Author's Chapter Notes:
A/N: This is dedicated to my friend on fanfiction Satansbratn and Evanescence who both have parts of inspiration for this story. THANKS GUYS!
Sabretooth watched the woman he was stalking. She was so beautiful, so delicate. And she owed him a something. As she payed for her CD, the young girl that went shopping with her stopped what she was doing on her cell and walked up to her. Neither of them realized the danger that was nearby. He would get the young girl after he took care of his main target. She was definitely attractive, but not as attractive as the older woman. Then he saw the wolf. Mangy mutt always gave him trouble. Her teeth were like razors against his skin.

He stalked them until the younger one went into the theater with some girls about her own age, giving him the chance he to grab the older one. He walked ahead into the alley and waited. The strong smell of sandal wood went up his sensitive nose. He smiled. Then she appeared right in front of him...

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