She stood just outside, watching through the windows of the doors, her heart held a dull ache and nausea filled the pit of her stomach, at the scene before her. As she watched she came to a realization that she may have truly lost Logan, that he would never again be ‘hers’ at least not completely. That thought pained her but instead of running off and hiding away as she wanted to do, she instead sighed and made a personally decision to move on with her life and forget about Logan.

“Can we go now Ro, you have a date to get ready for remember?” Jubilee called out to her from her spot, lying across two of the chairs in the waiting area of the medlab, looking completely bored. At that moment Dr. Magnus walked out of the medlab.

“How is Emma, Dr. Magnus…and the baby?” Ororo asked with true concern, as much as she disliked the fact that Emma had a part of Logan that she knew she probably never would, she still felt for her and didn’t wish her or their baby ill will.

“Both are fine as far as I can tell Ororo, I am off now to run some test, until I get those results I won’t know for sure what caused Emma such pains, physically all looks well.”

“I can save you the time and effort Doc, Emma’s problem is simple, I know all the symptoms well,” Jubilee said from her spot and both Ororo and the Doctor looked at her curiously, both wanted to hear her diagnosis. “It’s call faking.” Jubilee said as she now stood and moved beside Ororo and looked in at Emma with Logan by her side. “Emma knew that was the only way to get Logan’s attention, and looks like it worked.”

“I do not know Emma that well but I highly doubt she would lie about such a thing.” Ororo said frowning a bit at her friend.

“I have to agree with Ororo, Jubilee, but as I said I won’t know anything for sure until I run some tests, so if you ladies will excuse me.” Dr. Magnus then moved off to his office placing Emma’s chart on his desk, and then he headed to the testing lab with her bloodwork.

“Whatever, but I’m telling you that girl is playing all of you, especially him.” Jubilee said as she and Ororo both stood watching the couple in the medlab, Emma lying in one of the beds with Logan at her side holding her hand, concern etched all over his face.

“Let’s go you have to help me get ready for my date with Victor remember.” Ororo said as she tugged her friend from the doors toward the elevators.

“Yeah and remind me again why you’re going out with Victor.”

“First you tell me why you brought him as a date to our ball?”

“Cause I’m a naughty girl with a thing for bad boys, which is so not you Ro.”

“Maybe not the naughty part, but I definitely have a thing for bad boys.” Ororo said with a slightly sad sigh as she and Jubilee entered the elevator and started up to the main floor.

“Yeah but compared to Victor, Logan’s ity-bity bad.”

“Excuse me, I think Logan could hold his own with Victor.” Ororo said still having a need to defend Logan despite their current situation.

“Yeah Logan could kick his ass no doubt, but that’s not what I mean. Logan is honorable and honest, wouldn’t say the same for Victor.”

“And why not, do you know him well enough to comment on him at all?”

“No, but the boy has got a reputation and it aint of the good…”

“Yes rumors spread about by people who probably don’t know him either, well I will not be closed minded, I shall give him the benefit of the doubt. I will decide for myself what kind of person Victor Creed is.” Ororo spoke as the elevator doors opened.

“Your time to waste sister, dang it I’ve lost my earring.” Jubilee stated as she pulled on her bare earlobe with one hand, as she slipped her earring into her pocket with the other hand. “Must have dropped it by the chairs I was laying on, I’m gonna go see if I can find it.”

“Would you like me to come help you?” Ororo asked.

“No, you go ahead and get started, I’ll be right back up before you know it to do your hair.” Jubilee said as she pushed the button.

“Ok,” Ororo said with a smile before turning and heading to her upstairs loft

She couldn’t believe her eyes though she had suspected she had no idea how right on her suspicions had been. A devilish smile crept upon her face as she closed the file and placed it back as she found it, before making her way out of the room. “Gotcha.” She exclaimed as she practically skipped off.

“How bout this?” Ororo asked as she modeled her outfit and twirled in front of Jubilee who sat on the bed lost in her own thoughts. “Jubilee?”


“What is the matter my friend, you have been in another world since you sat down.”

“Oh sorry Ro just trying to get my head around some things.”

“Like what?” Ororo asked as she now sat on her bed in front of Jubilee.

“Its about Logan and Emma…” Ororo groaned at the mention of the two names and she flopped back upon the bed and threw her arm across her face.

“Goddess I do not think I can stomach anymore talk of them.”

“Well just hear me out, its important and I think you should know and definitely Logan should if I’m right.” This got Ororo’s interest and she sat back up.

“What is it Jubilee?”

“Refresh my memory Ro, exactly how long was Logan gone?” Ororo bunched her brow at her friend but answered the question.

“Seven weeks, two days, 6 hours,” She said swallowing back impending tears. “…and fifty-two seconds.” Jubilee couldn’t help but to smile despite the seriousness of the situation.

“Yeah that was what I thought too, well not so detailed but about the same thing. Ok now what if I told you that Miss Emma is ten weeks pregnant?”


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