Author's Chapter Notes:
Bit of plot entaglement here. Hopefully its all clear . I do not own any of these characters All rights go to the owners, I just play with the charcters please don't sue me.
Ororo stopped.
“tell me the tales Melosa.”

“it is said in times of great sorrow or great danger the Windrider will be summoned. That must be what happened, there is one problem. There is always a mighty warrior who holds and protects her.”
Ororo was quiet.

“tell me more.”

“well it is said that He is a mighty warrior and that they must be one flesh in order for the prophecy to be complete. If one is killed both are killed. We thought Xena that you and Hercules were supposed to be the modern day generation but there was another tale uncovered a few weeks ago that talks about a different role between you and Hercules. We are still unsure as to what that role is but you are here with Ororo and we can only hope that Hercules and the other half have found each other, otherwise we may be in some trouble.”

At the end of the battle, Logan sheathed his claws and turned to Hercules. Hercules moved to a defensive stance and Logan backed off a bit. Extending his hand tentatively to Hercules.

“Logan is my name Logan Howlet.”

Hercules smiled and took it with a hearty smile.


Logan shook his head.

“like the greek Legend Hercules?”

Hercules smiled.

“I don’t know about a legend, but yes I am Hercules nonetheless.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Logan is a strange name and you have swords in your hands.”

Logan laughed.

“I am a mutant, there are several of us whom have this ability. I am from a differant time it would seem. What has historically happened who are the rulers of your time?”

“lets see, Julias Ceaser for Rome. “

At Logans nod Hercules continued naming ff a few of the rulers of his time. Egypt and rome were the playing powers which would put Logan many thousands of years in the past. He had to find Ororo.

“ Hercules, I think my friend may have come with me I need to find her. Help me find her.”

Hercules smiled.

“Of course. Tell me about her.”

Logan laughed.

“Well she’d stick out like a sore thumb here. She has white hair, piercing beautiful blue eyes and she controls the weather. “

Hercules nodded.

“ Is she a windrider?”

Logan’s eyes met Hercules and he studied Hercules for a moment.

“Yes she is, how do you know that?”

“the amazons tell a tale of a women who is a windrider and man who is her warrior. I assume that’s you, you are a very formidable warrior. Come the Amazon village is several days walk. Melosa told me of this tale. Let us go.”

As they walked Hercules told Logan the whole tale, the legend of the windrider and the warrior. Logan listened with patience.

“You’re telling me that Ro and I are going to save your land?”

Hercules nodded.

“that’s the legend, not a big fan of legends myself but you need to find your friend so we might as well head that

Logan nodded.

“so are you really the son of Zeus? Half god half man.”

Hercules laughed.

“indeed I am and you are a mutant, your body heals and your have what do you call them?”

Logan laughed.


“And your nickname is Wolverine?”

“ Code name, but yes.”

Hercules laughed. Had you been walking down the road that day they would have made a strange sight for anyone who had perchance come upon them. Logan began to enjoy walking, his bare feet hurt a bit he had always sparred in bare feet. Hercules noticed and smiled.

“the next town is only another mile, we will buy you some boots there.”

Logan nodded.

“ I would appreciate that.”

Logan ears picked up sounds of movement on the road in front of them. He held up a hand to Hercules and took a deep breath. Men five or six of them if Logan had to guess. Hercules watched with fascination as Logan walked through the forest soundlessly. He followed closely and just as quietly. When they got closer Logan climbed into the tree branches above and looked down. There were six men surrounding a peddler and his family sneering and making lude comments, One of the men reached out and gracing his grubby fat hand across the young womens cheek he grabbed her threw her over his shoulder and began walking into the woods, proclaiming all he would do to her. Logan chose that moment to drop out of the tree right in front of the man.

“you mom didn’t teach you many manners bub.”

The man drew his sword and held the kicking girl with his other.

“I’m gonna carve you up ye bugger. Who I am and what I do is my business leave my mother out of this.”

Logan stepped forward unsheathed his claws and easily snapped the startled mans swords in half. The other men had started towards them when Hercules dropped out of the trees anad easily blocked the path. The thief who had the girl put her down telling her not to go far, as she bolted off into the woods. The man swore and growled that the problem with women is they never listened and turned to Logan. A squirmish commenced leaving the band of thieves and scavengers in a pile on the side of the road tied to a tree stripped butt naked. The peddlers daughter who had run off into the trees emerged and promptly thanked Logan and Hercules for their help. The peddler eyeing Logans feet began rustling around in the back of the wagon, his family continuing to thank them. He came back and handed Logan a pair of soft leather moccasins.

