Later that day…

Shit. Shit. Shit…and shit. Logan repeatedly chastised himself as he pushed the Harley to its limits speeding through the city. Screwing around with One-Eye and Chuck and now I’m running late.

Logan was impressive as he zipped in and out of the busy downtown Westchester traffic. Growing tired of the intermittent delays caused by the occasional caution light, Logan abruptly changed course and headed for the suburban district. He could just make out the outline of his destination as he reached the sprawling bohemian village of South Westchester. Logan found his usual parking spot and immediately climbed the exterior ladder of the building. He did have a standing date, and he hated to disappoint. However, as he reached the rooftop, Logan realized his standing date may have been cancelled. His breathing slowed and he focused his superior hearing to discern the muffled voices.

“…no, Jean, you are not intruding at all. In fact, I am glad you decided to drop by.”

Hm, so it seems Ororo has company. Serve’s ya right, bub, for being late.

“Are you sure, ‘Ro? I see you glancing out the window as if you’re expecting someone.”

“I was, but all is well. They obviously have some other things to attend to.”


“Lemme guess…Logan.” It was more statement than question.

There was a beat of silence, “Yes. Should I ask how you know this or should I assume you’ve been scanning my thoughts?”

“’Ro, you know I’d never read your thoughts like that. Not that I could, anyway. Remember, Scott and I have a loft two blocks over for surveillance. And you know Scott, he’s forever “on duty.” He’s seen you and Logan meditating together on the rooftop a few times.”

Ororo laughed at herself for assuming the worst of Jean. She shook her head.

“And no, don’t apologize. I have been known to be a bit…inquisitive…where my friends are concerned.”

“Inquisitive, Jean? Don’t you think ‘nosy’ is a more apropos title?”

Another beat of silence passed between the two friends. Suddenly, as if on cue, they both broke out into a round of giggles. Jean was the first to speak once she had regained her composure. Her face grew more serious before she spoke, her expression wistful.

“I’m sorry, ‘Ro.”

The sudden statement completely confused Ororo, “Sorry? Whatever for, Jean?”

“For…not being here. At least not when you needed me. Look, ‘Ro, this mission has been going on for months, and none of us have asked you how you’re doing.”

“Jean, I am fine, and Logan asks all the time. Incessantly. There have been plenty of missions in the past that have lasted far longer, and we- “

“Don’t compare this mission to those, ‘Ro.” Jean cut off her rebuttal. “You know what I mean. We’ve been treating this like any other recon and strategic mission, but it’s not. You are out there, day in and day out, risking more than we all realize while we sit and wait. I can’t imagine the toll that dancing in that club is having on you.” Jean’s face was a story in regret and concern.

“Jean, please. There is no need for you or Scott to worry yourselves. I approach this as any other mission. We have a goal and I intend to achieve it. Nudity and various stages of undress are only taboo to Americans. Remember, I am the woman who has no qualms about floating above the mansion nude. Of course, only when the students are asleep.”

Jean didn’t respond as she took in what Ororo was saying.

“O-kay, so should I just let it go and switch topics? Come on, ‘Ro, I--”

“Most definitely. Would you care for a drink?” Ororo seemed satisfied to have steered the conversation away from their previous topic.

This conversation isn’t over. Not by a long shot. Jean narrowed her eyes at her friend’s attempt to redirect their conversation.

“Sure. I’ll take a bottled water.”

The two friends gathered their waters and found themselves on Ororo’s plush sofa. Ororo took the liberty of hitting the “shuffle” button on her iPod sound system. Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good” provided a backdrop as they enjoyed a comfortable silence. Jean closed her eyes and slowly swayed her head to the tune when Ororo’s sultry voice reached out to her.

“Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Reeds driftin on by you know how I feel

Its a new dawn
Its a new day
Its a new life
For me
And I’m feeling good”

Jean’s eyes opened slightly as she regarded her friend. Ororo’s own eyes were closed as she sang along with Nina Simone. Jean took the moment to enjoy the peace she could feel radiating from her friend at this moment. It was as if beauty radiated from within her. Her smile had fully blossomed by the time Ororo and Nina finished the song.

