After putting Christina to bed, Logan and Storm did some moonlighting activities. That night as Christina started crying, Logan got up to get her. While he was gone Sabretooth grabbed Storm, and clamped her mouth shut.

When Logan returned, he saw Sabretooth and automatically brought out a set of claws, holding Christina in the other arm.

Sabretooth smiled. "Now this is a pretty sight. Caring for kids that don't even belong to you is one thing,Wolverine. Caring for a kid that belongs to your wife and not you is something different."

"Hate to tell you this, Creed, but it's possible this child's mine."


Hawk was out on a midnight stroll when she saw the beast enter the Howlett's home.

She called Rogue and Kai over, and quickly located Storm's room. Kai waited outside to make sure no one saw- his ability with manipulating shadows worked best at night- as the girls sneaked in.


Storm sensed someone- no, not someone, two people- come in through the open window. Her back was against Sabretooth though, making it impossible for her to turn. Sabretooth inhaled deeply.


Sabretooth laughed at Logan. "Really? I'd like to see you prove that."

Logan looked up when he saw three people at the window. Only two came in, the first holding a finger to her lips; telling him to be quiet. Suddenly, Sabretooth growled as he inhaled deeply.

"Shoot!" one of them exclaimed in a barely audible whisper. The other placed her hand on Sabretooth, and he growled in shock as his life force was sucked out of him, and he tightened his grip on Storm- causing her to wince and gasp in pain. Then, Sabretooth dropped dead. Not really, just unconscious.

Logan turned on the lights and saw Rogue and Hawk standing there. Storm gasped for her breath.

Rogue shuddered. "I did not need that."

Hawk turned to her friend. "I'll do a memory wipe later."

A blond boy about sixteen came into the room. Logan realized that it was the same boy that Hawk was hanging out with.

"Thanks for the rescue, guys," Logan said, handing Christina to Storm. "But I had everything under control."

The girls looked at each other. "Right," they both said. "So Sabretooth having Storm in a choke-hold, and you holding your daughter away from them was you having everything under control?" Hawk asked.

Logan glowered at her. Hawk giggled, while the boy backed off a little. "Admit it Logan," Rogue said. " You needed our help."

Logan didn't see any other way around it. "Fine," he grumbled, "I needed your help." The girls had satisfied smiles and high-fived.

"Well, we better go," Kai said, grabbing both girls as he led them back to the window. "Good night Mr. Howlett."

"'Night, Logan." Both girls said.

When they were gone, Logan went back to his wife. "You alright, 'Ro?"

Storm nodded, but Logan could tell that she was scared out of her mind. He wrapped an arm around her, and she gratefully gave in to his embrace. "Don't ever let me go," she whispered.

"I won't," he promised. "I won't let anyone harm you again."

Tears came to Storm's eyes, and he gently wiped them away.

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