Disclaimer: I don’t own them, don’t make money off of them so don’t sue. Story idea is mine.

Before you read this please allow me to tell you that there are two tenses within this story. A second person and a third person…it does switch.

I need a hero.

You watch him as he sprints through the explosions that ignite all around him in this jungle. Each one coming close to harming him yet he continues on, unwavering. He is like some kind of superman with his muscular frame, wild mane of dark hair, his razor sharp claws, and his abilities. He has been many things in his life; a samurai, soldier, warrior, teacher, student, lover, fiend, father, an X-Man and now an Avenger. This obstacle course you have never seen within the danger room.

The jungles are dark, deep, humid, and as if they belong to a different time a different world. The man named Logan leaps through the air cutting down three men with rifles, they are oriental but of which decent you cannot be certain. You breath out slowly, your eyes focused on this man, this WOLVERINE.

-Is it from a memory or a nightmare Logan?-

As you ask this question to no one in particular your eyes then catch his movements as he flips over the foliage landing within a three point stance growling. Does he know you are watching, admiring him? No he could not you are in the observation room.

“You are incredible. Do you know that?” You say again as your heart throbs in your chest, feeling as though it wishes to escape.

“He is isn’t he?” A feminine voice from behind you startles you out of your thoughts. You turn quickly, surprised to find you didn’t hear the door open. There you can see why. Her name is Katherine Pride, Kitty to her friends and to you she is kitten. “Always is something to watch when he’s in his zone”

“Yes he is Kitten.” You responsively reply as you turn back to the observation window. You silently kick yourself knowing you have been caught ogling the man that she feels as though is a second father to her. You then turn slightly in her direction, smiling. “You have become a SHADOWCAT in many ways.”

“Learn from the best Roro,” Kitty answers as she walks closer to you. You can feel her eyes on you wanting to ask the one question you dread is coming. “Why don’t you tell him?”

You quirk up a white eyebrow, gazing at her as you turn your head only inches to her in acknowledgement.

“It is complicated Kitten,” is the only thing you can say.

Wolverine bolts toward his adversary, a tall well-muscled blonde haired man who is as savage if not more so then Logan. His name is Victor Creed but the world knows this feral mutant by one name only; SABERTOOTH. This though does not catch your eye, what you suddenly see is a person behind the brute of a man hanging from tree by a rope not moving. The figure is you, though slightly disheveled.

“Let her go Creed and I won’t hurt cha much.” Logan states. His voice always gruff, almost feral as he growls, it is manlier than any other and that drives you.

“Come on squirt I like this frail. She screamed real nice too.” Is all the blonde headed feral had to say. You watch as the man named Logan leaps quickly, claws extended. The battle is engaged and you see Logan’s muscles flex as beads of sweat pour from him.

“It can’t be as complicated as Pete and me.” Kitty answers as she stops and watches the view. “He is such a Hercules isn’t he?”

“Larger than life too.” You respond as if in a daze. Then her words sink in and you grin.
“It can be very complicated Kitten.” Her eyes are full of mirth as she eyes you and her lips quirks over to the left. You know that look all to well. She is about to say it and for some reason you wait.

“You love him don’t you?” There is was those words that you had been expecting and in your heart you know it as true.

“He is my friend Kitten of course I love him.” You try to sidestep the question but Kitten is too intelligent.

“You are in love with him.” That was not a question; it was a statement coming from one that you see as a daughter. “He feels the same you know.”

You look at her with bewildered eyes, shocking setting in.

“He and Scott had a talk not long ago when I came to join the X-Men.” She began as she looked out to the scene in the Danger room.

---Two Weeks ago----

“Jean would have neva done that to you Slim!” Logan screams as he charges the man called CYCLOPS. “She mourned cha when ya died and stayed true to ya. Not like you and yer Queen.”

“Shut up Wolverine you do not know any thing!” Scott yells back as he shoots his optic beam at Logan. “At least I’m no coward!”
“What did cha say?” Logan begins to growl as he narrowly misses Scott with his fist, claws still sheathed.

“You heard me. At least I go after the women I love.” Scott leaps away as he blasts the ground below Logan.

“I’m gonna gut cha bub!,” Logan rants, leaping to Scott as he unsheathes his claws of adamantium.

“Try it!” Cyclops says “That way you won’t have to look at STORM and continue to deny it.”

Cyclops finds himself pinned to the ground and two claws on either side of his neck. Scott grins as he unleashes a blast directly at Logan.


You look at Kitty in dumbstruck awe not knowing what to say after she had recounted the tale that happened between Scott and Logan only weeks ago.

“After that we had a team meeting and Logan set there smoking literally as we sat on the Hawaiian Islands in the Danger room.

You finally begin to laugh as you push the button to end the program. You see Logan stop and begin to curse as he looks up to the control room and is struck silent as he sees you. You walk down to the room, opening the door, saying nothing as you approach him. He eyes you queerly as you continue to walk toward him…

“I need a hero Logan,” is all you say as you grab him and your lips kiss him with more passion than anything you have felt before.

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