“They ain’t much friend but for saving me daughter I figure I can part with them.”

Logan nodded and thanked the man putting on the soft soled knee high moccasins. He smiled at Hercules. Hercules dug in his pocket and pulled out a few denars for the man, who promptly refused.

“Ai couldn’t take that, you boys saved me and my family.”

“we do that free of charge friend, for the boots give your family a good meal tonight.”

The peddler hesitated only to have Hercules take his hand put the denars in his hand and close his hand over them. Hercules and Logan turned and began to leave. As they began walking away the Peddler called to them.

“I don’t suppose ye young men would be looking for a wife, nice young strapping men like yourselves would make a good husband.”

Hercules just shook his head and they two continued walking. Nightfall came with the sun retreating into its brief slumber before it would rise on the other side of the world. Logans senses came to life as he listened to the sounds of the night. Hercules watched and followed swiftly in Logan’s path. They were getting close to the amazon lands. He knew they would have the opportunity to stay with the centaurs that night. Logan jumped into the tree as he heard the centaurs approach.. Hercules stood his ground and waited.

“Who are you and what brings you to our lands?”

Hercules strained to see to whom he was speaking.

“My name is Hercules and my friend in the tree over there is Logan. We seek refuge for the night.”

The centaur stepped forward a large smile spread over his features.

“Hercules you are always welcome among us. And we are pleased to see you and your friend as well. .”

Logan climbed down and grasped the centaurs arm strongly. The centaur named Darius smiled.

“you have a strong grip for a small man.”

Logan smiled.

“thank you. You are very tall for a centaur and not at all like I imagined.”

“You’ve never seen a centaur?”

Logan shook his head.

“No I haven’t you fellows don’t exist in my time.”

“the man speaks in riddles much like a bard.”
Hercules nodded.

“well he could tell maty stories as skillfully as a bard and they would be normal for him.”

The two men and the centaurs moved towards one of the centaur cities and when they reached it they were given a large meal and a small hut towards the outside of the encampment. Logan enjoyed feasting near the fire and the stories of war and of their lives. He felt like a small child on a camping trip listening to ghost stories, his eyes all aglow. Daraius noticed and smiled.

“come help me Logan.”

Logan found himself in a wrestling match with a beast much bigger and every bit as fast as he was. They wrestled in the dirt and Logan who was playing the role of the antagonist laid down and lost and was teased by Dariaus. Before long the story turned out to be less of a story and more of an entertaining wrestling match between the two. Logan laughed and got back up off his feet several times as Dariaus would knock him down and haunt him. Each time he was knocked down Logan waited to find a weak point. Logan waited and played into the scene until Dariaus was caught off guard and cocky. Logan then preceded to tackle him and ride him like a rodeo animal as Dariaus bucked trying to get him off. Soon Dariaus was tired of trying to catch him and tired of trying to buck him off and relented giving Logan the victory. The young centaurs no particularly liking the idea then came and tackled Logan and he found himself laughing and wrestling off several of the young children. Soon it was he who was crying out UNkle to the children who laughed. Hercules standing off to the side laughed as Logan came up to him. He had a large gash on one side of his face and smiled.

“ you might want to get that checked out, you are a brave man not many would take on so many centaurs. You work well with children.”

Logan laughed and wiped some of the dirt from his face and the gash reknit itself much to Hercules astonishment. Laughing and putting a hand on Logan’s shoulder Hercules suggested they retire to their huts. Logan followed and soon found himself lying on his back staring up at the stars. He smiled his final thoughts for the day were of Ororo and he fell asleep.
It had been a week since Ororo and xena had reached the Amazon encampment and Ororo awoke to a soft knocking on the door. She stood and smiled to find Melosa at the door. Te two women had spent much time together over the last week and Ororo looked forward to their morning sparring sessions.

“Are you up for some sparring Ororo?”

Ororo smiled.

“Of course queen melosa.”

