Title: Himmel
Author: Ladie
Chapter 9: Secrets Revealed
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I do not own anything in the marvel universe, and no money is being made from this story

3 months later

“Again!” Came the voice of the man she loved, and hated at the same time.

It was another grueling session in the danger room with Wolverine, and she was again almost pushed to her breaking point. Biting her lip she bit back a scream as she did yet another back flip, and forced the metal shards being thrown at her to lodge themselves in to the wall. Ignoring the sweat streaming down her face in to the stifling leather torture device they called a uniform she pushed her body further.

Her legs shook from the three hours she had all ready spent here, dodging energy beams, destroying robots, fighting aliens, and the most taxing of all, using her powers to aid her. Falling to her knees as three more robots approached she let out a scream using the last of her mental strength to ripe them to pieces. Breathing heavily she trembled as the pieces of scrap metal continued to fall.

“Computer Terminate program,” Logan said rushing to the girls’ side.

They were trying to give her more control over her powers, but at times it seemed like all they were doing was making her stronger. He had never seen her do anything on this level before, and certainly not after three hours of training.

‘You ok kid?” He asked helping her to stand. Nodding she gratefully leaned on hm as they made their way out of the room.

“That was some display of power,” he said ignoring the feeling of déjà vu.

“ Well, it was do or die time,” She said taking greedy gulps of air as she tried to slow the erratic beating of her heart.

No one mentioned it out loud, but she knew she was getting stronger. The control was there now, but her powers were growing exponentially.

“Hit the showers, and we’ll go out for dinner after the mall ok?”

“The five of us?” She asked hopefully silently begging him to tolerate Remy and his antics for the night.

“ Yea, the five of us,” He mumbled happy to see a smile grace her face. She had been so serious these past few months, attacking her training with a ferociousness that he himself possessed.

“Thank you Vati,” She said kissing his cheek before hurrying off to the room she practically shared with the fuzzy elf.

She had missed her impromptu family of late. It seemed like all of her time had been devoted to training or stealing time alone with Kurt. Hell she would never see Remy if he wasn’t her shadow. Even as she trained he stood in the observation both, content to let her learn on her own, but still remain close. He was there in the morning when she had her daily meditation with Ory though he never joined in, content to sit silently on the sidelines watching over his two best girls, he’d claimed. He was there for her hand-to-hand combat lessons with Logan, and even he had learned a thing or two from the crafty Canadian. If it was one thing Logan knew how to do well it was survive.

Her day was finally rounded out with a Danger Room session with one of the available instructors. Each day was someone new, and all of them ran things a little differently. She understood they were preparing her for her next step in mutation, but at times it felt like they were training her for a war. Most days she felt more like a soldier than a teenager. Things were going well with Kurt though the subject of their pasts was still a bit rough. Both had done things they weren’t proud of, and neither of them was excited about coming clean. Unfortunately for her, Remy knew all ready knew everything there was to know about her, making Kurt feel inadequate at times.
Still she would not trade her elf for the world.

Sighing in relief she let the hot water bead down on her tired muscles she leaned against the wall. Vati wanted her to go shopping today, and she had a feeling it was for a ring. Smiling she began to soap down her waist length hair anxious to be a part of such a huge decision.


Pacing back and forth Logan watched Ororo from a window in the loft. Smiling she tended her garden lovingly, completely oblivious to the turmoil he was going through. He loved her, and he knew he always wanted to be with her, so why was he so damn nervous? Growling he sat in the lazy boy that had added here for him, along with the flat screen tv, and mini fridge where he stashed his beer. Some how over the past month just being her boyfriend had become not enough. He wanted something more solid, something more permanent. He wanted to mark her with more than just his teeth at night when they were in the throws of passion.

Popping open a brew he smiled to himself. He could remember the exact moment when he had known she was his forever.

It had started of just another day in the mansion, with him rushing off to his self-defense classes, and she to her history. Unfortunately everything had seemed to go down hill from there. The students were all off their game that day, and the last straw had been when Jubilee had gotten hurt by a negligent Bobby who had thrown her wrong in a move they had practiced a million times before. Loosing his cool he had carried her down to the lab, dismissing the class for the day in with a growl and a warning to prepare themselves for the session they would be in for tomorrow. The injury had turned out to be nothing more than a strained wrist to his relief and he left her in the capable hands of their newest doctor Hank McCoy who was bandaging her wounds.

Heading towards the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat he swore at what he walked in on. Sky and Rogue at it again, about God knows what. He hated the fact that the two were still arguing and as he stopped the shoving match that had in sued he told them as much.

“Okay this is the last damn straw, I tried to let you two work things out on your own, but that obviously aint happening.”

