Across town, Jean dropped her shopping bags as soon as she entered her apartment. After Scott had pretty much cold-shouldered her the entire night, Jean had sought refuge in the one activity that was guaranteed to stroke her wounded ego- shopping. But now after spending the entire morning at her favorite boutiques, Jean found that even shopping wasn’t helping her to figure out what was wrong with her marriage.

By all standards and to the outside world, the Summers had the perfect marriage. But like the imitation purses that street vendors like to sell, her marriage wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. Not that she could tell anyone. No way. There were some things that a girl couldn’t even tell her best friends and one of those things was that after six months of marriage, she and Scott had yet to have sex.

Not that she felt marriage was all about sex. Jean did consider herself to be lucky to have such a kind and sweet husband. Scott was constantly showering her with gifts. In fact, he would give her anything that she wanted except for an orgasm.

During their engagement, Jean had just assumed that Scott was being a gentleman and simply waiting for their wedding night in order to bring their love full circle. But their honeymoon had simply consisted of sightseeing , lying on the beach and more sightseeing. By the time they made it home, Jean was at a lost as to why Scott wouldn’t touch her. So she did what any mature woman would do- she searched the internet.

Armed with pages of information, Jean went about the ways of seduction. During dinner, she would rub her foot up and down his leg before placing her foot in his lap. Scott had simply asked if she wanted a foot massage. She had bought every teddy that she could find. But as far as Scott was concerned, she could have been sleeping in a garbage bag.

Finally, one night she has simply rolled over and began to kiss him. At first, he had responded, and he had even began to caress her. But just as she had reached into his pajamas, he sat up in bed as if he had been shot. Confused, Jean had tried to comfort him. However, he pushed her away saying that he was going to go get some work done. Hurt, Jean had simply rolled over to her side of the bed and cried herself to sleep. That had been three months ago, and since then the Summers had settled into somewhat of a routine- a routine of no sex.

The sounds of groans and moans coming from her bedroom started Jean from her thoughts. When she had left that morning to go shopping, she had left Scott in bed. Panicked that Scott might be hurt, Jean rushed into the their bedroom to find Scott masturbating.

Eyes closed, Scott feverishly worked his hand up and down his swollen penis in an attempt to bring himself relief oblivious to the fact that he now had an audience. In the bed next to him was a Playgirl magazine with Emma Frost as the centerfold.
For the first time in her life, Jean knew raged. For six months, she had racked her brain trying to figure out if something was wrong with her. For six months, she had cried and belittled herself when all along her husband was getting off to a magazine.

“Scott!!!!!” Jean yelled. “You bastard. You fucking bastard. How could you?”

Scott eyes flew opened as he found himself face to face with an angry red head. “Jean, what…”

“I’ve thrown myself at you for six months and you’ve pushed me away every time so you could masturbate with a magazine,” Jean cried as she approached the bed.

Scott jumped from the bed. “You don’t understand…”

“I understand that my husband won’t touch me.”

“If you would just listen…”

“I’m sick of listening to you. Just go back to your sick little magazine and leave me the hell alone.”

Rebecca sat on the couch willing the phone to ring. Where was Remy? Usually after she threw him out, he would walk around the neighborhood for a couple of hours only to return and to make passionate love to her. But this time he hadn’t even bothered to call.

Rebecca got up and began to pace. If he expected her to call him, then he had another thing coming. He was the one who was supposed to call and beg her forgiveness. She glanced at the clock on the wall. Nearly 24 hours had passed and no Remy. Angry, Rebecca reached for the phone. Remy was about to get the blessing of his life. However before she could lift the phone, someone knocked on her door.
“That’s more like it,” Rebecca muttered to herself as she paused to check her make-up in the mirror. “I’ll make him grovel for a couple hours before I finally forgive him. But it wasn’t Remy at her door. It was an upset Ororo, a frowning Betsy and a crying Jean.
“What in the hell?” Rebecca asked as she moved to allow her three friends into her apartment.

“My husband is a pervert,” Jean whined as she dropped to the couch.

“Paige Guthrie is a fucking knock out,” Betsy said as she moved to the bar to pour drinks.

Rebecca turned to me. “Your turn.”

“Oh, nothing. Except Logan pretends to not realize that I’m extremely pissed at him for going out with Fox.” I growled as I accept my drink from Betsy.

“Men, you can’t live with them and you can’t properly orgasm without them.” Betsy philosophized.

“This is coming from the Queen of the Dildo?” I questioned.

Betsy laughed. “Trust me, I’ve tried them all and I have yet to find a dildo to match a great penis.”

“If I want to stay married to Scott I will have to become the Queen of the Dildo,” Jean complained as she sipped her drink.

“O.k. since I’m coming in at the end of all this, would someone please bring me up to date,” Rebecca demanded as she sat next to Jean on the couch.

“Well, for the past six months, Scott has failed to do his…” I paused as I searched for the proper term, “husbandly duty.”

Rebecca month fell open as she turned to Jean for confirmation. Jean only nodded her head and continued to sip her drink.

“Six months?” Rebecca asked in disbelief. “But that’s just…”

“Immoral?” Betsy finished. “Yes, we know.”

“But why?” Rebecca wanted to know.

Jean tossed down the rest of her drink. “Because he would rather masturbate to a magazine picture of Emma Frost.”

“But I don’t understand,” Rebecca said.

“Don’t worry. Neither do I.” Jean got up and went over to the bar.

“And who is the hell is Paige Guthrie?” Rebecca asked.

“Warren wants to have a three way,” I explained.

“And I take it Paige is the third party?” Rebecca questioned.

“She’s 20 with perky breasts and a tight ass, but I have years of experience. I can out fuck her without even trying.” Betsy bragged.

“And Logan?” Rebecca wanted to know.

“Well, let’s see it started this morning when he called,” I recounted.

Let me know if I should continue......

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