Their numbers cut down by one fourth, the already frazzled mercenaries, got an even bigger shock, when, blasting through the mansion wall, they came face to face but not one, but three very pissed off X-Men.

Thanks to Ororo’s knowledge of removing the synaptic inhibitor, Beast and Jubilee were able to get to the teachers’ wing, waking up Scott and Jean before the attackers could get through.

“Uhn…” Jean groaned as she came out of her forced sleep. “Wha…Hank? What are you…?”
“Ssh,” Beast silenced her, giving up an abridged rundown of what had happened in the past hour or so, and the events that were occurring as they spoke.
“Forge? Are you sur…?” A loud blast rocked the mansion, effectively ending any doubts or questions that the redhead might have had regarding the betrayal of their Cheyenne teammate.

While answering her questions, the blue furred doctor revived Scott. “We need to hurry?” He was interrupted by yet another blast. The reinforced steel plates built into the mansion walls, the same as the ones on the doors and windows, would not last much longer.

“What happened?” Scott inquired. “I thought I saw someone….and….”
“Jean will explain it to you,” Henry heaved him into a standing position. “You both….”
“We’ll handle them Hank,” Jean was fully awake now, her telepathy running at full steam. “You go wake the Professor and the others.”


While Hank and his young assistant hurried to wake the Professor, Colossus and the others, Jean and Scott headed out to face the threat. They were met by Ororo, who given her injury was floating six inches of the ground, her winds swirling under and around her.

“What happened to you?” Scott gasped at the blood on the weather witch’s hands and clothes.
“Long story….later,” was all he got in return.

Wanting to take the fight out and away from the mansion and its young residents, the three of them had to reign in themselves, both due to being locked in and due to the reason that if they went out like this, they would opening themselves up for a direct attack. With no idea about the number of attackers, they weren’t going to take that chance.

Another blast and a gaping hole opened up in the mansion wall.



A smooth female was all the first men to enter heard….that was before an invisible train rammed into them…the train being the combined force of a ‘pushing’ telekinetic force field and a ‘pulling’ gale force wind blowing from the outside.

Caught in the ‘squeeze machine’ a dozen of the soldiers were instantly out of the running. As for the rest, a combination of a red beam of energy, sudden frozen ground and metallic giant with a punch to knock out an engine of a truck, sent them all into panic.

The frozen ground was courtesy of Iceman, who, once Beast revived him, rode out through the secret passageway. Accompanied by Colossus, both of them carefully deposited the younger kids with them into the safety cell that the X-Men had in place for such an emergency. With enough food and provisions to last a week, the children would be cared for…and in case there was no adult to come for them, the cell would unlock automatically once the food and water reached the ten percent level.

That done, both of them doubled back to the battle scene, arriving just in time to see Storm’s winds literally chuck them out.

Cyclops was firing his optic blasts at soldiers, both setting their already precarious balance off and even downing a few himself, while the winds, coupled with the golf ball sized hail that Storm had called down was keeping them occupied and still within the reach of the X-Men. Anyone who managed to get away from the circle that the X-Men had locked them in, found himself lifted only to be body slammed into the ground, all thanks to the telekinetic Jean. It wasn’t even a competition anymore. Even though prepared for any telepathic intrusions, none of the men had counted on even one of the X-Men being awake, let alone putting up such a well-coordinated front. This was not supposed to be. Even in her last communicate, the one she sent just five minutes before they began their actual assault, Mystique had confirmed that all of them were taken care off and wouldn’t be posing any problem.

Just their luck that neither Mystique nor her handiwork survived those remaining fifteen minutes.


The half a dozen remaining attackers were quick to fall back and flee for their lives, or whatever of it was left. Each of them knew that once Sinister came to know about their failure, their lives were forfeit.

As for the ones left behind, they were handed over to the police, but only after each of them had been searched and any information linking the school to any mutant activities was stripped off….along with any hi-tech devices that would be out of place in the ‘gang-attack’ scenario that Xavier fed to the authorities.

Within the span of a couple of hours, the X-Men were attacked, not once but twice, once from inside the institute itself. They not only recovered, they beat their foes, without any loss of life, well, except for Mystique, but that attributed to a glitch in the programming of the controllers that were implanted into Logan.


Working together, Colossus and Iceman quickly built up a four-foot thick wall of ice and rubble to temporarily seal the hole, and while Scott and Jean left to retrieve the children, Henry, who was once again in full doctor mode, carried Ororo to the infirmary. With her injuries, both from Jubilee, from her fall and even the couple of nicks Logan had managed to get it, it was amazing as to how she was still up, let alone keeping her levitating winds together. Once there, they say Logan still on the floor. His skin had completely healed up and from the looks of it, it was as if he was just sleeping. Setting Ororo on one bed, Henry heaved the three-hundred-pound Wolverine up and let him lie on his stomach on the bed. Still no knowing the potency of his healing factor, but having heart the extent of his injuries from Ororo, it was best to give him time to recover and wake up on his own….

….almost forty hours later.

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