Date: 03-31-15 - 07:38 am Title: Chapter #08 Expecting the Unexpected,pt 3
Pls update

Date: 08-16-14 - 05:02 am Title: Chapter #08 Expecting the Unexpected,pt 3
Please updated this fic!

Date: 09-27-10 - 10:09 am Title: Chapter #08 Expecting the Unexpected,pt 3
When r we getting more?? Lol

Date: 07-13-10 - 09:21 pm Title: Chapter #08 Expecting the Unexpected,pt 3
I hope you haven't abandoned this story because I need to know what happens with Creed, The fake teacher, oh and our fav couple.

Date: 01-22-10 - 06:51 pm Title: Chapter #08 Expecting the Unexpected,pt 3
what'd ya mean that ain;t the colonel? Helllllloooooo?! Next chapter please.

Date: 01-21-10 - 11:20 am Title: Chapter #08 Expecting the Unexpected,pt 3
The conversation with Gerald in the kitchen was cute! Priceless!
I love the pace of this chapter and the different interactions between each character, I LOVE Yukio and her outfit and tattoo and Callisto's continued info gathering efforts, and Regan is one conniving ho. Love that.
Keep it coming. I watch all the time for updates, and lately you've delivered! Yay!

Date: 01-12-10 - 08:38 pm Title: Chapter #07 Expecting the Unexpected, pt 2
man. you pack a whallop when you update.
You have me feeling sorry for Jean, which is rare, on this site! But I love all the little nuances, like Logan paring his team down to the dedicated few, and the conversations between Ororo and Scott in the car. Logan burning the picture makes the reader ache, but you can see why. For the moment, it's like, you want Ororo and Logan to eventually be together, but just not right now. They've both got bigger shit on their respective hands. I love that you can make us, the readers, feel like that. Great job.
Author's Response: :D Cee, thanks so much for the review. It's reviewers like you that "get" what i'm trying to convey that make continuing these not-for-profit (lol) fics so much fun and certainly give me pep to keep going when I hit a writer's block. I really appreciate the feedback!

Date: 01-12-10 - 02:19 pm Title: Prologue (Only a Matter of Time?)
interesting. Keep it up I would like to see where this goes.

Date: 01-08-10 - 07:50 pm Title: Chapter 06 Expecting the Unexpected, pt 1
This has to be one of the best original stories that I have ever read.....keep up the good work and try not to br tempted to rush your story, let it unold at it's own pace.

Date: 01-08-10 - 07:47 pm Title: Chapter 06 Expecting the Unexpected, pt 1
This has to be one of the best original stories that I have ever read.....keep up the good work and try not to br tempted to rush your story, let it unold at it's own pace.

Date: 01-08-10 - 07:46 pm Title: Chapter 06 Expecting the Unexpected, pt 1
This has to be one of the best original stories that I have ever read.....keep up the good work and try not to br tempted to rush your story, let it unold at it's own pace.

Date: 01-08-10 - 07:08 pm Title: Chapter 06 Expecting the Unexpected, pt 1
Okay, I suppose you think this is payback for you reading til the early hours huh? Well I can tell you that on my side of the globe, I should've turned in for the night some time ago, but I've been unable to get my usual dose of fic until now. What a great read. I must confess that I had to go straight from chapter one to 'six' because I have a memory like a storm drain. No complaints however (except for the memory like a storm drain part) I must say the scene with Hank was favourite and damn if I noticed you fade after. Tsk tsk, now my only problem is reading Summer of Sunsets. Looks like I won't be getting to bed early for a good while

Date: 01-07-10 - 11:29 am Title: Chapter 06 Expecting the Unexpected, pt 1
This had Funions and sweet lemonade in it. That alone would have made me love this chapter, but you had so many dimensions of goodness going on in it that I can't describe them all. Scott was cute, Hank was cute, Marie was cute, and Callisto was frickin' awesome. She's so hard and smooth in this, a perfect counterpoint to Forge. No one uses her in fic. Like, at all. I can't wait for more.
Author's Response: Cee!! I'm happy u liked that ch. It doesn't have nearly enough RoLo in it but but i'm trying to get to the good parts of this tale that do ;). OH AND BTW: I am REALLY enjoying Getaway!! I M at the moment trying to come up with a way to read it from my iPhone without getting caught at work becos I just CAN'T wait till I get home. :) idk how I missed this when u originally started but it's okay since I now have plenty of chappies to tide me over!

Date: 01-06-10 - 10:58 pm Title: Chapter 06 Expecting the Unexpected, pt 1
yaaaaaaaaaay two updates in one night from 2 fav authors. Is it my birthday again?

Date: 01-06-10 - 05:47 pm Title: Chapter #05, More Than Words, pt 03
‘Hello Unstoppable Force; meet Immovable Object.’
Every time you give us a new chapter, I pretty much drop everything to read it. There were your usual bits of sharp, dry humor and these yummy, contemplative love scenes, and I love the sisterly relationships among the women. I didn't even want to smack Scott this time.
I can't wait til you bring Vic into this, and eventually bring Logan back. This is so much fun to read, I love the slow-building suspense.