Jean, sitting next to her laughed. “Really Ro! That is more then I wanted to know!”
“Then dear friend, stop reading my thoughts!”
“Hah! Every psychic within a twenty-mile radius can hear them! Now it’s my turn. Here open this one. It’s from me and Scott.”
“Jean, you have done too much! Being my matron of honor does not mean for you………”
“Ororo Munroe don’t you dare say it! I’ve waited a long time for this day to come and I will not miss a moment of it! It’s not often that my best friend finds the man of her dreams and marries him. Now open the box!”
Tearing, the gold wrapping from the wide box, Ororo gasped when she pushed aside the numerous folds of white tissue paper. Inside she picked up a pale blue peignoir of sinuous silk, a deep bodice and three-inch wide panels of delicate, flowered lace that ran down the sides. A matching robe of the same silk lay beneath its folds.
“It’s beautiful.” She whispered. “Thank you.” She reached over and held her friend in a brief hug.
“I think that’s it with…….”
“No, windrider hasn’t opened my gift yet.” Mumbled Sara producing a dubiously wrapped box.
“Oh shit!” murmured Cecilia Reyes.
“It’s not gonna blow is it, Marrow?” questioned Rogue half jokingly.
“Not even Sara, is stupid enough to harm a hair on Wolvie’s wife!” announced Jubilee, flopping on a seat next to Rogue. She leaned over and grabbed the other girls’ drink and took a deep swig.
“Just in case Sara is that crazy, maybe we should let Cece open it.”
“ Not on your like Elizabeth! My mutation protects me from external elements, not ones I’m stupid enough to.”
Ororo turned hard eyes on Sara.” I will open Sara’s gift.” She reached for the box and tore open the wrappings.
“Oh my!”
“From the look on Ro’s face Sara, I’d run if I was you.” Cece warned.
“What is it?” Rogue tried to see from her seat but only saw the top of the box.
“Ro before………” Jean suddenly stopped, and then her face turned the same shade of red as her hair. Bubbling laughter exploded from Ororo. Her eyes gleamed and her features glowed with pleasure. The other women accept for Sara, exchanged confused glances.
“Thank you, Sara” she gasped when she could stop laughing long enough to talk. “I am certain Logan and I will get a lot of……..use from these.”
Sara just glared disgustedly at Ro then flounced back to her seat. The ‘gift’ had not gone of as plan. It was supposed to have embarrassed the windrider, even cause her to become angry. But nothing she had tried to do to ruin this upper worlders idea of a celebration had not work. In fact not only was the evening going well but Sara was warmed by the Morlocks ex-leader!
“How bout letting the rest of us in on the secret, Ro?” Jubes asked. Elizabeth grinned and tossed her gorgeous, mane of purple hair. “I think I know.” she said in a sang song.
“Tell us already!”
“You want to share, Ro or shell I tell?”
“It is no big secret, Elizabeth! See!” Ororo turned the box around and held it up for the rest of the group to see.
“Vibrators!!” shouted Rogue. “Girl you have guts!” she added to a nonchalant Sara.
“I wanna seeeeeee!”
Jubilee choked on her glass. “What you just say?” she demanded, having missed the revealing.
“Dildoes, girl! Pay attention!” Cecilia repeated.”
“Wow! And Roro didn’t fry her ass?” For some strange reason they all thought that was funny and started laughing. Emma Frost, who had pretty much remained silent until that point, wiped tears of laughter from her eyes.
“Boy would I like to be a fly on the wall when Logan sees that box.”
“Not me.”
“Yup, he’ll go feral. Then come looking for Sara.”
They laughed, at the brief look of fear that crossed her face. Ororo surprised them by saying,” Perhaps he would track her down……..to thank her!” she threw her head back and started giggling. For a moment they gawked at her then laughed along.
Even Sara.
“Seriously Ororo, What’s it like to be about to marry the most obnoxious, egoistical, rude, Neanderthal that ever lived!” guffed Elizabeth.
“You forgot sexy!” Cece volunteered.
