Come sit and listen. Listen to the baird as she weaves her stories in your mind, intertwines them in your heart, allows your eyes to see and your ears to hear. Your feet to walk in the sod of the story, and your nose to smell. Come walk with me. Let us take this journey together. It begins in a land. There is a land, a land between reality and fact, a land between dreams and lies, between truth and hidden meanings. Come take a journey with me, a journey to this place where the myths of time come together and collide. A journey Logan and I shared together. a journey most would not believe could happen, but it has happened, we lived it, smelled it, saw it, fought in it, and fell in love. Come share this tale with us. It begins on a day when life was normal where we each attended and taught our classes, a day where a normal sparring session took place. Come let the words of this letter fade, open your eyes, lt time blur itself, and watch, journey, live, feel, breathe and let it come to life......
Ororo took a deep breath, her knees locked in an indian type style, her hands resting on them, the room was dark, the only sound heard was the the sound of her beating heart, the breath rushing in and out of her lungs, them filling and depleting. She had been having strange dreams lately and wanted time to process them by meditating. meditation on her breath, on her heartbeat, on her emotions to sort them out.

The door softly opened and Logan stepped into the room, his eyes adjusted and he saw Ororo sitting on the floor in a meditating position. She was processing something and he could see her mind racing. He quietly and happily stood in the doorway and watched her, running his hands through the soft trusses of his unruly black hair. He took a deep breath meaning to speak softly and interrupt Ororo, he only had so much tie before his next class. She smiled and interrupted him before he spoke.

"It's ok Logan, Cmputer lights to full."

He smiled in return enjoying the ease of her presence and the intimacy of thier friendship. they began to spar after preparing themselves.

"What's buggin you darl'n?"

"Just having strange dreams."
Ororo kicked near his head and Logan deflected, this was a typical warm up for them. Ororo kicked again this time down near his abdomen meaning to trip him. Logan deflected her foot by catching it and twisted it almost viciously, causing Ororo's hips to turn and her to almost lose her balance. Ororo kicked out with her other foot and easily caught Logan in the jaw then landed and turned quickly to deflect a kick from him.

"Wanna tell me about em?"

"Not particularly Logan, they are about my life in Wakanada."
Logan not one to be deterred spoke again.

"tell me about them."

Ororo sighed and deflected a punch.

"You're not going to give up are you? Alright, well there is a women I do not recognize. She is beautiful and a fierce warrior, very kind, yet very harsh, can be not to harsh. She has sky blue eyes, long dark black hair, wears ridiculous leather armor, carries a sword and a round weapon called a shockkron. I have a very intimate relationship with her in a platonic fashion. I feel as if I have lost her and yet I have not. She fights for the people, the innocents."

Logan raised an eyebrow.

"what's her name?"

"That's the part that is troubling me, I don't know."

As they continued to spar Logan felt strange, the lights began to flicker as they sparred, Logan lapsed in concentration and Ororo landed a quick and deadly kick to his head. He grunted at the impact then felt himself plowed against a wall and the entire world went black...

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