10. Morning After

Jubilee is on the hunt, but for what?

“Hey, did you hear the latest news, hot hot hot, right off the presses,” Jubilee Lee jumped onto her bed adjacent to those of her classmates and roommates, Kitty Pryde and Rogue.
“Yeah? Whose presses?” Rogue drawled in her molasses like southern accent. “Youhrs. Can’t believe anything coming frem thaht.”
“Hmph. Pbbfrt.” Jubilee shut out her tongue at her. “O’ ye’ of little faith. Kit-Kat let me tell you. You’ll find it interesting. What can I do if Roguey here doesn’t want to know about Logan?”

“Logan?” Rogue’s ears perked up. “What happened to him? Is he ahlright? Did he get hurt? Captured? What HAPPENED?”
“Sheesh. Calm down girl,” Jubilee held up her hands. “He is fine….for now.”
“What do you mean for now?” Kitty cut in. “Is something going to happen to Mr. Logan.”
“Kitty,” Jubilee made a face at her. “Why do you call him ‘Mr’? Even he has told you to call him ‘just’ Logan. Don’t use that Mr. Logan shit with me,” she mimicked a perfect Loganesque accent, and if both Rogue and Kitty wouldn’t have been so worried, they might have laughed.

“Cut the crap yella and tehl us about Logan,” Rogue threatened, her own inner Wolverine slipping through, complete with a nice growl.
“Ok, Ok,” Jubilee silenced them. “Come closer,” she gestured with her hands.

Once the two girls came close, she gave a secretive smile, which meant whatever piece of news she was going to leak out was a big one and most probably involved some romantic liaisons.
“Roguey and Kittty-Kat, your Mr. Logan…..” she let the words linger, getting scoff and frowns from her roommates. “Your Mr. Logan is….”
“Jubilee yah betta spit it out or…..” Rogue let her own threat linger much like Jubilee.
“Hey, how do you expect me to retain my reputation, if I just go around ‘spitting’ out the biggest thing since I exposed Jean and Scottie marriage,” Jubilee reasoned. On getting no response, flipped her hand and proceeded with her news.
“Your ‘Mr.’ Logan….” she pointed at Kitty, “…is…” this time she pointed at Rogue, “…boning….your Ms. Monroe.”

Both Kitty and Rogue were silent for a few seconds, although for very different reasons. Kitty was just shocked at what she had just heard, while Rogue…..well Rogue was worried about the mansion’s best-kept secret coming out. As far as she knew, no one maybe except the Professor knew the truth about Ororo and Logan. She was afraid that motor-mouth Jubilee was going to blow away everything.

“Hey girls,” Jubilee repeated herself. “Did you get what I said? Logan and Ororo. They are doing the nasty, rolling in the hay, doing the horizontal mambo, getting down and dirty, eff’ing, making love…having SEX.”
“We know what ya mean?” Rogue snapped at her. “No need to shout it frem the roof.”

“Are you sure?” Kitty asked a little surprised and just as much excited. Logan and Ororo, Ororo and Logan. The resident goddess, the woman who defined calm and collected and the resident badass, the man who defined emotional and short-fused. The two of them together. With each other. WOW.
“Of course I am sure,” Jubilee looked put off. “When have I ever been wrong?”

“Well, let me see,” Rogue held up her hand started counting off fingers. “One, when you said that Piotr was gay. It nearly killed poor Kitty here. Two, Lorna uses dye to color her hair. Three, Rahne gets injections to ward off fleas. Four….”
“Alright, alright,” Jubilee pushed her hand down. “I know my sources have been misguided that…those times, but this is hundred percent for sure. I got it straight from the horse’s mouth.”
“Horse’s mouth?” Kitty’s eyes lit up. “You mean Ororo and Logan?”
“Now its Logan. Where did the ‘mister’ go?” Jubilee smirked. “No, not from them, but the next best thing – Mr. Scott ‘Scooter’ Summers. It seems that Ororo and Logan didn’t return last night. After the fight they had gone to Cyke and Jean came back in their car, while Ororo took off to places unknown with the sex-in-denim Wolverine.”

“So that doesn’t mean thaht they are havin’ sex,” Rogue whispered the last words.
“Well Scottie boy thinks so,” Jubilee shrugged. “You should see him.”
“Come lets go,” Rogue jumped off her bed and ran to the door. “As it is we haveta have breakfast.”


