Next day, we find the Bennet family seated around the table for lunch. It was not a quiet affair with five daughters and wife. The two youngest and especially the wife would not be quiet for long moments. This day at dinner however gave the reason to be excited. Their old maid came with a letter addressed to Jean.

“It’s from Netherfield” She said, and began to open the envelope

“From Netherfield? Give me that!” Mrs. Bennet leapt from the table and snatched the letter from Jean.

“It is from Emma Bingley! She invites you to dine with her and Tessa!” She read excitedly

“But the gentlemen are out hunting? Oh that’s vexing! But still you must go! It’s signed Yours ever, Emma Bingley. Very elegant hand” Moira Bennet positively glowed with smug satisfaction.

“Can I take the carriage father?” Jean asked her father, and he nodded his assent

“The carriage? No indeed! You must go on horseback. It looks like rain and then you will have to stay the night!”

“Mother!” Jean exclaimed shocked

“What? Would you go to Netherfield without seeing Mr. Bingley? No indeed! You will take Nellie, that will be very well indeed”

Jean looked at her father. But he just threw up his hands, showing he had no say in this.


And so it became. Jean rode on the black mare in the rain her mother had predicted. She arrived at the splendid manor, soaking wet and miserable. Emma and Tessa did not hide their disgust well. They leant her dry clothes and she was sitting shivering with a blanket around her in the dining room while the ladies had a warm soup. Emma and Tessa shared looks, but in their way they tried to be pleasant and asked Jean about her family. That the girl did not belong to a rich or even noble family become painfully clear. She had an uncle that was an attorney, which was far from acceptable in Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst eyes. Jean tried her best to be cheerful, but she was cold, and her head was pounding. Netherfield was indeed a beautiful manor. The dining room itself had golden chandeliers, rich carpets, and heavy furniture. The food was excellent, but she couldn’t make her self take more than a few spoons when the room suddenly span.

“Get help. Miss Bennet is unwell” Emma ordered a servant and then looked heavenward while Tessa sighed.


Next day Ororo was staring out through the window at the dark sky. The rain had eased, but it could be pouring down again easily in moments. Usually the rain made her feel at peace, but not now. She worried about her sister at the mercy of Mr. Bingley’s sisters. She did not trust them to take care of Jean. Even if Jean trusted them, she herself knew they would only show false sympathy and caring as long as it pleased them. Her mother was content, sitting and knitting.

“See ‘Ro? It goes exactly as I planned!” she told smugly.

“Well my dear. If Jean should die, you should be happy to know it was in pursuit of Mr. Bingley and on your orders! Mr. Bennet told his wife tartly

“Oh nonsense! People don’t die of a little cold!”

“I have to go to Netherfield” Ororo stated

“To Netherfield! Why in earth? Jean is very well where she is. And there is nothing for you in Netherfield. You should follow your sisters to Meryton and meet the officers”

“I know Jean wishes me to be with her”

“I will send for the carriage” Her father said while his wife shot daggered looks at them

“No father, I would rather walk. It is not far and I will be back for dinner”

“Walk three miles in all that mud? I will not hear of it. You will not be fit to be seen!”

“I will be fit to be seen by Jean. I have made up my mind” And that was it. Mrs. Bennet knew that once Ororo set her mind to it, no one could persuade her. So grudgingly she saw her daughter leave.

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