A/N:The characters might be a little OOC, but I tried my best.
As always read and review, flames are welcome, critiques greatly appreciated
Disclaimer: The X-men characters do not belong to me, they belong to Stan Lee.

“Kitty are you in there?” Ororo knocked softly on her door. “Mom?” she said groggily.

“I’m sorry for waking you honey; I just needed to talk to you for a few minutes.” Kitty nodded “Its ok mom, come in.” she said rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Ororo walked in taking a seat in the corner. "I just wanted to let you know that I purchased our flight tickets and if you could start packing when you get a chance. I would like us to leave as soon as the wedding is over”. She heaved a sigh, Logan had unnerved her. She didn’t want to stay there and she wanted them to be gone before he knew it. She had it all planned out. After the vows had been said and Rogue and Remy walked backed as husband and wife, she would discreetly slip away load the luggage and then signal Kitty to come with Jonathan and be gone. Most of her stuff was packed already except for a few pieces of clothes and some toiletries even though they wouldn’t be leaving for a few days.

Logan’s words continued to haunt her, she hated to be sneaky but that was the only way she would get away. Ororo sighed as she glanced around the girls room it was sparse not like the one she left behind filled with pictures of her friends and stuff they had picked up through their travels. She could only imagine how hard it was for Kitty to come back and then have to leave again.

“Why do we have to leave mom? I mean Logan already knows about Johnathan, so what’s the point, what are you running away from now?” Kitty had been watching her, trying to find the right words to say without hurting her mom’s feeling. “When you said you were leaving before I thought you were going to Paris to meet the father and let him know about his son, but then I find out that Logan is the father. I don’t know what you were thinking or why you chose to just leave but I think it was wrong of you to do it.” She took a deep breath as if she had been holding it. “Now that we are back and Logan and Johnathan have been getting along together I don’t see what’s the rush to go back.” She turned away from her mom, “I just think Johnathan should have both of his parents in his life; He deserves to know who his father is. It’s not up to you anymore mom.”


“No let me finish mom, I can’t go back to Paris with you and pretend what you’re doing is right. I can’t forget that you’re taking a son away from his father. It’s just wrong and I can’t go along with it. You need to stop running from your problems mom.” Kitty turned to look at her then, her face fallen. She hated to say it but her mom really needed a reality check and she hoped that she wasn’t mad but some things had to be said.

Ororo was stunned at her words, she never thought about how it might feel to be in Kitty’s shoes in this situation and now that she knew the truth did she feel like she was betrayed? Torn between her mom and one of her close friends. “I am not running away Kitty. I just do not know what to do now.” Even as the words left her lips she knew she was lying. That was exactly what she was doing. She was running away from her problems, she just didn’t want to deal with it, she didn’t want to have to go through the whole custody thing. She didn’t want to put her son through it.

“Why don’t you just give Logan a chance you know? I mean there had to be something between the two of you before or else Johnathan wouldn’t be here right now.” Kitty made a little face and Ororo inwardly smiled.

Ororo kind of nodded to herself Kitty was right. She had been, no she was in love with Logan, yet she was fighting it so hard. Why? That’s the question Logan had asked her the other night. If she really thought about it, it was because she was a coward. No other word could describe why she ran in the first place. She was afraid of rejection. They weren’t a couple they had sex and that was it. It’s not like they were in a loving relationship. It was one sided and she had known it. She was afraid he would hate her for getting pregnant. She was afraid he would shun her and the baby, she had been so afraid of so many things.

“Mom,” Kitty frowned she was lost in thought.

“You know what Kitty I think that you are right. I do not see why we would not be able to make it work. I will do my best to get Logan to forgive me.”
Kitty nodded trying to force back a yarn; she was still tired it was like two in the morning after all. Ororo smiled giving the girl a hug. “Go back to sleep honey, I will try and find a way to make it better.” Kitty nodded getting in her bed.

Ororo left the room silently and made her way to her bed. Why couldn’t they make it work? Did Logan not say he wanted it? She laid in bed staring out her window, she would have to cancel the tickets, even if Logan didn’t want her anymore.They were going to stay, this was there home, she would be in his face till he realized that maybe being with her again was what he wanted. She wasn’t going to run again. She closed her eyes on that thought.

----Next Day----

Ororo had woken with determination in her heart. She would try to win Logan back, she would get him to forgive her and they would be together. She glanced out the window, everyone was busy bustling about. They had been setting up decorations and flowers for the upcoming wedding. The kids were out of school for the week and the mansion was lively.

