Author's Chapter Notes:
This chapter contains content that is historical and somewhat prejudice. If you are not comfortable with events from 9/11 please skip this chapter.
"It says here, that Ororo Munroe is accused of knowing al-Qaeda cell locations and of being a mutant terrorist on M day," Hawk said. After finally putting up her telepathic blocks, she called the team into the debriefing room and uploaded what she could from her phone, onto the monitor.

"What's al-Qaeda?" Logan asked.

"Do you know about 9/11?"

"Somewhat. Somethin' about two planes hitting twin towers and killin' about three thousand people."

"Two thousand-nine hundred- and sevnty-seven," Hank said.

Hawk nodded. "Right. I don't really know much about it either. I was only six when it happened. Apparently, al-Qaeda is the terrorist group that claimed responsibility. The cell is led by the almighty terrorist himself, Osama Bin Laden."

"But how does Storm know Bin Laden?" Logan asked.

"That's just it. She doesn't. Sabretooth did that on purpose- I'd bet my life on it. Bin Laden is the most wanted terrorist in the world- at least I think he is. Point out someone who has a bomb and security forces go nuts; which is probably why Sabretooth chose it. He's sadistic like that. He wants to see her suffer. Anyone know specifically why?"

Everyone, but Logan, shook their heads.

"Is there, by any chance, a location in the file?" Beast asked.

"My phone's not exactly the best thing to take photo's with. That part is blurred with the smaller print in the file, and there's no way I can fix that."

"What about Cerebro?" Kitty asked.

"That could work," Hawk said.


Logan waited outside Cerebro. He swore that the next time he saw Sabretooth, he was going to kill him. Permanently. The doors opened and Hawk stepped out with Beast, Shadowcat, and Cypher behind her. "She's somewhere near Cairo," Hawk said. Logan got up and walked with her to the jet hangar. Only they would be going. They were tempted to bring Dust- who would know the language and could translate it- and Rogue- for obvious reasons- with them, but decided it best if they left themselves. After changing into their uniforms, Hawk started to prep the Blackbird.

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