Stepping forward with a large box, Scott ever the leader handed his gift to Remy. "Pulled your name this year my friend, use it well," he said with a wink that no one could see behind his red specs.

Tearing into the wrapping, Remy smiled as he pulled out new fingerless leather gloves. There were also dozens of packs of playing cards, complete with a specially made belt holster to hold several decks. Underneath it all was a new Cajun cookbook that specialized in not too spicy dishes. As he held it up everyone laughed, as he whined, "Ahh mon ami ya break dis Cajuns heart, ya know dis nevah be true Cajun cuisine."

Jean was next offering a perfectly wrapped present to Rogue, who practically shrieked with joy.

Swift work was made of the pristine packaging with Rogues eyes watering from what was inside, an emerald Marquis cut earring and necklace set. "The stones are not as large as I might have liked," said Jean, "but I am sure your future husband will more than make up for their lack of size in presents to come." Jean sent a psychic hug to Rogue, who plopped down next to Jubilee, also speechless.

Charles and Remy both retrieved special X-men wrapped packages and cheerfully handed them to Jubilee and Ororo. Charles' to Jubes and Remy's to Ororo.

"I knew it, I knew it," Jubilee sang, tearing into the professors gift to her, "I knew you had me this year." Inside she found a small stack of Ulysses S. Grants. "Look out mall here I come," she cried, as she tossed herself at Charles, hugging him till he was gasping for breath.

Scott delicately removed her arms from the professors neck and walked her back over to her place beside Marie, as she cradled her box to her chest.

Ororo very quietly opened her present from Remy to find herself at a loss for words. Before anyone could blink , she flew from the loveseat into his arms as close to releasing a torrent of tears as she dared. All eyes were on the passive weather witch and the devil eyed charmer, who stood in a vise grip embrace. Remy smiling from ear to ear, while drawing circles on her back soothingly.

"What is it Storm, what did you get?" asked Scott.

Charles noticing the sudden uneasiness of the feral Canadian, as he clenched and unclenched his mug free fist, staring at the embracing couple before them. He shot Logan a knowing smile, that seemed to appease the brewing beast. If just a little.

Jean approached the rarely emotional mutant and her adoptive brother. The unspoken question of her wellbeing written all over her face.

Slowly the brother and sister released one another, Remy keeping his arm around her waist, as she held out a platinum locket to the inquiring re head. Inside one side held the portrait of Ororo's birth parents holding what was obviously a toddler version of Storm. The other side had the engraved names of her fellow X-men, with the professors at the top. The front held the words, 'la Famille est toujours dans le Couer'.

Almost silently Jean asked what the words meant, her heart moved by the very thoughtful gift as well.

"Family is always in the Heart," Ororo answered as she placed a tender kiss upon the Cajuns sparsely beard shadowed face.

A low rumbling growl emanated from Logan.

Hank and Ororo both bent under the tree to gather their Secret Santa gifts.

Hank gave his to Jean with a broad smile lighting his face, "I hope you like it." he said, with a surreptitious glance to Ororo.

Logan hesitantly reached out taking his present from Ororo, as she once again took her seat beside him, tucking her feet near his bottom, without saying a word.

Jean opened her gift, as if she were saving the wrapping for reuse. It only prolonged Hanks agony in seeking her reaction. Her eyes twinkled with a smile, seeing the contents of the box. "I see someone has been talking to Ororo." She sent the message telepathically to Hank, watching him turn bashful eyes to the floor. Out loud she said, "Thank you for this Hank, it will be put to good use."

"What is it, what did he give you?" Jubilee spoke up, anxious to know what they had not shared.

Scott walked over to peer into the box over Jeans shoulder, a wide grin soon on his own face.

"Hank has so thoughtfully secured a weekend getaway for me at Shangri La, with a guest of my choosing," Jean answered. On more than one occasion she had expressed to Ororo her desire to spend some alone time with Scott at the new posh spa that catered to a couples slightest whims, with its many luxurious amenities. To Storm, Jean sent the telepathic message, 'I do so love you, and're so dead."

"Oooh la la," Jubilee chanted, "can I come with you, I've heard about that place and..."

"No!" Both Scott and Jean shouted together. Scott turned almost as red as Jeans hair, while Jean rang her hands together nervously, embarrrassed for her outburst.

Jubilee posted a mischievious smirk on her face, "Ok, ok, dang don't go all bull loose in the china shop on me, I can take a hint."

The professor started a small fit of coughing as he looked out of the corner of his eyes to the two elder X-women.