She had gone to talk to Logan bright and early but he hadn’t been there. She found out a few minutes later from Kitty that Logan had taken him to a baseball game. She smiled to herself remembering how Johnathan had tried to say the word “Baseball”. She brushed a few imaginary specs of lint from her clothes. She had chosen her outfit just for Logan. It was his shirt from the last time they had actually been together and a pair of cut-offs. She turned back to the food she had been preparing, packing it into a little basket. They would be back any minute and she wanted to surprise them.

She glanced out the window seeing his car pull up, she felt more than a little giddy. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath going to the door carrying her basket with her. The door opened and Logan stood there, Johnathan was clutching his hand the biggest smile on his cute face. “Mommy!!” Johnathan ran and hugged her. She planted a small kiss on his cheek. “Mommy I had sooooo much fun, I almost caught a baseball too. Uncle Logan bought me a hotdog and ball and I got a au…autgraph.” He held up the small ball for her to inspect it.

“Wow that’s so cool honey, we better put this up and later I will get a nice little case for it.” She ruffled his hair, when he was happy she was happy. “I’m glad you had such a great time baby.”

Logan just stood there inspecting her. His gaze cool yet it wasn’t lost on him what she was wearing. It was his shirt he couldn’t forget it .That night he had fucked her hard, taking out all his feelings over jean on her body. She hadn’t cared she welcomed him to do so, he had given her his shirt afterwards because he had ripped hers. He wedged his hands into his pocket trying to hide his hard-on, the memory of that night flooding back to him. “I didn’t wanna wake ya to ask, so I figured it woulda been fine wit ya ‘Ro.” He shrugged. “Next time I’ll let ya know.” He turned to leave.

“Wait Logan, I thought maybe it would be nice to have a picnic. I know you guys are hungry and I made all your favorites.”

Jonathan’s ears perked up, “You made me turkey and cheese sandwiches? Mm mm I ready to eat now mommy.” He glanced at her basket then scampered over to it, ruffling through it.

“So what do you say Logan, would you like to come with us?” Ororo tried to sound casual yet she was nervous as hell.

“Na, I aint hungry ‘Ro, we ate at da stadium.” He said turning away, “See ya lata Johnathan.”

“Ok Uncle see ya lata.” Johnathan didn’t even turn to look at him he was busy munching on some grapes. Ororo marveled at how he had mimic Logan’s speech so perfectly.

“Oh Ok Logan. Thank you again for taking him out. I guess we can catch up later.” Logan half nodded then walked away. Ororo watched him walk away, disappointed in herself. She should say something, stop him yet she didn’t. “Come on baby I know the perfect spot for our picnic.” Johnathan just nodded and followed her out.

Ororo watched the little ripples on the lake. She was lost in thought. She thought Logan would love the idea of coming out here again, yet he so blatantly said no. she sulked maybe this wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought.

----The Day of the wedding----

Jean stood behind Rogue her hands busy pilling curls on top of her head. “I don’t know bout dis look, ya sure Remy gonna like dis?” Rogue sat in front of a vanity her make-up picture perfect and now the only thing she had left to do was put on her dress. She giggled with excitement, today was her wedding day. Finally, even though it had been postponed for a while it was here at last. She and Remy would be husband and wife.

“Yes Rogue, he is gonna flip over it. It accentuates your make-up perfectly. Trust me I think I know a thing or two about looking absolutely beautiful.” She fluttered her eyelashes with a huge smile on her face.

Rogue rolled her eyes, “If ya say so Sugah.” She just wanted to look good for Remy.

Ororo walked in her eyes immediately on Rogue, “Oh wow! You look stunning Rogue.” She went to her turning her around to check out her dress. “Remy is gonna die when he sees you.”

Rogue blushed, “Are ya sure it’s not ta much, I mean Jean kinda went overboard wit mah hair…” she trailed off glancing again into the mirror.

“What?! Just a moment ago you said you loved it.” Jean pouted at her.

Ororo shook her head; these were her best friends she didn’t know what she would do without them. “Do not worry Rogue you look spectacular, besides I doubt Remy would be looking at anyone else anyways.”

Jean nodded in agreement, “ Ok,” she said looking at her watch, “We have about an hour and a half before they come to get us. I think we should get ready now Ro.”