“He maybe all the things you’ve said Elizabeth, but lets not forget, not that we possibly could, the man is one hundred percent grade A stud! Right, Ororo!” Stating her impute, Emma gulped down the rest of her drink punctuated by a loud burp.
“Dats right!” Jube slurred, her almond shaped eyes glazed.
“kay, kay.” Elizabeth concluded, refilling her empty glass. “I’d admit he is………..dependable, and maybe a little bit attractive when he doesn’t look like some wild beast!”
“Hey! That’s my…….” Ororo furrowed her brows in deep concentration, and then sat up with a smirk. “Fiancée, you’re talking bout! For your information Pschy, Logan makes me see fireworks in bed and he still can fix a flat tire!” Ro loyally defended.
“That’s waaaayyyyyyyy to much info Ro!” A sprawling Jean informed her.
“I won’t be able to look at Wolvie again without thinking……Yuck!”
“Now if you’ll wanna know whoses the real stud, that’ll be my Hankie! His smart as hell and built like a brick house!” All the X-women started shouting to express their opinion.
“Wait a darn minute naw!” Rogue broke in. “If anyone has a stud that be me! My Remy, looks good and lights my fire!” she finished with a triumphant laugh.
“No, no, no.” Jean chimed in, trying to get unsteadily to her feet.” Scott is my choice! He may not rock my world but he sure can give great head!” she plopped back down as they all erupted in laughter. That’s when Bobby Drake had the misfortune to enter the room. The laughter ceased and several pairs of appreciative glances swung his way.
“uuuhh…..sorry ladies. I I I ….” He gulped nervously. “There’s a guy in the hall, says his the stripper.” He hurriedly stammers. Holy cow, he couldn’t wait to go tell the other guys about this! The Xbabes were all drunk, rolling around on the floor and from the looks of it were doing some serious boasting about them! He sent a croaked grin towards Jubes and hastily backed away towards the door.
“I’ll send him in.”
“Thank you,” Ororo said, trying to appear her usual lofty self. “One moment Robert, why are you here? I thought the men were taking Logan to Harry’s”
“We were just heading out to meet him, when the stri……guy showed up.” He rushed out followed by loud laughter as all eyes were on his departing backside.
“Now his a hunk!” signed Sara. All eyes turned to her. “Well he is!”
“What she means is, his got a cute ass!” Cecilia’s eye twinkled with mischief. Everyone knew Sara had a serious crush on Bobby.
“Hands off, dreads!” Sara glared at her with an evil eye. Cecelia looked back at her with wide eye innocence” ooooooooo! Looks like someone’s got it bad!”
“Fuck off!” she growled aching to pull a protruding bone from her body and stab the loud mouth doctor with it.
“Now ladies, we’re here to have fun, not kill each other. Speaking of which….wow!” Emma sat up and glued her eyes to the dark figure standing and watching them from the doorway.

He did not say a word. He did not have to; all female eyes were locked on him. He let his eyes slowly wonder across their beautiful faces until he found electric blue eyes. He held them and nonchalantly made his way into the room like a panther stalking it’s prey. When he was just a couple steps from her, he gave an almost imperceptive signal and waited. Sensual, erotic sounds made by a lyric invaded the room. It surrounded them, weaving a web of soul reaching sensuality. He started moving along with the rhythmic beat, swaying his body closer to her.
Ororo sat almost transfixed watching the black robed dancer. She was not certain what it was but since the moment he entered and found her gaze she could not look away from him. Their eyes were glued together in a spell that was causing her pulse to beat faster. Her breath clung to the back of her throat as he gyrated his pelvis in a suggestive manner that left no doubts to what he wanted. Suddenly he threw off the black robes and they all gasped.
Underneath he was dressed as an Egyptian deity of ancient times. His face, lips were colored by red ochre. His penetrating eyes were emphasized even more with black makeup. A hairpiece, or wig arranged into plaits and strands flowed with his movements. Bare broad shoulders, slim waist and muscular arms and legs were adorned by jewels inlaid with gold, silver and stones of lazuli, turquoise and amethyst. An elaborately pleated, knee length kilt of linen had a golden dagger patterned and fitted with a desert fox head clinging at his side. His stately appearance commanded their attention, demanded obedience, and arrogantly expected their willingness to do what ever he asked.