Ororo sent a wink his way, as she hid a smile behind her hand. Noticing Logan still held his unopened gift, she wiggled her toes again. She got a feral glare for her teasing.

"Well, are you going to open that or wait until you have been a good boy," she said, in a voice that sent warmth throughout his body.

Something about her eyes and voice seemed to make it a challenge for him to accept her present. Without hesitating he released one shiny claw from its place. With a flick of his wrist he sliced one end off the package.

"Are ya shittin' me?" he asked, incredulously. Inside the box was a designer duffle, something so not like him.

She gave him a huge smile before saying, "Open it."

Unzipping the bag, findind a compass inside, with the entire face being a picture of the mansion.

She leaned into him whispering into his ear, "You wouldn't want to hurt my feelings now would you? If you decide to leave again you have to carry this bag, your old one is pretty beat up. And if you do this compass is to help you always know your way and place is here with all of us."

Damn the woman knew there was no way in hell he was going to carry such a froufrou bag, so he guessed he was just stuck like pun intended.

Looking around the room he could clearly see that the men were all eyeing the bag and hiding their laughter as best they could. Wolverine snarled low in his throat. All laughter ceased.

"Thanks Ro, but ya really shouldn't have."

"You're welcome, and it was my pleasure."

Forget the fear of the Canadians retribution, the entire room broke out into gales of gut felt laughter.

Ororo blew Logan an air kiss.

He dramatically dropped his head forward, giving Ororo a quick wink.

The last Secret Santa up was Logan. With little overture he handed Scott his gift.

Scott sighed. "Oh crap, I should have known."

Logan had a smile on his face that was innocent evil.

"Just tell me it's not going to explode or any such thing." Scott pled.

"What makes ya think that bub, don't ya trust me?"


"Just open yer damn present di..."

"LOGAN!" Jean and Ororo shouted.

Scott thought the best way to get this over with was just to tear into it like removing a band-aid. A loud gasp was the first reaction once it was open, then quickly he turned beet red. Again.

Logan sat shoulders heaving in silent laughter, drinking another cup of coffee.

All eyes were on Scott.

"Well," said Jubilee, unable to take the suspense anymore.

"Scott, what is it?" Jean asked. At once Jean started stammering, "Uuuhhh...Rogue and Jubilee would you please go to the kitchen and plate the pastries and make a new pot of coffee for us?"

"If ya' want us gone just say so, why don't ya'," said Jubilee, as she and Rogue both left the room heading to the kitchen.

"Well, mon ami?" Remy stood walking over to the blushing couple. Once again he broke out into laughter.

Scott reached into the box and help up a pair of Bumper electric blue, no less.

The room broke out into howls of laughter, even Charles didn't try to hide his fitful outburst.

"Figured ya needed a pair, thought I'd keep em as real ta life fer ya as possible." Logan grinned.

Beast, Remy and Ororo fell over in glee, much to Scott's ire. Jean snatched the blue balls and shoved them back into the box, with a cursory glare at the Wolverine.

Jubilee and Rogue rushed back into the room hearing the riotous laughter. "What did we miss y'all?" Rogue asked, looking from one adult to the other.

Again hoots of laughter.

"Okay, we get it, gift from Logan to Scott, tender girls need not inquire," pouted Jubilee, flouncing back down on the floor in the spot she had vacated, with an irritated huff.

"Actually darlin, there is a gift in there under the...uh hmm, blue weight," Logan said, over the rim of his coffee mug.

Jean lifted the tissue paper, as Scott reached under it. An embossed certificate read...
This entitles the holder to an evening out to the restaurant, and show of choice for two...provided afore gift is attached to mode of transportations bumper.

"Oh Scott I know just where I want to go." Jean begged, turning traitor as far as Scott was concerned.

"Jean! You couldn't possibly want to use this with it's stipulations," Scott balked.

The teen girls looked at one another and shrugged, oblivious to the upset. No biggie they'd badger Remy about it later.

"Scott you do extol the convenience and use of bonds, certificates and coupons." this from Charles, still red and smiling. Again the room was full of laughter.

Scott leaned over to the Wolverine and whispered, "Your balls, tomorrow, danger room, BUSTED!"

Logan sneered back laughing, "Not even if ya used a sledgehammer one-eye."

Somehow Logan knew he would get the pleasure of seeing his gift swinging from the back of Scott's car, as he drove off to the most expensive restaurant and show Jean could think of, all on his dime.

He could care less it would be worth it.

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