“You two were pals until St John came back, and now you’re at each other throats every time you get.”

“Marie, just accept that Sky did what she thought was right, and if she hadn’t stepped in someone would’ve gotten seriously hurt! If you didn’t have your head up Drake’s ass you’d see that.”

“Now shake hands, say you’re sorry, and I don’t want to hear another fucking word about the whole thing!” He roared starring at the two girls who both stood starring at him like he had grown horns.

“Did I stutter!” He asked chuckling slightly when they both jumped and turned to shake hands.

“Ahm sorry I overreacted, I guess I’m just not used to having someone taking my powers, that’s pretty much my job,” She said bashfully.

Glaring at Sky who still looked un willing to accept her apology he looked at Maria pointedly.

“Apology accepted,” She said stiffly mustering a small smile. The girl didn’t trust easily, and Marie had burned her badly.

“Now if I catch you two at again, we’re all going to the danger room for a session you’ll never forget,” he growled stalking off.

Still scowling when he came around the corner, his spirit instantly he saw Ro.

“Rough day my love?” She asked running a gentle hand across his furrowed brow.

“Not any more,” he said smiling as he kissed her gently.

She always had the ability to make him smile, no matter what the mood. She was the sunshine to his usually dark existence. Everything had been different since they had been together. The nightmares were fewer, and the rage was lessened. Overall his whole damn life was better for having her in it. Looking in to the blue jewels that served as her eyes he realized this was what he wanted. This was the love he had been searching for.

“Logan?” She asked noting his serious gaze.

“I’m okay darling, what do you say we grab some grub,” he said knowing as he lead her to the kitchen that it was time to make a more solid commitment.


“I’m ready!” Sky called popping her head in the door at the bottom of the steps.

“All right kid, here I come,” He said smiling as they headed out together. Sky had been another unexpected, but joyful addition to his life.

So much like him in her mannerism, and thought process he couldn’t love her more if she was his own daughter. He’d heard Ro such as much before, and they both admitted they felt more like her parents than her mentors. It made him feel good when the three of them were out together, and people mistook them for a family. If he ever had a daughter he would want her to be just like the young girl who stood at his side.

“How’d you lose the tale?”

“I just told Remy I was gonna spend some quality time with my old man,” She said smiling as she leaned against him.

“ This is more than just a casual trip to the mall isn’t it?” She asked buckling the seat belt of the Suv.

“ That obvious huh?”

“Only to me,” She said excited as they shared a smile.

Ory, and Logan were more like her parents than her friends, and she was ecstatic about the prospect of their marriage. They were so “right” together this was the next logical step.

“So, can I be in the wedding?” She asked giggling when he rolled his eyes.

“I have to get the ring first and she has to say yes.”

“ Oh come on, you know she’s going to say yes, you guys are practically married all ready anyways, you share a room, spend most of your free time together, and you just … fit.”

“Well thanks darlin,” He said, her faith in him easing his anxiety.

“I all ready have the ring picked out, just wanted your opinion, cause you two are so close,” he said.

Twenty minutes later they were standing in the Jewelry store, starring at the most beautiful ring she had seen in her life. A platinum band that had wild flowers engraved on the sides, and a princess diamond in the middle that had to be at least two karats.

“She’ll love it,” She said smiling as she traced the writing barley visible writing on the inside of the ring. : Ro and Lo forever:

“When are you going to ask her?”

“ I’m not sure, soon when the time is right,” he said with a smile.


Dinner went by much to quickly for Sky’s taste, and all to soon she found her self-saying her goodbyes.

“ Thanks again Dad,” Sky said kissing his cheek, and hugging Ory goodbye before heading towards Kurt room.

“No problem, see you tomorrow kiddo,” He said smiling as she walked off with a final wave.

“Who would have thought you would take to being a Father so quickly,” Ro said smiling at the easy interaction between the two.

“It came as a surprise to me too darlin,” Logan said grinning as his mind quickly turned to other things as he pulled her closer, and let his hand wander the familiar curves of her body.


Kurt awoke that night to the bedroom shaking, but he knew instantly that some how this time was different.

“Himmel!” He called panicking as he found he going in to convulsions.

“Professor!” He cried through their mind link. The mental cry he sent out had all of the X-men to the room in five minutes flat.

“What the hell is wrong with her!” Logan screamed frustrated by the feeling of total helplessness.

“Oh Logan,” Ororo said crying as the girls body continued to twitch like a marionette on a string.

“She’ll be all right doll, Chuck will help her,” He said as they all turned to the man now wheeling down the hall.

“She’s burning up!” Kurt screamed as he attempted to hold her down.

“Calm down everyone this is simply nature taking its course,” Xavier said making them all look at him skeptically.