Down in the Kitchen,

“Scott, please SIT down.” Jean said tightly. Her husband had been pacing around the kitchen for the last half hour and before than in their room, and it was giving her a serious headache. “Its not as if Logan is going to magically appear if you do a million room pacings.
“Hmph,” Scott harrumphed as he roughly pulled back a chair and flopped down on it.
“Say something. Scott?” Jean laid a hand on his, trying to get him to open up. “What’s your problem?”
“Problem? PROBLEM?” Scott stared at his wife as if she had grown a second head. “My problem Jean, is that over confident, son of a bi….that idiot Logan.”

“So what’s new,” Jean shook her head at him. She knew the reason for the latest Scott-Logan blowup. Even if they had made peace with her, they still had their moments. And this one was definitely one of them. Just like old times. Too much like old times.
“Jean, he didn’t return home last night,” Scott hissed, before lowering his tone. “And neither did….”

“Who didn’t return home last night?” both Scott and Jean jumped at the voice from the door.
“Ororo?” Scott leapt from his chair. “You are here?”
“Yes Scott,” the weather goddess seemed taken aback at Cyclops’s abrupt reaction to her. “Its me and a very good morning to you too. Morning Jean,” she called out as she walked to the coffee machine.
“Morn-Morning ‘Ro,” Jean was equally surprised to see Ororo at home and in her night dress. She too had thought that, just as Logan hadn’t returned so hadn’t Ororo. But now she was here, standing a few feet away from them, looking as if she had just woken up from a good night’s sleep.

“What are you doing here?” Scott blurted out. The look on Ororo’s face made him want to eat his own words.
“I live here Scott,” Ororo arched an eyebrow at him. “At least I did, the last time I checked, or have you forgotten that?”
“No Ororo,” Jean cut in. “What Scott meant was, is what are you doing here right now. Weren’t you with Logan?”
“Yes,” Ororo answered as she slid in the chair opposite her bestfriend. “So?”

“Well Logan didn’t return home last night,” Jean explained. “And as both of you were together….”
“You assumed I didn’t either,” Ororo completed it for her.
“Yes.” Scott answered relieved that Ororo had spent the night at home. Usually he could ask Jean to sense her out, but after yesterday’s debacle, both of them were refraining from being too nosy, well they were trying to be. But when Logan was involved, he couldn’t just stand by the side and be a silent observer.

“Well to answer your question,” Ororo started as she raised the mug to her lips, relishing the jolt she got from her morning caffeine fix. “Both of us did return to the mansion.”
“But the bike isn’t there in the garage,” Scott reasoned.
“Yes, I won’t be,” Ororo nodded her head. “I said both of us returned. I didn’t say that both of us stayed and spent the night here. Logan came back and dropped me off just outside the mansion gates. From there I returned on the winds, while Logan left.”


“Left?” Rogue interrupted. She had caught the last words out of Ororo’s mouth as she reached the kitchen. “Where did he go? When is he coming back?”
“Good morning Rogue, Kitty, Jubilee,” Ororo greeted them. “Logan didn’t leave for long. Just for the night. He wanted to spend some time alone, just riding around, enjoying the night. You know, just being himself. He should be returning soon.”
“Oh,” that seemed to relax the southerner. “Thehn its fahne. I thought the big lug just upped and left.”
“Not without telling you,” Ororo smiled at her. “Even he wouldn’t dare to do that.”

In response Rogue gave a sweet smile. It was true. Whenever Logan left on one of his ‘trips’, he made it a point to tell her about it, just as he had done the first time. It was their brother-sister, uncle-niece…well, family kind of thing. They looked out for each other. Well Logan did more of the looking out. He had promised her that and had made good on it, and was still keeping true to it.

“So you have been in your room the entire night?” Scott ended the other line of conversation.
“Yes,” Ororo answered evenly. “After Logan left me at the gates, I returned to my room. Although I did go to the lake for a late night dip.”
“Oh,” was all Scott could say, feeling rather stupid at her blow-up. He was slightly ashamed at the ideas he had been conjuring up in his mind. But seeing Ororo here, without Logan was ‘relieving’ to say the least.

