Penname: Gaineewop [Contact] Real name: Crystal
Member Since: 06-29-05
Membership status: Member
Me? You wanna know about me?! Well, I guess I can divulge some information for curious minds...

I'm a RoLo fanatic from long, long ago. Besides my TNG days and my passion for Troi/Riker, I do think it was my very first ship. So here I am, writing RoLo and hoping I don't suck.

I'm a 27 year old Veterinary Technician/full time student who is addicted to fan fiction, books, and TV on DVD. I love Firefly/Serenity, X-Files, X-Men, Star Trek (TNG and VOY most!), Charmed, and Smallville. I also have unhealthy affection for Queer as Folk...

I'm also a fan of David & Leigh Eddings, comic books, and Nora Roberts romances (I know, so sad!)

I love feedback, because I'm a shameless review whore. Feel free to email me with questions and comments, though I usually poke fun at people who only write to say I suck and should be shot at point blank range.

Oh and I ramble, or hadn't you noticed?

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