It was then that he remembered how he knew her, and where from. His past was somehow connected to hers.

He got home that night, pulling out odd bits and bobs that he had kept from his past, somehow hoping that they would come in use one day. Some of these records were old newspapers that he had either written or helped to write, but he had long since given that up, writing articles about other people to him made it feel like he was, or had been intruding in personal matters. He felt similar in his task. But where the article was, he didn’t know.

It must have been ten years ago, in the autumn of ‘85. He would have been twenty, and in the start of his career.

“Victor where the fuck are we going?”

Victor Creed had been his guardian since he was about fifteen, they had been dumped on each other, as they saw it. But it was what happened when one becomes an orphan. Life before Victor had been great for him, he had loving parents and a little brother, half brother-the affair, his mothers first fault. Now however, they were all dead , killed in front of his eyes, though the killer didn’t notice the fourth of the Howlett clang. Little Logan, the wonder boy.

“You’ll see runt, just keep up.” So his chances of guessing weren’t limited, in all of new York there would have been many places to which they were going. But to where they did go, wouldn’t of been on his final list.

The story of the young Ororo Munroe had been on the news for weeks now. Flicking over channel to the next and the news coverage would be the same.

He sighed. His first day, and this was not how he had imagined it.

“Vic why are we here?”

“I have a friend who works here, he’ll give us an insider on this Forge geezer, so your first report will get you on top.”

“And your doing this for me because…?”

“Because my names going on that article too. Now will you stop asking questions?”

Hearing the name Forge, just stung him even more, he would have been the one to lock him up, and be there when he dies, but no that wasn’t going to happen, the Munroe kid got tabs on it first. She was the one that called shotgun, gave no one else a chance.

It wasn’t long before some security guard met up with them, and took them in. The three were soon in a room with, about fifty odd cameras.

“Securities tight, hey Logan” He laughed.

“Sure is.”

Looking around, searching each screens, something caught his eye. Leering in towards the flashing image, bile came up and lapped around his throat.
The screen flashed in different shades of blue, clearly showing the events.

The man he knew as Forge, was indeed present, as was a girl, a girl who’s back was faced towards the screen, though it wasn’t hard to know who it was.
Forge, or so he thought, was naked, he head recently stripped of all clothing, pressing himself against the glass that separated the two beings. She was crying, had to be, screaming for someone to get her out. No body came.

Each jerking action that Forge directed at the girl, made his hate for the guy thicken. The bastard licking the glass, and saying her name, his mouth moving on screen.

“Hey where is this?” He asked, no answer came, or was going to come. “Hey fuck face, where is this?” he hated being ignored, especially when someone was in a condition like this girl.

“Sector 7G, interview/observation room 2, why?” The guard moved around Victor and peered over Logan’s shoulder “Holy shit! Munroe!” His movements were fast, as he reached for the intercom, spreading the message for medical and security to check out Sector7G. It wasn’t long before Forges body went limp on screen, and Ororo was removed.

“Why d’you bring me here Vic?”

“Would you quit with the questions!” It was a demand not a question, one that wasn’t followed.
“Besides I all ready told you.”

“Actually no you didn’t.”

“Why d’you care anyway?”

“Excuse me! That mother fucker, killed my family, or did you just somehow innocently forget.”

The day had never been forgotten, both days actually. The day his parent were murdered, he hid in cupboard and watched as that bastard raped his mothers dead corpse, it was at that time when Forge became noticed.

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