He reached for Ororo and pulled her into his arms as if they were the only two people there. He kept his eyes on him, missing nothing. She became aware of his lean, hard body as his arm wrapped around her narrow waist. He continued his slow smooth movements with turns and dips and easily made her follow his lead. She tried to concentrate around all the alcohol and music, even on her speechless friends. Anything but his eyes but he refused to allow it. He wanted all of her attention only on him and he knew exactly how to get it. He pulled her even closer and grinded himself into her pelvis. She gasped. The power and grace behind his movements had her closing her eyes and biting her lower lip.
~Goddess! Where did Jean find this man? She could not think, only feel. This man was creating such havoc within her! ~
He led and she followed. All the while becoming increasingly aware of every touch, every movement. Part of her wanted to fight his erotic control and started to compare him to Logan. He was covered in Egyptian oils and scents unlike Logan’s more natural scent. His eyes, like Logan’s held hidden mysteries in their depths. He also had the capability to drown her senses and make feel the same kinds of emotions that the man she loved could.
Confusion marred her perfect features. How was this possible, a complete stranger had the same effect as on her as Logan did? She loved Logan and in less then forty-eight hours would become his wife. She searched the man’s face and found him studying her carefully. His look was all too personal and warm, like a caress. She squirmed uncomfortably and sensed rather then saw the slow grin spreading across his lips. His arms tightened slightly.
This will not do! She thought in a glass daze. She tried to pull away but kept her against him and slightly shook his head. They twirled and moved in close circles and he never released the gentle pressure of his body against hers. Finally the music ended.
“Hey Pharaoh, we’re not paying you to monopolize the bride! We wanna dance too!” shouted Jean.
“Yea, take off ur skirt, we wanna see ur money maker!” said Cecilia
Reluctantly he pulled away and led her back to her seat. Bringing the hypnotic connection away from him, Ororo reached for a glass and drank deeply. After that she needed fortifying! The pharaoh went back to the center and signaled for a change of music. This time his movement were energetic as well as sensual and it included all of them.
“Now that’s what im talking about!”
“Take it off!”
“ Yeah, lets see what your got under that thing!” At Jubilations declaration, Ororo spilled her drink on the way to her lips and started giggling. Pharoah swayed towards her, leaned over and darted his tongue down the path of running liquid. Ororo gasped.
~Logan, Logan, Logan, Oh goddess Logan! ~ She chanted through her mind as she watched Pharaoh dance far enough away, glance at her and yank off his kilt. The loincloth underneath was enough to have them all clamoring for a closer look.
“Someone give me some money!”
“Why I didn’t think of that.”
“Here Ro, put this in his draws.” A dollar bill has shoved into Ro’s hands. She stared at it dumbfound until Pharaoh came to stand in front of her. A smirk and challenged rolled across his feature. He dared her. Ro hesitated only for a moment before shoving the bill into the front of his cloth. She quickly pulled her hand away and blushed from the roots of her white hair to her French manicured toes. He stood back but kept his aroused gaze on her.
“That a girl, Ro!”
“Take the rest off!”
“We wanna see it all!” Pharoah instead saluted, grabbed his discarded clothing and raced from the room.
“Hey we’d he go.”
“Why’d he get all shy!”
“Jeannie when I get married I want you to arrange my bachlorette Party!” Jean smiled but hid a look of confusion. She had arranged for a dancer, even seen him. The man that just blew them away was not the one she asked for! But she wasn’t complaining!

Several more drinks and hours later, the party was at an end. All the women were still in the rec room passed out on the pillows. A dark figure moved quietly to the sleeping white haired goddess and leaned over her. He pressed a button on the side of his watch and his image changed. He smiled as he gazed at the moon glowed face of the woman he’d chosen as his mate and then gently kissed her lips and reached for her left hand. Slipping her engagement ring he’d gotten from his loincloth back where it belonged, he stood and quietly walked back out.

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