** ** indicates telepathic communication.
‘ ’ indicates thought
“ ” indicates spoken words

“We wait for the effects of the serum to wear off”

It had been almost forty-eight hours since Wraith had shot Ororo with the ‘fear’ dart and she was still suffering from the residual effects of the serum. She was allowing the now calmer Wolverine/Logan to come within five feet of her.

What she wasn’t allowing was any kind of touch. She only moved from her corner when he was asleep or that was what she thought.

He was still sleeping lightly and at the slightest movement at her end, he used to snap his working eye slightly and track her movements. The only changes she had made were move herself from the farther corner of the cage to the one nearer the other two cells. Apart from that she only moved for drinking water or using the common toilet. She had donned the grey colored poncho style clothing their captors had provided, her own lying in tattered as a reminder of what she had suffered at his hands. His thoughts were finally reaching human level, his arousal long gone, replaced by the deep sense of sorrow, regret and hate. Sorrow for her condition, regret at what he had done and hate, both towards himself and at the people who had made him do this to her.

He had caught words from the conversations of the other three women, their names still escaping his memory. From that, he was able to ascertain that she had also been pumped with some sort of serum, not one like the one surging through his body, but rather one that worked on her fear receptors and generators and sensitize them, whatever that meant. What he understood was that, she had perceived that she was being raped and abused in the worst possible way and would do it for the rest of his life. What was the worst thing in all of this, apart from what she had gone through, was that he was the one who was the perpetrator in all of this. It was him who had done this to her, and that’s why she shied away from him.

He had turned into the animal he truly was and had harmed one of the few people that mattered to him, the one who mattered to him the most right now. He had sensed it, his currently super-sensitized senses letting him know it weeks before anyone else would know it, even her, even those fuckers with all their fancy machines and tests.

He knew.


“Ororo,” Jubilee’s whisper roused her from her sleep. She too slept lightly, not able to sleep deeper from fear that she would be harmed again. Having almost recovered from the residual effects of the serum and talked to her teammates, most importantly Stacy, she realized the truth of what had happened to her. That had helped but not completely. She still shirked from him, from any man, but most from him. She recalled every second of what she remembered and thought had happened to her and although she had recovered and he had recovered, she still wasn’t able to let him come near her.

The only time he came near her was when the food trolley came and the packages were tossed in their cage. He was the one who picked them up and brought it to her. However, even then, he took care of not to touch her, leaving the package near her feet, a filled mug of water lying next to him. He had been doing that ever since they first had sex.

It was those times; that reminded her that he was her friend….her best friend and not some animal and rapist like Sabertooth. If only she could convince her subconscious to accept and remember that. However, it was too soon for that.

What she didn’t know was the specific reason for all his care. It was true that she was his teammate, his friend. It was even true that the animal in him had marked her as his mate. The mark still clear on her healing shoulder bite wound. The main reason was that….

….she was pregnant.


She was pregnant and the child was his. HIS.

Any other time he would have yelled it out from the tallest building or highest mountain he could find. But not now. Now the only two thoughts running through his mind were, to take care of her and the child and more importantly for her and for the rest of them….to get them out of this place and get them to safety.


“Ororo,” Jubilee called again.
“Yes,” she whispered huskily as she raised her head from the raggedy pillow she had made from torn clothes. He also cocked his ears.

“How are you feeling?” the young woman asked concernedly.
“Better,” she answered as she brushed her now dirty hair away from her face. “Physically,” she specified.
“Is there any pain?” Kitty asked as she came to the cell bars.
“No,” she shook her head, pulling on the bar to help her body into a seated position. “How is everyone else?”

“Stacy is also almost recovered,” Jubilee whispered in a low voice. They still didn’t know whether the camera caught audio or were just video. Therefore, anything important was either signed or if they had to speak it out, it was whispered in the barest of tones.
“We are still acting as if she is still seriously injured and ill,” Kitty added. “That will keep them away,” she pointed to the door, her words and sign referring to the soldiers.
“Good,” Ororo commended their presence of mind. She had been afraid of the affect of all this on their young minds. “How are the both of you?”

“Hmm…ok,” Jubilee shrugged her shoulders, her brave front still up. “Can’t wait to blow this joint though.”
“Me too,” was all Kitty said, not trusting herself to say anything else.
Ororo merely nodded her head and pointed towards the sleeping German mutant. “How is Kurt?”
“He seems ok,” Jubilee answered. “He prays a lot, says it help him remain calm in this time of difficulty. He says god is testing us and we need to keep our efforts going, our spirits up and out belief in him true, especially now.”

Ororo gave a smile rueful smile at the words of her friend. Kurt had always been like this. She remembered the first time she had met him. It had been in the church where Jean and her had found him. Having run away from Stryker and his men, he had taken asylum in the nearly abandoned church. Even then had been just like today, his beliefs as strong as ever. If everything had gone as it had been a few weeks ago, he would have been getting ready to enter priesthood.

But now? What were they going to do?


Looking at a resting Wolverine, a chill ran down her body. He was resting in a semi-fetal position, his claws extended, ready to face any attack on him. Luckily, there had been no other torture inflicted on him. In fact, no one came to them. Only the soldier who brought them food every twelve hours.

She knew that this wouldn’t last for long. Soon they would come for either Stacy, Kurt or her. Stacy to be taken away for the ‘pleasure’ of the other soldiers, Kurt for testing, Wraith’s words still ringing in her head. He had told Kurt that he was as good as dead. They were going to test him and kill him. She shuddered at the fate waiting for her teammates. Compared to them, she seems almost as she was in paradise. She would be taken away to test for pregnancy. If she was pregnant, maybe they would finally leave her alone, maybe even give her better accommodations.

That particular though both gladdened and saddened her. She was happy that she would be taken away from this place, but at the same time that would mean that she would be taken away from her friends, maybe never getting to see them again.


Making her mind up, she shifted away from the front of the cage, coming to rest as the opposite edge of her mattress, near the sleeping Wolverine. She wanted to talk to him. She knew that he was able to form words now, the serum having lost most of its potency. She had heard him apologize a few hours ago. She had been asleep, or so he had mistakenly thought.

He had said sorry and that he would never do this to her. It had been the serum that had made him do it. He had also said that, even though it had been the serum, he understood that it had only brought out what was already there inside him….and as soon as they got out from here, he would make every effort to get her and the others to a safe space and once there, he would leave her alone and go away to the farthest place he could find. That would save her and anyone else from getting hurt or killed by his hands or actions.


“Logan,” she whispered to him, maintaining a respectable three feet distance. “Wolverine…Logan…”
“Uhn…grr…” he moved as her words registered. Turning his head towards the sound, he opened his left eye, his right one still sealed. The eyeball had filled up, indicating that soon it would open with a fully grown and working eye inside it.

“Logan, can you hear me?” she whispered softly.
“Huhn…” the raised head answered her question, his claws retracting with a ‘snikt’. “Yeah,” he grunted in an almost human voice.

“I want to talk to you,” she continued. “Its important.”
“What?” she had his complete attention now.

“I want…..”


She stopped as the door slid open, their tormentors stepping through, Cornelius, Wraith accompanied by Cornelius’s female assistant and half a dozen soldiers.

“Good,” Cornelius rubbed his hand. “Nice to see that everyone is hear and awake,” he joked.

Coming to stop in between the three cells, he ran his gaze over all the ‘inmates’.

“Its that time again.” He spoke almost gleefully. “Time for one of you to leave your cell…”

“…and come with me on a short trip.”

Note: Come on guys.....give me a review!!

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