A night of peace in a world at war….that’s what they have tonight.

El Sabah Nur, Apocalypse has risen….his four domes, spheres rather, threaten to herald in a new age.

The Age of Apocalypse


The Big Picture….that is what he told the renegade teenager.

The Big Picture, got a whole lot BIGGER.

Even now, the world prepares to battle him, to stop him….and so do they.


*Mutant Battle*

That’s what the newspapers call it….which, come to think of it, it is.

Only this time, the *Battle* is not of a single country, people or race.

This time it is not even a battle.

This time it is a war.


For the planet…for all the people, mutant or human.


“He’s…grown up, changed,” she breaks the silence, sadness still filling her heart.
“Yup,” he flicks the ash from his cigar. “He had has to. He used t’ be a student….a learner…a follower. He is a leader now.”

“Yes,” pride is clear in her voice. “Leader of the Morlocks. Him and Callisto.”

Her little spike, the skateboarding teenager is his own man now, having had to grow up in such a short time. His erratic power surge and the ensuing circumstances have necessitated that.


“But ya still worry about him,” he states the obvious.
“Yes,” she looks away from the window and turns to him. “Just as you worry about her.”

“Who?” he feigns ignorance, knowing fully well who she is talking about.
“You know who,” she doesn’t even need to say the name.

“No, it ain’t that,” he shakes his head, his eyes not meeting hers. “She…”
“She died, in the Hydra mother ship explosion,” she repeats the story he had told to Nick Fury, the same story he had told the others, including her.

She knew the unspoken, unrevealed truth. Even if she did not possess any telepathic ability, she knew. He was too laid back, too *less* repentant after his return from that *mission*.


Maybe the others might not have noticed it, but she did. Goddess, he didn’t even go into the woods after that….no anger to expel, no pain to away. The only thing he did was go to one of his pool-bars and spent a whole night there.

“Yeah, I am worried,” he finally mutters, his brow furrowed at having to express uneasy emotions. “Worried about all of ‘em.”
“So am I,” the comes to his side.


They are worried because of what is going to happen…..not can….but will.

Apocalypse is hidden….preparing for his final move.

What he is planning is unimaginable…..but not undoable…not for him.

He is going to change the earth…..he is going to become its ruler.

Unless someone stops him.

Unless THEY stop him.


Magneto is gone.

He disappeared

Dead…Captured…they do not know.

The only thing they know was watching him vanish into a glowing ball of energy.



They are leaving, her and the Professor.

“Take care of yourself,” the young redhead telepath tells her surrogate father.
“See ya soon,” the gruff feral tells his wind-riding soul mate.

‘Soul mates,’ that’s what they are now. They both know that, they both accept that….having made the move from friends to mates.

“Soon,” she whispers back. Leaning towards her, his lips reach for hers.


He watches her leave, the black jet taking them away.

‘Soon,’ he repeats silently, trying to push away the thought…the gut feeling rising within him.

He is worried for her….for both of them.

“Somethin’s wrong,” his feeling is right.

For the next time they meet….they will be on opposite sides.

They will be fighting one another.

Note: Spoilers: Season 3 (Under Lock & Key, Dark Horizons 1 & 2), Season 4 (Impact, Ascension 1)

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