Ororo picked up her light blue bridesmaid gown, she smiled at Rogue before going into the conjoined room. She glanced at herself in the mirror, she had previously done her make-up and stuff all that was left was her dress. She put it on then gazed at herself in the mirror. It did look decent on her. She turned to the side then the other and exhaled. “All ways a bridesmaid never a bride.” She said aloud to herself. Now more than ever she believed it. The one man she desired to marry wouldn’t have her. She smiled miserably to herself the story of her life. Now the dress just felt so wrong on her. She grimaced at herself,” get it together Ororo, this is your best friend’s wedding, you are going to smile and have a great time.” With that said she put on an enormous smile and left the room.

She and Rogue sat waiting for Jean who was taking forever as always. They sat in silence each in their own thoughts.
“What do you guys think?” Jean popped and did a little twirl then cat walked over to them. The two girls chuckled.

“You look fine, Jean.”

“As always.” Jean added with a wink.
There was a knock on the door and all three girls jumped.

“You guys ready in there?” It was Scott.

“Yes just one minute!” Jean said.

“Oh mah God, it’s finally time ya’ll. I’m getting married!” Rogue stood, anxious yet excited at the same time. She glanced once more at herself sweeping a soft curl out of face before Jean put her veil on.

“Ok, you guys can come in.” Logan, Scott and The Professor stood there all in black tuxes looking handsome and polish. “Everybody into positions please.” Jean said. Making sure everything was flawless. As the music started the big doors opened and Kitty and Jonathan marched out first. They threw down yellow and white rose petals in their wake before taking their place at the front. Jean and Scott came next.

Ororo glanced around, everyone was there standing waiting for the bride. She walked arm in arm with Logan her mind was a mess at this moment.She wanted to cry yet she was smiling as brightly as she could. This would never be her. She would never be walking down this isle with the Professor looking at Logan waiting for her as his wife to be. She would never get to say the words “I do”. She took her place next to Jean and sought out Logan. He was watching her, yet she couldn’t read the look in his eyes.

The wedding march begun and Rogue stood next to the Professor. She glanced around at all the smiling faces before landing on the only one that really mattered at that moment, Remy. He had a huge smile on his face and she couldn’t help but smile under the veil. As they made their way down the aisle her giddiness was growing more and more. Rogue Stood next to Remy now and he took her hand.

“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God “ and in the face of this company “ to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and therefore “ is not by any “ to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly “ but reverently, discreetly, advisedly and solemnly. Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined.” Hank started.

Ororo stood trying to listen but her heart and mind was elsewhere. In moments like these it seems like she felt the need to scrutinize where her life was at. She felt happy for her friend of course but the state of her own life was bringing her down. She had been the brides’ maid at both weddings, she had stood in the same position putting on a happy smile for the world yet her heart had been down trotted. She took a peek at Johnathan and Kitty as they sat observing. They were the only things good in her life right now. Her gaze went to Logan. He stood there his face solemn. The one thing that she wished she could change.

“Marriage is the union of husband and wife in heart, body and mind. It is intended for their mutual joy “ and for the help and comfort given on another in prosperity and adversity. But more importantly “ it is a means through which a stable and loving environment may be attained.” Hanks words interrupted her train of thought.


Ororo stood outside Logan’s room door, she knocked softly it was barely audible. She wasn’t surprise that he had heard it. He opened the door shirtless. She inhaled sharply. His muscles were glistening with wetness. It had been a while since she had seen him like this and the memory’s had come flooding back. She shook her head coming back to reality.

“Wat ya want ‘Ro?” Logan leaned slightly against the door frame. His hair hung wet and a towel slung low on his waist. “I’m kinda busy.” He said gruffly moving to close the door.

“Wait Logan, I just wanted to see if you would like to have dinner with me, I figured you would be hungry since you missed it earlier.” She held up a little basket and smiled.

“I aint hungry.”

“Come on Logan you cannot use the same excuse on me twice,” she said teasingly.

He groaned and opened the door for her. He vanished into the bathroom, coming back a few minutes later in a t-shirt and jeans. She had moved a small nightstand to the middle of the room and set it up with a glass of wine, the food and some candles.

They sat down, silence permeating the room. She glanced around trying to find something to talk about. “So how was the game Logan?” she said breaking the awkward silence.

Logan just shrugged and continued to eat. What in the world was she doing coming to his room so late at night to “eat”? He couldn’t figure this woman out. Was she doing it just to throw him off? It didn’t help much that she was wearing such a flimsy dress. He could see the soft curve of her breast and the deep caramel nipples that topped them. “Wat do ya really want ‘Ro? Nobody goes to someone’s room in da middle of da night dressed like dat just to “eat”.”

