Dislcaimers for all the chapters. In order that they are supposed to appear.:

Disclaimer: are these really that necessary? I own about as much as Marvel and the characters as Disney does..oh wait! ^_^ I’m kidding I don’t own anything.

chapter one: Disclaimer: still own nothing: ooh wait; yeah I own “Leon Vaughn”

chapter two: Disclaimer: definitely don’t own a FIRST NATIONAL BANK or any of their policies; I also don’t own Marvel or any of the Xmen characters in this fic.
I do however own bank manager: Laurel Johansen (if there is an actual Laurel Johansen that works at a First National in NYC - heh my bad).

chapter three: still don't own anything. except Laurel.

chapter four: Anything that isn’t “Laurel” I don’t own.

chapter five: Disclaimer: I still own nothing. Except Laurel, I own Laurel.

chapter six: Disclaimer: Still own nothing.

chapter seven: still don’t own anything (notice a pattern? yet?) -- the letter is the lyrics to the song “TO A SLEEPING BEAUTY” done by Jimmy Dean, I don’t own that either. (notice a pattern yet?)

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