“We’ve known for some time now, that our young Sky was not fully manifested, it seems she is now receiving her full powers, it may be best that we let this run its course, by interfering we could harm ourselves and possibly her.”

The silence that fell was interrupted by her screams.

“Mama! Daddy!!!! Help me!!!!!”


“Why is she calling for me Charles?”

“ I … am not sure,” he said not sure if he wanted to interfere with her mind when she was finally remembering the event that caused her nightmares.

“Ory, help me Ory, what’s wrong with mama.”

They all stood gaping as Ororo began to tremble her eyes whitening over.

“Chuck?” Logan asked reluctantly letting go of his girlfriend.

“No it makes since, feeling like she was suffocated, the blinding white that comforts her, it was Ororo’s hair!” Kurt exclaimed.

“Why couldn’t they remember that?” Scott asked bewildered.

“Sometimes things are just too painful, Ro probably thought she was dead and blocked it out.” Logan said understanding better than any one that when the mind did not want you to remember you simply didn’t.

The wind became cool as the winds increased forcing the men in to a corner on the opposite side of the room.

“Professor!” Scott called frightened as Oya Oshun began to levitate as Ororo did.

“ I do not believe we should interfere in this,” Charles said as lighting began to form around the two women, before their descent out a window that had flown open.

They all slowly made their way to the window through the howling winds that had woken the children. The storm raged on outside as the two women floated higher, the pounding rain, arching lightning, and dark clouds eventually obscuring them from view.

Oya’ s eyes glazed overly, her pupil expanding till her once hazel eyes were just as obsidian as her sisters were white. They starred at one another, and she could feel the lighting coursing through her body, as she plunged them both in to the one memory that had haunted them both for years

“Ory hold your sisters hand,” said the regal looking women with white hair as they walked down the crowded streets of Cairo.

“Come on Oyshy,” She said grabbing her little sister as they followed their parents.

This was where their mama came from, and they were visiting from America. Both girls loved the beauty of Africa, with its rich soil, and green jungles. Their Father seemed quite taken with it too; jotting things down in the notebook he always carried.

“Ory, where are we going?” She asked making her smile as she hummed an African lullaby, skipping in place.

Oyshy was only two, and she absolutely adored her. There had never been any animosity between the two, she had actually been glad to have company when she was first born.

“We’re going back to the hotel now,” She said matter of factly.

“Daddy!” She exclaimed as her parents came to a stop grabbing their hands before they crossed the busy street.

“ You said we were gonna get some sweets,” She said, never one to forget a promise involving candy.

“We will after we rest a bit,” he said successfully satisfying her as she began to hum once more.

“Ory,” She said as they entered the hotel room a few minutes later.

“I love you,” She said making her smile as she pulled her to her side as they walked in.

“ I love you too.”

“Girls “,” They’re Mother started only to be interrupted by the shaking of the hotel, and a sound she would never forget, almost like nails on a chalkboard as the roof caved in.

“Mama! Daddy! Ory!”

The silence seemed to last an eternity before their Mother answered in a low rattling voice that held the promise of death.

“Ory? Oyshy?”

“Mama!” They cried in unison, unable to see when they lay almost directly beneath her body that was slowly losing warmth.

“Mama I can’t find Daddy!” She screamed.

“Do not worry, he will come to you when he is able,” She said her voice breaking

“ I love you girls,” She said her voice a quiet whisper.

“Ory!” Oyshy cried clutching her sister’s hair in front of her face to block out everything else going on.

“Do not look Oyshy,” She said wishing she could get free to wrap her arms around her.

They remained silent, and something in Ory died as she watched the life drain out of her Mother her eyes slowly glazing over. For a time they knew nothing but darkness, until a light suddenly appeared. The memories were jumbled, but she remembered a foster care.

“We’ll send this one to the Aunt, she’ll never be adopted, but the other one will do.”

As the memory faded the two women faced one another as sisters for the first time in years. No words were needed as Storm baptized Sky with the rain lightning, and thunder that were hers’ to command. Surrendering herself to the ancient ritual Sky let the wind carry her where it would.

“SKY!” Scott screamed as her body plummeted to the ground what seemed an eternity later, landing in the choppy waters of the lake behind the mansion. All of the horrors of Jeans last moments came rushing back as he took in what should be another watery grave.

“Nein, this is her birth right,” Kurt said shaking his head as he tried to make the man see what they all realized. The next time they saw his love she would truly be a woman.

“Mein Gott,” Kurt whispered as Sky burst from the waters, coming to rest at her sister’s side.

Her once dark brown hair had been bleached white by the kiss of lightning, and she there was an aura of power around her you could almost see. Shocked Scott stood back, seeing her emerge from the water, the way he had prayed Jean would.

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