Ororo glanced down at the plain dress she had selected. It wasn’t skintight or anything, she wore it for that reason. It was sexy yet not overtly so. “I do not know what you mean Logan. I was just concerned about you since I had not seen you at dinner.” She frowned.

“If ya say so.” He stared at her hard for a moment before finishing his food. “There I ate ya can leave now.” He stood placing the stuff in the basket then opening the door for her.

She inwardly sighed. Why was he making this so difficult? “Ok then goodnight Logan thanks for having dinner with me.” She stood in front of him, she leaned slightly to kiss him and he pulled back.

He frowned at her “ Wat da fuck ‘Ro. Make up ya damn mind.” He said shutting the door.

------End flashback-----

“Through marriage, Rémy Etienne LeBeau and Anna Marie make a commitment together to face their disappointments “ embrace their dreams “ realize their hopes “ and accept each other’s failures. Remy and Anna Marie will promise one another to aspire to these ideals throughout their lives together “ through mutual understanding “ openness “ and sensitivity to each other. We are here today “ before God “ because marriage is one of His most sacred wishes “ to witness the joining in marriage of Remy and Anna Marie. This occasion marks the celebration of love and commitment with which this man and this woman begin their life together. And now “ through me “ He joins you together in one of the holiest bonds.”

Hank stopped to take a deep breath, “Who gives this woman in marriage to this man?”

The Professor answered, “Her family and friends gathered here today do.”

Hank nodded,” By gathering together all the wishes of happiness and our fondest hopes for Remy and Anna Marie from all present here, we assure them that our hearts are in tune with theirs. These moments are so meaningful to all of us, for what greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined together “ to strengthen each other in all labor “ to minister to each other in all sorrow “ to share with each other in all gladness. This relationship stands for love, loyalty, honesty and trust, but most of all for friendship. Before they knew love, they were friends, and it was from this seed of friendship that is their destiny. Do not think that you can direct the course of love “ for love, if it finds you worthy, shall direct you.”

“Do not think you can direct the course of love, if it finds you worthy it shall direct you.” Those words struck a chord with Ororo. If she hadn’t been trying so hard to push Logan away then get him back would they have worked out in the first place? She let her gaze find him. He was again eyeing her, but he looked as if he was lost in thought. Had their brief fling been the Goddess’s way of trying to get them together? Was Johnathan the glue that should have cemented them? If that’s what her Goddess had planned she had screwed it up, badly.

The past few days she had tried her best to be where Logan was. To talk to him it was almost to the point of stalking. She stayed up just to see if he would come to her room. She listened for him to leave his room and she would follow. Yet he would always lose her. If she asked to talk to him, he would say he was busy. He would take Johnathan out daily to a park, for ice-cream, or for a drive and if she offered to come along, he would dismiss her with a “No” or He could handle Johnathan by himself.

He had made sure he didn’t have any time for her. He hadn’t really said much to her and now she felt as if it was over. He was over her. Before she would have been able to handle it but now she despised the way she felt when she saw him, like her heart was braking each time. Yet she knew there was no one else to blame but herself.

“Stop pitying yourself.” Ororo glanced up, who had said that? She frowned looking at Jean.
“Sorry I couldn’t help it, there is so much negativity coming from you. It’s like a palpable aura around you right now. You need to take your mind of Logan and come back to the wedding. Believe me ‘Ro, it will work out.” Jean gently put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

Ororo nodded, and turned back to Rogue and Remy.

“Do you Remy take Anna Marie to be your wife “ to live together after God’s ordinance “ in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you both shall live?”

Remy smiled clutching Rogues gloved hand, “I do!”

“Do you Anna Marie take Remy to be your husband “ to live together after God’s ordinance “ in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?”

“I do!”

Kitty nudged Johnathan and he walked up shyly, handing Remy two a little boxes. Then scurried back to his seat.

“What token of your love do you offer? Would you place the rings in my hand?” Remy set the boxes in Hanks big blue hands. “May these rings be blessed as the symbol of this affectionate unity. These two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever they go “ may they always return to one another. May these two find in each other the love for which all men and women yearn. May they grow in understanding and in compassion. “
Rogue slid the little gold band onto his finger, Remy followed suit.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Remy lifted her veil and stared into her eyes she had been crying, he kissed her softly. Wiping away the few tears still present.

They turned to the congregation and Hank made the newlywed introduction. “I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. LeBeau!” Everyone stood clapping as they made their way down the aisle.