“Oww,” Jubilee’s yelp drew their attention. She was sitting next to Rogue and was scowling at her, all the while rubbing her upper arm. Both Rogue and Kitty were snickering at her.
“What happened Jubilation?” Ororo’s question drew her attention. “Is everything alright?”
“Uhn…yes Ms. Monroe,” Jubilee hastily nodded her head. She had just received two solid punches from both girls sitting next to her.

“What was that for?” she hissed under her breath.
“For spreading false rumors,” it was Kitty who answered with Rogue just nodding her head and readying another punch, which Jubilee immediately pushed down.
“What was I to know,” Jubilee excused. “My source…..”
“Yah we know about your ‘source’,” Rogue made quotation marks. “Looks like Cyke himself got his ass handed t’ him.”
“Well,” Kitty mused. “It would have been nice if it was true. Its so…so romantic.”
“Kitty,” Jubilee rolled her eyes. “You need to get your head out of your romantic novels and into real life to get some action for yourself. Romance has nothing to do with it. Its sex, pure and simple, an itch which you need to scratch once in a while, or in Logan’s case, continuously.”
“Jubes. How would ya know?” Rogue admonished her, clearly hinting at Jubilee’s virgin status, one which both Kitty and her shared too. “Besides, he’s not lahke thaht.”

‘Whose not like whom?’ Scott wondered from the kitchen counter he was standing next to. Knowing Rogue, it must either be Remy or Logan, and from the tone of her voice most probably Logan.



Being a Sunday, the mansion was in complete relaxed mode, with even the Professor wearing a t-shirt and plain trousers, instead of his usually impeccable designer suits.

Most of the students and faculty were enjoying themselves by the swimming pool, with some of them playing in the adjacent basketball and baseball grounds.

“Ororo,” Jean came and stood next to the lounging weather goddess.
“Yes Jean,” she raised her glasses and opened her eyes to look up at her redhead friend. “Please have a seat. I don’t want to develop a permanent squint.”

Relieved at her good mood, Jean decided to make her move. “Ororo. About….”
“Its alright Jean,” Ororo rested a hand on her knee. “I can’t say I quite understand the reasons behind it, but I guess its alright. Its just that…well whatever it is. I don’t want to ruin our friendship over a single event.”
“Oh ‘Ro,” Jean reached forward and hugged her tightly. “Thank you so much. I can’t tell you how sorry I am. We…I didn’t mean to invade your privacy. It was…”
“Jean,” Ororo silenced her. “Logan told me everything you told him. So just, leave it at that. Its a beautiful day, lets just enjoy it.”
“Yes it is,” Jean looked up. “All thanks to you. I don’t know what Logan did, but it definitely helped to improve your mood.”

“That’s what I do Jeannie, improve moods.”

“Logan!” Jean whirled around to find the Canadian standing just behind her, a cloud of cigar smoke swirling around his head. “When did you get here? I didn’t sense you.”
“That’s how its supposed to be,” Logan gave one of his patent Wolverine smirks. The ones which caused a chill to run down your spine. “So want me to help improve yer mood too. I do wonders. Ya can ask ‘Ro yerself,” he winked at the dark beauty, causing a full body blush to run through her.

“Smellin’ nice ‘Ro,” Logan growled his appreciation at her sudden change in scent.


“Eww…” Jubilee’s high pitched voice cut in. “Dude, I don’t know how you get the ladies, because your complements are just way too EWW!

Both Jean and Ororo snickered at the yellow-n-purple teenager’s comments. She was one of the few people who dared to verbally go up against the Wolverine and managed to get away.
“Whatever kid,” Logan dismissed her. Taking off his cowboy hat, he placed it on the table next to Ororo and then proceeded to strip down to his shorts. Giving the ladies a two fingered salute, he walked away towards the swimming pool.

“Oh now I get it how he manages to get all that sex,” Jubilee slapped her forehead.
“You do?” Ororo glanced up at her as she reached for Logan’s hat and placed it on her head, enjoying its feel and the shade it provided.
“Yes,” Jubilee nodded her head, her eyes stuck at the retreating form. “Just look at him. His body, the way he walks…his ass,” she ended causing both of her teachers to choke on their drinks.

“With an ass like that, even my own grandmother would jump him.”

Note: Ten chapters. Whew! I should end this now. Thanks for all the appreciation….but don’t worry yet. There are still a couple of surprises to come, and a sequel I have in mind. That too, like this, will be light one. After all, with all the angst work I do in my other fics, I need an outlet for the funny stuff too.

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