Logan stood by the kitchen window, sipping his coffee. It had been a week since the boy came, and Will had been different. She spoke of hunters, and The Man, and when they asked her questions on the subject she turned them away, thinking they would hurt her when they only wanted to help her. The students found it strange that their two unemotional teachers actually gave a damn, well more than usual.

Lie the predator he was he watched. Ororo had been seen with Matthew more during the past two days, all they did was talk or walk in comfortable silences. That had always been their thing. His and Ororo’s. and some kid was taking that away from him, taking his place.

“Hey Wolvie. What ya doing?” Jubilees voice rang out, almost startling him. He hadn’t caught her scent. Damn distractions.

“Nothing.” Jubilee stood by his side. Yeah, Rogue may have been like a little sister, but she was his side-kick, an annoying one at that.

“Hey is that the angel guy? What’s he like?” She asked, turning her head trying to look around the glass, which she did often.

“Hopefully he’s in a lot of pain, other than that I don’t care!” He said gruffly and in a not caring tone.

“I bet he’s cute then. He seems to be hanging around Ms. Munroe a lot. Don’t you think?” She said clicking her tongue. She was purposely trying to get on his nerves, so nothing new there, “Wonder what they talking about?” Logan balled his fist and smacked down hard on the table, nearly spilling his coffee. Jubilee gave a startled yelp and hastily move out of the kitchen, not wanting to be come Logan’s lunch.

Setting his coffee mug down, he frowned. He pushed himself from the counter and went out the room, knocking over chairs as he did so. Yeah, he was pissed. Shows what loss of sleep can do. His nightmares had come back, but they wee not his own. Some how someone was projecting their own nightmares and they reached him. Jean was the link most probably, he just got in the way. Matthew, it had to be. It started with a young boy with his mother, she was tall much like Ororo, she hadn’t aged too badly, then it switched around, the woman was in a hospital bed, cold lifeless, dead. An older man hitting him, abusing him, needles were everywhere, at one point the thought it was the same people from his past, but they weren’t. Many wore lab coats, and ran tests for the boy. Next thing he knew he was in darkness, in a crate judging from the sides. Will was there, she ah bee thrown in, she was smaller, and banging her fists against the door, Matthew said something but it was always blurred, then it ended just as soon as the boy jumped off a cliff. It wasn’t the nicest things to sleep to and wake up feeling the urge to kill. He rarely felt that anymore, he had gotten so used to his nightmares, but for a young child to go through what he saw wasn’t right.

They had been walking around the grounds for a while now, talking about nothing relevant. Ororo wanted to know about Will but wasn’t sure to how to ask. Matt seemed well educated for someone who’d been treated so violently, but then again so did Will. Natural intelligence. Ororo smiled at the thought.

Matthew brought his hands together and rubbed his palms, “So what is it you want to know? I’m presuming I’m right in the matter?” He said. His voice was music, a sound that when a normal human heard it would fall to the ground.

She nodded, “Everything. Everything about you and Will, your family. Everything.” He looked at her sincerely.

“That’s asking a lot,” She nodded in understanding. “I’ll start with Will since you’ve become comfortable. Where to start is the problem. I guess the beginning would be best, but I’d be missing out some other vital information if I do that.”

“I’m not worried, I just want to understand about how you work, if that makes any sense?” He smiled at her, she turned her head, his smile was like her mothers, always calm and understanding.

“My mother died three years after I was born, during that gap between my mothers death and Will, my father tried and failed to make more of us, he grafted different types of DNA, only to have still births or miscarriages from the subject mothers. Only one other creature survived, he called hem hunters, but I’ll tell you about them another time.” Ororo nodded, and placed a warm hand on his arm, not wanting him to feel pressured.

He continued, “Will mother was a homeless sixteen year old girl, who had been in the prostitution business, she had an older sister who they also took in, and trained her to kill. The younger girl, was forced into carrying out the experiment much like some of the other subject mothers. I got to know the girl since she was thrown in a cell will me. The institute where these experiments are go forth was…is much like a prison, cot beds, metal toilets and so on. She was scared and half the time didn’t know what was going on. She thought the men would kill her-”

Ororo interrupted him, “What was her name?”

“I don’t know, and neither did she, the scientists have a way to hypnotise you, and they tell you only what your supposed to know, and what your role in life is. In places like these giving out names means getting personal, or emotionally involved, that’s why we were given numbers. All except me, my mother and father were the founders, and I was their second child.”

“Second child?” Matthew nodded.

“Their first child was a little girl, she died three years before I was born. Anyway, Wills mother died after birth, heartbroken, they never let her hold her own daughter.” He paused as if waiting for Ororo to ay something.

“Her father?” Right on cue.

“A scientist, he visited her regularly, if you get what I mean, raped her countless times, of course not long after they found out that conception had taken place they killed him. Her older sister killed him, that ha been her test subject, to make sure she was suitable for the job, they gave her orders to kill her own sister too, but fortunately for her, her sister died at birth, as I told you.”

“And her sister, what happened to her?”

“She’s still living, I hope, she let me go. Will doesn’t know about her being her aunt, I never told her, it would mess her up even more.”

“What do you mean by that exactly?”

“Her moms sister, Celia, I fell in love with her. Will never trusted her, I never understood why.”

“Maybe because she’s taken place as your sister, that she’s become protective of you. That she wants all your attention because like everyone else in her life has left her, she doesn’t want you to leave her as well.” he nodded in agreement. “May I ask, is flying all you can do?”

He shook his head, “No, unlike Will, I also developed other mutant factors, apart from healing small tissue wounds,” He paused and gave her a toothy grin, “I’m an air bender. Watch.” He took her hands in his and slowly the air formed into a small ball in her palm, Matthew bent down and took some dirt from the ground, he sprinkled it over his creation, to show her the air ball’s outline. The dirt travelled around like waves in the ocean, as if someone had scooped up the sea in a handful. After moments it died down, Ororo looked down at her hands in amazement.

“I take it you don’t need wings to fly?” She asked looking up at him.

“Very true, if only my father knew that before I was born. But it does help when I fly, it lets me travel faster.” Ororo laughed, and so did Matthew.

“I must ask for I am slightly curious, when did your sister die and how?”

“My mother and father never really told me the exact date, only the year, 1984, a bomb explosion, buried them, my parents were retrieved, but my sister couldn’t be found.” He said, “I would have liked to have known her.” A hint of sadness tinted his voice.

“It must be a coincidence, my parents died in that year.” Coincidence, it has to be, my parents would never…But mother always seemed interested in angels and fairy tales. Ororo thought, blinking away her tears as she shook away the thought.

Hanks lab…
Hank jumped as the door burst open, a breathless Jean entered throwing a manila folder in front of him, Sitting in the spare chair. She looked as if she’d seen a nuclear bomb drifting down towards the mansion grounds.

“Hank tell me I’ve done this wrong, please.” She begged as he opened the folder, and skimmed through the documents. They were Matthews DNA results. He stopped looking through the papers, his facial expression changed to be just as shocked and surprised as Jean’s.

“My stars and garters!”

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