They entered the mansion and were instantly flocked by students, who stood with wide eyes and open mouths. Their behavior prompted Ayaba to turn to Logan for an explanation.

“Last they heard, the body you’re in was dead, and now you’re up and walking around and looking very different.” At his words Ayaba bowed her head a bit and closed her eyes, she then lifted her head and revealed Ororo’s face perfectly. Her action created a wave of gasps from the onlookers.

“Is this better?” She asked as her sapphire eyes stared at Logan and Ororo’s soft voice spoke to him, and the sight of her, of Ororo standing before him caused his heart to break even more because he knew it was all a façade.

“Not really” Logan mumbled as he moved passed her. “Yo Iceman,” Logan called out to Bobby. “Take Rogue down to Hank.” Bobby gave a nod as he took on Rogue’s weight. “Come on, I’ll take you to see the Professor now.” Logan said as he led the way down the corridor leading to the Professor’s office.

“You are angry with me, why?” Ayaba addressed Logan’s back.

“Because yer here and Ro aint. You can make yourself look like her and sound like her, but you aint her. You smell wrong.”

“This is not my doing.”

“Yeah well that don’t make it any easier to see you instead of her.”

“I have punished the one responsible, does that not please you?”

“You did me a favor killing that son-of-a-bitch, ya spared me the trouble of doing it myself, but that don’t change a thing which just pisses me off more. Because it proves Chuck right, Ro’s still gone, and seeing you is like a nail in her coffin, even with you all prettied up to look like her, it’s still obvious, and it still hurts.”

“It pains you that I look like her, but am not her.” Ayaba said redundantly, trying to understand.

“Yeah.” Logan said as he stopped in front of the Professor’s office door. He let out a heavy sigh before speaking again. “It pains me that Ororo had to die for this, it pains me that she had to suffer the way she did.”

“And because you could not save her.” Logan could only nod his head at her statement. “But there is more that you are blocking.” At those words Logan turned to face her and found black spheres staring at him again, and he suddenly realized that she was probing his mind.

“Yes Logan she is a telepath among other things.” The Professor spoke through the now opened doorway.

“Then she should know I don’t like people messing around in my head.” He said in a warning growl, which brought a smile to Ayaba’s lips as she blinked away the blackness of her eyes.

“You are such a feral creature.” Ayaba stated to Logan and then focused her attention to the professor, and seemed to study him in silence.

“Yes I am the Professor.” He spoke to her. “Yes I could, but some might see that as being rude. So I shall use my voice to express my thoughts while we are in the company of others.”

“You have evolved from such primitive means of communication yet you still prefer it,” Ayaba said more as a statement than a question. “Interesting. I am told that you can find Bennu and Imhotep.”

“I have already located Phoenix, as for Imhotep I’m sure I can search the historical archives for him.”

“I must find him,” Ayaba said as she stared off past the Professor’s head, out the huge window behind his desk.

“You do know that he would not still be living.” The Professor said calmly, silently fearing the fact that she may not know and might react badly to the news.

“Yes, I know. Bennu killed him and for that she shall pay dearly.”

“Wow, yer still holding a grudge because Bennu stole your boyfriend?” Logan asked in slight disbelief. Ayaba regarded him with indifference.

“No, Imhotep was my son.” This news stunned both Logan and the Professor since this was not the story that Hank as told them. “He was a miracle since his father was a mortal and it was always believed that such a birth was impossible between a God and a mortal being. I was the first and to my knowledge the only to accomplish this feat. This made the other Gods regard me as something greater than themselves, an evolved God if you will.”

“A mutant God, now I’ve heard it all.” Logan threw out. Ayaba continued her story as if she hadn’t heard him at all.

“Bennu was quiet envious of my new status, and soon she was filled with such jealousy and rage, that I feared for Imhotep’s safety. So I sent him to be raised with the mortals, in a royal family. But Bennu found him; she seduced him, made him weak, and then destroyed him, all to spite me.” As Ayaba told her tale, her hatred for Bennu seemed to literally consume her, as her body became engulfed with electrical currents, which flickered wildly about her frame. Then as suddenly as it had appeared the electric currents disperse, and Ayaba seemed to calm, as if nothing had occurred. “I will spend the rest of eternity making her pay, but first I must see Imhotep. I never got to say goodbye to him.”

“Very well, I shall try to get as much information about the burial place of your son. Logan will show you to a room, where you can rest a bit. I know that being in human form is something new, and you may need some time to adjust.”

“Thank you,” Ayaba replied with a slight bow to him and then turned and headed out of the room and headed to the stairs, not waiting for Logan to lead the way.

Logan stopped them in front of the room that was just across from his. He wanted to ensure that he could keep a close watch over her. “You can bunk here, it aint the Ritz but it’s clean and comfortable.” Ayaba looked briefly into the open doorway of the room Logan stood in, and then turned and moved down the hallway. “Hey where do you think yer going?” Logan called out as he followed her trek. Ayaba stopped just before the entrance at the end of the hall, which had stairs that led up, she then moved to the first step. “No,” Logan said but Ayaba ignored him and ascended the stairs. She opened the door and entered the spacious loft. “This ain’t yer room.” Logan announced from the doorway.

“It is her room.” Ayaba said as she moved about the room touching different items.

“Yeah like I said this aint yer room.” Logan repeated.

“She feels comforted here, so isolated from everyone else.” Ayaba stated as she moved to the bedside table and picked up a picture frame seated there. The picture showed two women smiling, one with fiery red hair and the other with hair as white as snow. “These people here are her family, but she hides herself from them.” Ayaba said as she focused her attention back to the man still standing in the doorway. “You are not like family, yet she feels kindredness towards you, moreso than anyone else, why?” Logan stared at her in confusion.

“Lady I don’t know what the fu…”

“Ah, because you are both children of the wild, and feel most at home in nature. Yes I understand now.”

“You have ‘Ro’s memories.” Logan said more as a statement than a question.

“No,” Ayaba answered as she set the picture back in it’s place and then moved to the patio doors. “I hear her thoughts.”

“Wait, how can you hear her thoughts?” Logan asked as he entered the room and moved towards the woman walking out onto the balcony. “If you hear her thoughts then…She’s not dead?”

“No, she is here with me.” Ayaba said with a smile.

“We need ta get ta Hank, now.”

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