Storm wasn't home by ten. Or eleven. She was home at midnight. Storm walked in quietly, and tried to put her stuff down, without disturbing Hawk. Problem was, Hawk was actually already in the living room, leaning against the couch. Storm turned on the light and nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Hawk. "Do you have idea what time it is?"

Storm was about to answer when Hawk cut her off. "It's midnight."

"Yes," Storm said, not quite reprimandingly, but close enough to it. "And you're supposed to be in bed."

"I told you to be home by ten, or I'd be up all night worrying."

"There was a long line, Hawk. We had to catch a later show."

"Prove it. Show me the ticket."

Storm did obligingly.

Salt PG-13

10:00 1

"You caught the ten o'clock show. You did tell him you've seen this one, right?"

Storm shrugged. She knew Hawk liked that movie, and that she was probably seething that she didn't get to see it a second time. "It was a good movie."

"So what did you do with the other two hours?"

Storm was startled by this question, and Hawk continued after seeing Storm's reaction. "Come on, Storm. You left here at eight, and it only takes twenty minutes to get to the theater. You guys did not wait two hours in a line to see a movie."

Storm sighed. She hated it when Hawk was interrogating her on her dates with other guys. "We went out to dinner."



"Very romantic," Hawk said sarcastically.

"We needed somewhere nice." Storm looked at her watch. "And right now we need to go to bed because we're only going to get a few hours of sleep; and you know how you are in the mornings."

"All the more reason to stay up all night."


"Darn it."


The next day, they interviewed some of Lilienna's closest friends and relatives. Nothing. Lilienna was a typical school girl with good grades; no boyfriend; quiet; never broke curfew, etc. And, the typical phrase everyone has when asked if anyone wanted to hurt Lilienna, "No. Everyone love her..."

Nothing that could possibly scream motive.

Storm and Hawk were now walking back to the office from the cafe next door, frustrated with this killer. "You do know that I have a competition this Saturday and next, right?" Hawk asked out of the blue.

"Really?" Storm asked. "I didn't know."

"I could've sworn I told you, like, two weeks ago."

"I'm sorry, Hawk," Storm said apologetically. "I've just been so focused on this case-"

"And Sabretooth."

Storm shot her a dirty look. "That I forgot," she finished.

"But you're gonna be there, right?"

"Of course."




Sabretooth came in a little later that day. "Say, Storm, you want to meet up later?"

Hawk rolled her eyes, and continued scrolling through things on Valdez on her laptop. Nothing popped out.

Storm looked up from what she was doing, looked up at Sabretooth, then at her watch. "Sorry, Creed," she said, getting up and grabbing her bag. "But it's five o'clock and it's Friday. And Hawk knows..."she looked at Hawk, who looked up from what she was doing. "...Friday nights are our girls nights."

"Yes!" Hawk said, pumping her arm as she shut down her laptop.

"Alright if I clock out early, Logan?"

"Sure, 'Ro."

"Thanks," she said, turning back to Hawk. "You ready?"

"Mm-hm," Hawk said eagerly.

"Let's go then."

Hawk followed a little behind. While Storm's back was turned, she turned her head and stuck out her tongue at Sabretooth.

After putting their stuff in the back, Hawk took shot-gun and Storm went into the driver's side. "So what do you want to do tonight?"

"Well... I do want to see the Dawn Treader."

"Alright, Dawn Treader it is. Remind me which one that is again."

"It's the new Narnia movie."



The movie was great and everyone went to sleep satisfied. The next morning was a little hectic though. Hawk walked to the stables where her Andalusian black mare, Midnight Storm, was kept.

Storm ran a little late the next morning, trying to get to the show, but she managed to get there and find a seat three rider's before Hawk.


Hawk looked up from where she waited for her turn. She saw Storm and waved. Midnight stamped her hoof. "Okay, okay," Hawk giggled. "I get it. Focus."


"Hello," someone said next to Storm. She turned to see it was Sabretooth.

"Victor," Storm said, surprised, but happy to see him. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I heard the kid mention something about a horse show, so I thought I'd come over and check it out. Which one is she by the way?"

"That one on the black mare," Storm said pointing to the rider at the starting gate.

"Up next is number on, Ashley Munroe, on Midnight Storm. " The announcer said. Everyone clapped. Once the crowd had quieted down, Hawk began her round.


Hawk was two strides away from her fifth jump, a double oxer, when she looked up and saw Sabretooth. Hawk! Midnight called telepathically. Hawk immediately saw that she had miscalculated her time. It was too late to turn around, and there was no way she was going for a refusal without injuring Midnight. She jumped...


Storm noticed Midnight's stride falter on the double oxer, and knew instantly that Hawk was going to jump and risk a fault; refusing and turning around were out of the question. Midnight's jump was sloppy and ungraceful; but, somehow, she managed to clear it. Or they almost did. Midnight's hind hoof nicked one of the poles.

The crowd held it's breath as the pole bobbled, but didn't fall. Hawk was now on the last jump, a triple. She slowed Midnight down, significantly, to a trot, cleared all three, and put on a burst of speed to race for the finish. 1:10.00. Perfect time, clean round.


Hawk looked at her time, then looked at the jump she nicked. The pole was still up. That meant that she was in first place.


"First Place, Ashley Munroe on Midnight Storm, with 1:10.00."

Storm cheered Hawk as she received her ribbon, and trophy. Midnight got a blanket of roses placed on her back. After the awards were given out, Storm went down to the arena to meet Hawk.

"You came!" Hawk exclaimed, giving her a hug, while still on Midnight's back.

"I told you I would," Storm said, laughingly. "I would hate to miss seeing you get a blue ribbon."

"Yeah, because then I probably would've killed you." Storm swatted her arm.

"I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks." Hawk looked up to see Sabretooth heading toward them. The happy feeling left her. "What's he doin' here?" Hawk asked in a low tone.

"Maybe I should take back my comment."

"No, I just didn't expect to see him here."

Sabretooth stopped in front of Midnight and looked up at her. "Nice job kid. Nice horse too." He reached out to Midnight, but she pulled her head back; her ears also going back.

"Easy," Hawk murmured soothingly. "Easy."

"What's wrong with her?"

"She doesn't typically like strangers."

"I wonder why," a voice said behind them. They all turned to see it was Logan.

"Logan," Hawk and Storm said simultaneously; both happy and surprised to see him.

"Nice to see you girls too," Logan said, mock-hurtful.

"How did you know where we were?" Hawk asked, smiling.

"I overheard you mention the show the other day as we all came back from the cafe.

"Why are you here, Wolverine?" Sabretooth asked.

"Our killer's struck again."

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