Date: 01-06-10 - 05:46 pm Title: Chapter #05, More Than Words, pt 03
‘Hello Unstoppable Force; meet Immovable Object.’
Every time you give us a new chapter, I pretty much drop everything to read it. There were your usual bits of sharp, dry humor and these yummy, contemplative love scenes, and I love the sisterly relationships among the women. I didn't even want to smack Scott this time.
I can't wait til you bring Vic into this, and eventually bring Logan back. This is so much fun to read, I love the slow-building suspense.

Date: 01-05-10 - 11:06 pm Title: Chapter #05, More Than Words, pt 03
OH shit. imagine my surprise to see an update!!! Great to have u back too! first Mystiqbard and and now Echo. Hot Damn and Happy new year to us! ;)
Author's Response: Heehee, thanks Rhapsody! It really felt good to post an update. I've been away from RoLo FAR too long!

Date: 12-13-09 - 12:47 am Title: Chapter #04 “More than Words”, Part 2
wooohooo cant wait for an update!

Date: 11-28-08 - 10:47 pm Title: Chapter #04 “More than Words”, Part 2
I'm glad that you decided to do this fic! I fell in love with Summer Of Sunsets, I guess mainly because it struck home in more ways than one. But I also wanted to know the outcome of this mission with Logan, and if...even though they say that they'll never see each other again...Ororo & him may somehoe how find each other again. Lol. I'm an obvious, and somewhat embarassing fan, and I look forward to reading more of you work. And I want to thank you personally for Summer Of Sunsets, to me it couldn't have been written any better.

Date: 11-09-08 - 08:12 am Title: Chapter #04 “More than Words”, Part 2
Where the hell have I been that i've missed this story? Geesh, I need to check the realm more often.
I'll have to just wait patiently until you post another chapter. But it's very exciting already.

Date: 11-01-08 - 11:10 am Title: Chapter #04 “More than Words”, Part 2
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! A cliffhanger. Oh my God. I had no clue you'd done a follow up! I'm so happy! This seems really good and i can't wait for Ro and Lo to interact again. That is going to be AKWARDEDDDDDD!

Date: 11-01-08 - 10:39 am Title: Chapter #04 “More than Words”, Part 2
It's good to see you back. And this story is already starting to be a very interesting follow up. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Date: 10-30-08 - 10:02 pm Title: Prologue (Only a Matter of Time?)
Can I just say I love 'Ro's reaction in the last scene?
Author's Response: LOL
Thanks Cee!