The two women went to the training grounds and began with staff. Melosa made the first attack the staff was a normal straight attack towards her shoulder. Ororo blocked and stepped back twirling the staff. She calmed her mind and let her senses take over. Melosa watched her and smiled. She brought her staff down for a quick attack. Ororo seeing through the mov easily stepped in and blocked. Ororo closed her mind and listened to nature hearing Melosa’s staff move through the air. Her eyes closed tight ororo blocked every move, Melosa noticing her strength chuckled under her breath. She stopped her attacks and waited, she saw the brows crinkle in confusion, then as the cerreleun blue eyes opened Ororo found the staff under her legs and Melosa pulled. Ororo jumped, but not quite high enough and fell backward. Melosa laughed and helped her up.

“Well done Ororo.”

Ororo chuckled then a serious look came over her face.


Melosa complied and after knocking each other over several times and continuing to spar the sun was high in the sky and Melosa held up her hands in defeat.

“Come we need to patrol.”

The two women began running towards the village, and when they reached it swapped out their weapos grabbed masks off the wall and joined Solari in the trees.
Solari smiled.

“Queen Melosa and Ororo, what an honor to have you join us today, head near the waterfalls, there was some trouble spotted there a few days ago. Roman soldiers, do not kill them and watch out for centaurs.”

Both women nodded and spent the day together talking, enjoying each others company.

“Melosa Why do you travel with me? Do you not have duties to attend to?”

Melosa smiled.

“indeed I do Ororo, but according to our laws you receive my rite of cast, as such I am responsible for your training.”

“Whats the rite of cast?”

“You will become the ruler of Amazons, I will be giving you my title when your training is complete. In many ways you are already ready, you know much about our customs, and ways, you handle a staff well, you’ve almost mastered the chobos better than any of the warriors we have aside from Epinon, You shoot an arrow straight and true, there is little in terms of amazon weaponry I need to teach you. In the laws many of your peoples are the same. You receive the rite of cast and I step down.”

Ororo growled.

“I don’t want to tule the Amazon’s Melosa you do that just fine.”

Melosa smiled and grabbed ororo’s chin non to gently.

“You have no choice Ororo, it is the law. Now come, no further arguments.”

She released Ororo’s chin and then they moved off into the trees together. When they reached the ridge Ororo they dropped out of the trees and landed in soft grass. Ororo felt her breathe grabbed out of her lungs by the beauty before her. A raging waterfall to her left dropped thousands of feet below into a large river that fed the Amazon village. It’s roar took away the majority of her hearing and her eyes sparkled when she met Melosa’s. Melosa’s eyes glinted with mischief as she spread her arms and then jumped. Ororo catching the mischevious grin and look used her winds to catch her. Melosa who squealed rather unqueenlike and was lifted back to the ridge. Melosa grunted when Ororo brought her up above her head and spun her so they faced each other. Time seemed to stop as the two friends laughed at each other.

“Let me down child.”

Ororo chuckled and stepping back brought Melosa closer and dropped her headfirst. Melosa squeaked and at the last moment was dropped on her feet. She growled as she unceremoniously landed on her ass. Ororo sitting nearby in a meditating pose couldn’t help but hide the smile on her lips and the silent shaking of her shoulders gave her mischeviousness away. There was little warning when Melosa let out the Amazonian battle cry and launched herself at Ororo.
Ororo was slightly taken aback but caught the small raging bundle of a women and flipped her over. They preceded to wrestle for the better part of ten minutes neither getting a pin on the other when Solari finally landed on the nearby ground and pulled Melosa off of ororo. Both of the womens hair had various stickes, leaves and pieces of grass, their leathers were grass stained and they both had various mud marks on their body. Solari began to chew them out and both women were trying to hide their grins and look ashamed. Finally after a few minutes Solari sighed, she obviously wasn’t getting through.

“Go back to the village and prepare for tonights feast, Melosa I believe your queenly duties are calling. Take a bath.”

The two women quickly complied but as soon as they were our ot earshot ororo let a laugh rip from her throat and leaned against a treetrunk for the better part of ten minutes and laughed. Melosa across from her in another tree had to sit down she was laughing so hard. When their laughing finally ceased Melosa came and grasped her in a hug.

“Oh Child what a surprise you have been. You bring delight to my heart.”

Ororo chuckled.

“As do you my queen.”

Melosa frowned.

“Come we must get back and just call me Melosa.”

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