1. Sequel to Evolve Series 1 – Pre-evolution
2. Will be borrowing from the cartoon episodes, all four seasons.
3. Not necessary to either have read the previous series or having seen the cartoon series. But it is helpful.

“You called Charles,” the white haired beauty asks from the door.
“Yes Ororo,” the telepath answers. “Please come in and have a seat. I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important.”

“No,” she shakes her head, a serene smile on her lips. “I was just on the phone with my sister.”
“Oh, sorry for disturbing you,” he apologizes.
“Its alright,” she settles the matter. “I’ll call her again sometime.”
“In that case,” he bends forward on his chair and pushes a file towards her. “These are the new ‘probables’ I have detected.”

“Hmm…quite a few,” she comments, judging by the thickness of the file.
“Yes,” he nods his head. “The first one, he is arriving tonight by train.”
“Night Crawler,” she reads the codename. “It doesn’t say much about his past and powers. Hmmm, blue skin, three digit hands and feet. Teleportation,” her eyes widen.
“Yes, he can teleport over short distances, I think a mile at the most. He is still young, about a couple of years younger than our current students,” he informs her.


**Professor Professor** Jean’s telepathic call comes in.
**Yes Jean** he answers her, raising a hand to let Ororo about it.

**There has been accident at the football ground** she informs him.
**Hmmm…** he reads her thoughts. **Scott**

**Yes and there the emergency personnel are here** he detects the reason, saving another student.
**Don’t worry. Ororo and I will be there shortly** he ends the communication.


“Problem?” she arches a snowy eyebrow.
“Yes, at the school,” he draws back. “We will have to make stop over on the way to the station.”

“We should leave immediately then,” she stands up, as he comes around the desk.
“Yes,” they start towards the garage.


“Professor…” she starts.
“He is on his way,” he offers the answer to her thoughts, a small smile on his lips. “He’s coming back.”

“Oh,” she blushes slightly, her heartbeat speeding up.

‘He’s coming back’

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