Logan sat atop the roof, awestruck. Never knew she was a songbird. Just when I think I know her, she surprises me.

“God, ‘Ro. That was beautiful. I don’t think I ever knew you could sing.”

“Thank you, Jean. It is not something I do frequently. While I recognize my own skills, I could only hope to sound half as adept as the indelible Nina Simone.” Ororo had always been too modest when it came to her talents.

“You may have missed your calling. I can see you now as a 1940s jazz singer, serenading a smoke-filled club of wartime vets.” Jean’s eyes glazed over as she could see the scene play out in her mind’s eye.

Ororo shook her head and smiled at her friend’s active imagination. They enjoyed several more moments of silence, simply enjoying one another’s company.

“I miss them,” Ororo stated wistfully. Jean was sure she had imagined it.

“Them?” She was totally confused.

“The children. It seems so long ago that I was standing before them, filling their minds with the works of Keats, Shelly, and Emerson while they did their best not to fall asleep in class. Oddly enough, I miss it all.”

Jean could feel a twinge of guilt at her friend’s confession. She, Scott, and Logan had the liberty of communicating and travelling freely to and from the mansion to visit the Professor and the children. Ororo, however, had to completely submerge herself in her character. They had learned some time ago that their target had placed Ororo’s comings and goings under surveillance. She truly had to detach herself from the Institute and the children.

“Oh my gosh, ‘Ro. I’m so sorry. We didn’t think of all you had to give up. Maybe the Professor and I should just get into this guy’s head and end this mission.” Jean was on the verge of tears.

“Jean, you know it is not that simple, nor that easy. Charles would never willingly do that to someone. Besides, we are X-Men, surely our sacrifice is insignificant when you think of the greater good we can achieve.”

Jean drew a slow, deep breath, “You’re right, as usual. I just don’t understand how you can be so rational about all this. I would’ve lost it weeks ago.”

“I’m nothing if not patient.”

“That you are, my friend, that you are. Well, I didn’t mean to be the ‘Debbie Downer’ of the day, so enough of this depressing talk.”

“Finally, the woman listens to me,” Ororo interrupted with a joke and warm smile.

Jean threw her hands up in mock surrender as she disposed of their empty water bottles in the recycling bin.

Well, no need fer me ta hang out here. ‘Ro’s got Jeannie to keep her comp’ny today,. Logan mused with a smile as he turned to leave the rooftop.

“So… *ahem* you and Logan seem to be getting…close, huh?” Jean’s voice reached his ears in milliseconds.

On second thought, no need to rush.

“It would appear so.”





Jean made a small sound of frustration, “Ororo Munroe, quit that!”

Logan chuckled, Jeanie should know ‘Ro wouldn’t make it easy fer her…or me.

Ororo made a show of ignoring Jean’s outburst. She chose that moment to begin reading her previously discarded edition of ”New Moon.”

“Ororo, you’re going to make me drag it out of you, aren’t you?”

She slowly raised an eyebrow as she glanced at Jean over her book, “Is that not always the case, dear sister?”

It was true. Although Ororo and Jean were like sisters, she always found Ororo to be an enigma. One moment they would be equally open; then there would be times where she felt like she was being kept out of the loop. This was starting to feel like one of those times.

Jean decided on a new tactic, “Ororo, you know you are my sister. Blood relation be damned.”


“So, having laid that disclaimer out there… learn to share and gush, woman!”

Ororo had no choice but to giggle at the scene Jean presented as she dropped to her knees before her, wildly flailing her arms and wearing a silly facial expression.

“Don’t make me beg, ‘Ro. You know I will.” This time, she followed with sticking out her bottom lip and the big, sad, eyes.

Rolling her eyes, Ororo playfully pushed Jean away. “There’s nothing to tell, Jean.”

Ororo could see the deflated look creep into Jean’s eyes. If only she could have seen the defeated drop of Logan’s shoulders high atop the roof, as well.


Jean’s eyes beamed with joy as she shook her fist, “Why, you…that was mean, ‘Ro! Now, spill!”

“Forgive my hesitance, but it was not long ago that you had Logan’s affections, Jean.”

