Over the next several days, Storm was on sick leave. She would stay curled up in their room for hours; leaving Logan to find her pillow sodden with tears when he got home. During those times where she was actually out of the room, she was extremely tense and jumpy- nearly frying Logan once or twice. Rogue, Hawk, and Kai, would come by and visit once in awhile, all three curious to know what was going on and why Storm wasn't at school with them. Logan would just tell them that Storm wasn't feeling well, although he could tell that neither Rogue or Hawk believed him. After their fourth visit that week, Logan decided to have a little talk with Storm.

When he reached their room that night, Storm, once again, had her back turned toward him, and he could hear stifled sobs. He thought about leaving her alone, but then dropped the thought. They were going to have to talk about this, and it was better to talk about it sooner than later- he had a feeling that he was going to regret not talking to her.

As he slipped under the sheets, Storm hardly moved a muscle. "Hey," he said softly, trying to wrap an arm around her. She tensed at his touch.

"Please, don't...touch me."

He sighed and reluctantly removed his arm around her. "You know, you can't hide out here forever," he said softly, stroking some of her long silver hair that was away from her body.

"You don't think I know that?" she demanded apprehensively.

"No, I know you do." Logan thought carefully about his next words. "It's just that Rogue and Hawk are real concerned about you. And if Hawk has her way, one of these days she'll dig into my mind and pull out what happened."

Storm sighed. "It's none of her business what happened. What's done is done, and that's all there is to it." Logan could clearly see the bite marks on her shoulder, and some of the scratches that hadn't quite healed yet. This was far worse than anything she had ever experienced in her life. It was like she had a wound on her soul that refused to heal; a scar that wouldn't leave. These past several nights, she's had nothing but nightmares about what had happened. Logan would have to wake her gently, and risk being fried to keep the weather under control.

She shifted slightly, keeping herself from looking at him. He sighed. It was going to be a long time before she was over this.


Storm had sensed him come in. She could tell that he wanted to talk, but she didn't want to talk. She thought he was going to interrogate her about the incident between her and Sabretooth, and that was something she certainly was not willing to do right now. Right now, all she wanted to do was curl up in a corner and die. She could still feel Sabretooth on her; inside her. The feeling was numbed, but it was there all the same.

When Logan wrapped his arm around her, she wanted so much as to give in to it, but it brought back memories that she didn't want then. When he mentioned the kids, tears started to swell up in her eyes. She knew that she was letting them down by not showing up to class, but what else could she do? She didn't want to have an emotional breakdown in front of the class.

She sighed when he brought up Hawk's telepathy. "It's none of her business what happened. What's done is done, and that's all there is to it." She could feel Logan's eyes over her; sense the sadness in him. A tear fell. It wasn't like she was trying to shun him. It was just... too soon for her to be opening up to anyone. She didn't like losing control, and especially hated it when she did and others saw. She could tell that it broke his heart to see her like this, but there was nothing she could do about that now. She didn't want him to see her as weak; nor did she want to show weakness. She also wanted to keep the shame she felt away from him. She just had to deal with it her own way.


Logan sighed. Things had become so much harder for them. He saw her wrists, which were rubbed raw and still had signs of chafing, despite all the lotion Storm put on them. He turn to the bedside table and turned out the light. He still faced Storm's back though. She had told him at least once before that when she was close to him, he was like a security blanket. He waited for that moment again, when she wanted nothing more than a blanket of security...

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