----------------A few hours later----------

Ororo gave Rogue a huge hug, her and Remy were off to their honeymoon now. The festivities were over and everyone was going back to the mansion after a long day. Kitty had put Johnathan to sleep and now she was on a mission to find Logan. She had not seen him for a few hours. She pondered if he had taken off again on one of his soul-searching trips. He hadn’t said much to her a simple nod here and there. “Hey Jean wait up for a second.”

Jean turned, saying something to Scott before he walked away. “What’s the matter ‘Ro?”

“Nothing, just wondering if you have seen Logan.”

“I saw him a little while ago, he said he was going for a walk or something to clear his head.” Jean pointed out the direction he had gone to.

“Thanks Jean, I appreciate it.” She smiled at her friend who just nodded. The lake was in that direction maybe he was there. She summoned the winds to fly her up above the trees. She skimmed each area as she passed, finally spotting his lone figure next to the lake.

He could smell her before he seen her. Her smell was always the same, maybe a little different depending on what fragrance she decided on but her natural smell was always there. She materialized in front of him a few moments and he just had to gawk at her. The big moon shown behind her illuminating her, the blue dress swirled softly around her, her hair shifting with the wind. She was beautiful to say the least.

She stood in front of him, unsure of what she should say. They stood there like that for a few minutes that felt like an eternity. She turned away from him watching the soft ripples on the lake. She felt anxious being here with him again. He was studying her, the same aloof look in his eyes. She wondered what he could be thinking at that moment.

“Logan?” she said unsteadily, and then cleared her throat calling his name again.

“Wat, ‘Ro? Ya gonna try and throw yaself at me again?” He asked sarcastically a frown marring his face.

She scowled, “I just wanted to talk to you Logan. That is all.”

“Ya I don’t think we got anything to talk bout ‘Ro. Wat had to be said has been said.” He turned away from her then, his gaze falling somewhere beyond the lake.

“Ok, but answer something for me first. Why have you been evading me for the past few days?”

He didn’t say anything for a while just continued to stare at the imaginary spot that he had fixated on, “I aint been doing dat. Just been thinking…”He trailed off.

“That is a lie if I have ever heard one. Anytime I attempt to talk to you, you are busy. You leave whenever I come in, it’s like I was some hideous monster or something.”

Logan shook his head, “ Wat did ya expect ‘Ro? Ya said you were leavin’ then da next day ya invite me to picnic wearing my shirt. Did ya really think I forgot ‘Ro, forgot how ya had it in da first place?” He growled, the image of her that day still in his mind, what he wouldn’t have done to throw her down and fuck her silly.
“ Ya come to my room parading yerself in front of me in some flimsy dress when before ya complained that all I thought bout was fucking ya. Now ya stalking me.” He threw up his hands in exasperation. “I don’t know wat da fuck to think anymore ‘Ro.”

“I…I don’t know Logan. I guess I did not really think it though.”

“I just wanted to try and work it out Logan. Kitty doesn’t want to leave and neither do I so I wanted to at least be on good terms with you. I guess I went about it the wrong way. I am sorry Logan.”

“Damn woman, wat is wit ya and thinking, something knocked ya brain out or something? Ya can’t keep doing this shit to me ‘Ro. Ya have no idea wat ya putting me through here darlin’. It’s like a fucking rolla coaster wit ya.” He said running his hand roughly through his unruly hair.

“I know, I am sorry Logan. I’ve just been making some bad judgments lately. I know now it will take a little longer till you can forgive me ,and I will have to learn to live with that and hope that one day you may see where I was coming from when I made such a stupid decision.”

She took in a deep breath, “I know I was wrong Logan. I just made a grave assumption about what you had wanted and what you felt. I should never of run off like that. I should of talked it over with you and gave you a chance to say what you had to say. I should not of assumed that you did not want a child or that you could not be a father to him .Johnathan needs both of us in his life, it was selfish of me to take that choice from you.”

“I…” her voice faltered, her body tensed and her mind was racing. How would she do this? She took a deep breath to steady her nerves. “Logan I…” She turned to him taking a step closer. She was inches from him; she reached out taking his hand. “Will you marry me?” The words slipped out. She held her breath waiting for his answer. She searched his face for any sign, anything that could tell her what he was thinking at that moment.

Logan had backed away and was staring at her, his head cocked to one side.

“I know this might be sudd….”

“No.” He said cutting her off.

A/N : And that’s chapter 8, pls review and let me know what you think!

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