“O-kay…where are you going with this, ‘Ro?” Jean suddenly felt the atmosphere in the room change.

“I have chosen not to discuss the situation with you before because I do not want things to be…awkward between us.”

“Awkward? ‘Ro, I’ve got Scott, remember?”

“True, but I can recall several conversations in which you expressed your pleasure at having Logan’s affections, as well.”

Although her demeanor remained unchanged, Jean could hear the slight edge creep into Ororo’s voice.

Shit. This convo’s goin’ down the crapper and fast, Jeanie should stop while she’s ahead, Logan thought, his brow furrowed.

Jean remained silent for a moment as she carefully chose her next words.

“You’re right, ‘Ro. But, that was a long time ago, and”“

“You consider six months a long time, Jean? Please, don’t patronize me.” There was definitely an edge to her voice.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa…’Ro, this train has gone way off track,” Jean defended.

“Now do you see why I never broached the subject? One should remain oblivious to some things, Jean.”

“Honestly, ‘Ro. I just wanted to know how you were doing and how things were going with Logan. You know I love you, and I swear I only asked because I care. I know how much you went through with Forge and T’Challa, and I don’t want you getting hurt again. I truly want you to be happy…and no, it doesn’t bother me that Logan may be that source. You both deserve to be happy.” She was near tears at this point.

“I know, Jean. It’s just…I’m not quite sure myself what’s happening between Logan and I. We enjoy each other’s company and I trust him with my very life, but…”

“But what, ‘Ro?”

“Logan is…unexpected.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“That still remains to be defined,” she whispered with a small smile.

Ororo rose and neared the open French doors which led to her balcony. She leaned against the railing and breathed deeply as the evening wind whispered across her skin. She smiled as she could feel the invigorating effects of the fresh air. She paused as she turned to reply to her friend. Jean looked up in anticipation of her friend’s answer, only to find Ororo signaling for her to remain quiet with a finger to her lips. Her eyes looked upward as she began to ascend from where she stood. Jean quietly crept to the balcony and watched Ororo drift on the winds to the rooftop. As she cleared the rooftop, she was met with a startled pair of steel grey eyes. In return, she raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow in question.

For lack of anything to say, Logan chuckled.

“I bet yer wonderin’ just what the hell I’m doin’ out here, ‘Ro. I was thinkin’ ‘bout dropping in when I…uh…I …I remembered I left something behind at the mansion. Yeah, and I was gonna head back to get it. I actually just got here and was about…to…leave.” Logan cringed internally as he heard the terribly delivered lie fly from his lips.

You are so busted, bub.

By this time, Ororo had completely cleared the rooftop and stood before him, as regal and beautiful as ever. She looked slightly peeved, standing there with her arms folded and weight shifted to rest on one leg.

“Did you hear anything unexpected?” Her voice held a challenge.

Logan stood straighter and folded his own arms as he returned her glare just as fiercely. “Define unexpected.”

Ororo’s eyes narrowed into slits, their vibrant blue barely visible. She inclined her head slightly to the right as she regarded the man before her.

“Perhaps I should. But this is neither the time nor place. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Name it.”

“No, I think I shall allow you to arrange that.” Her gaze softened significantly as the corners of her mouth slowly turned upward.

Logan’s own smile slowly found its way onto his face, “I think I might just let ya do that.”

“See that you do.” And with that, she turned on her heels and headed toward the ledge.

“’Ro?” His words stopped her on the ledge; she turned slightly towards his voice.

“In my world, ‘unexpected’ is good.” He pinned her with his eyes.

She raised another brow in question but said nothing. She instead returned his gaze as she began her slow descent back towards her balcony.

With a silent ‘whoop’, Logan neared the rooftop ladder which led him back to his motorcycle. His step was a little lighter and his smile a little brighter than before.

Jean watched Ororo to slowly descend on her winds, landing soundlessly on the balcony before her. Her own arms folded, Jean eyed her friend with a raised eyebrow and smirk.

“And that was…?”

Ororo tried to remain stoic as ever, but her smile found its way through her façade, “That was me defining unexpected.”

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