Disclaimer: This is a work of fan-fiction. The here fore used characters belong rightfully to Marvel and I just borrowed them. The only profit I hope to achieve with this is the pure pleasure of the reader, so no copyright infringement intended. Please do not sue me, I don’t have money and won’t be getting some from this story.

Author’s notes: The story is told from two different ways, the thoughts of a person and the story itself. The change in the font marks the change in the storyteller. I’ve never thought of making 'Close to you' part of a series, but here it is and this arc is the result. This story is the first in the “Dancing in the moonlight” arc, the prequel to ‘Close to you’ . This was written quite a while ago but needed to be translated before posting.

Dancing in the moonlight

by Belladonna

The moon had risen high above the mansion in Westchester and dipped it into a pale silvery shine. The stars were glittering like diamonds in front of the velvety black background, their light came from so far away but also they seemed so close to anybody who was looking up to the skies at night as if he or she just had to reach out with their hands and might be able to hold them in their fingers.

But as with so many things in life this was simply a dream born out of the wishes of too many people, a dream that like so often probably would never become reality.

On the hills behind the red stone house there stood a woman. She wore a long white dress that slowly moved with the nightly winds, the long silvery white hair fell loosely over her shoulders and made a strong contrast to her dark skin. She simply stood there and was glancing up to the stars, enjoying to be under the free skies and she listened to the silent breeze, the familiar sounds of nature, whose mistress she was. It always comforted and calmed her, just standing underneath the heavens at night and to feel the slight breeze of the night on her skin.

Ororo did not know that she wasn’t alone, that she wasn’t alone for quite a while now, but her watcher was extremely careful and had taken greatest precautions against her noticing him and remaining unnoticed. He did not want to scare her or frighten her off for this was the last thing he would ever want to do to her.

For quite a while now a man was standing at the bottom of the hill, hidden behind several trees that grew there in the bordering gardens and he glanced up towards her. Although it was dark, he could see her very well, and the light of the moon gave her the silver glimmer of the true goddess she was. The wind carried her scent towards him and he deeply inhaled the smell of flowers and herself into his lungs. He knew the woman standing up there, knew her well and for a long time now as well as she knew him but he feared her reaction nonetheless, when he would come closer to her, reveal his feelings he had to her. Logan did not know whether she would feel the same for him he felt for her and so he preferred at the moment to just watch her from the distance, just watch her and wait.


I see her in front of me, see her so clearly how she is standing there on the clearing on the hill. The breeze gets caught so gently in her hair that she’s wearing so loose over her shoulders. I see her how she simply stands there and watches into the distance, her glance of her eyes without any particular destination or direction. She seems like a goddess, how she is standing there, so majestically when the moon clouds her into its silver light.

From the very first moment I saw her, I knew that she would be something truly special, somebody special and I have never had any doubts about her. I did not know like I know now just how right I had been then. But it is me, I am the one I never had been completely sure about, at least concerning her for as sharpened and good my senses might be, so much did they fail with her.

I always had been able to read other peoples emotions, from their scents or their reactions, but with her it is different. When I am near her, I feel overwhelmed by her beauty, her gentle face and her deep blue eyes that are always so full of warmth and love for everybody. Oh, if only they could be full of love for me.

She is the most beautiful woman I have ever met and I feel my heart beat faster when I am with her, when I am near her. The gentle sound of her voice causes my pulse to rise and I can feel my excitement, how it rises also when she is near me. I cannot remember to have ever felt like this before, for another woman but simply being close to her makes me feel all this, causes my senses to be overwhelmed by her. She is so gentle and friendly, I have lost myself in her eyes almost from the first moment I have seen her and I cannot get loose. But I’d never want to. I have noticed her from the very first beginning but I have never been able to tell her what I feel for her, how much she truly means to me.

I cannot remember ever being insecure before, no opponent seemed unbeatable to me and I never feared any confrontation but when I stand in front of her, I feel exactly that it is different with her. Never before I had been afraid to show my feelings even though I have to admit that I have not done this often in my life before. But I feel this insecurity growing inside of me and it grows the more the longer I just watch her, standing there in her beauty.

What if she cannot feel the same for me I feel for her? She has never shown any signs that she feels something for me, that she would feel anything at all for me the way I’d want her to, never did she tell anything. Could she feel something for me at all?

She is a goddess and I just am myself. How could she ever feel something like love for someone like me, how can she ever feel something for me? But I still harbour the hope, that one day she might be able to feel that much for me I do for her.

Is it love that causes this insecurity inside people, that they can no longer be sure of themselves? I don’t know but all I know is that she causes these deep feelings inside of me and with them there’s this great confusion about my own emotions.

I would have never thought to be ever this confused by anyone and I hope to come over this veil of confusion so that I finally can come out with my feelings to her.

I have never told her what I feel for her, how close she is to my heart and I am not sure if I can, if I can get up to it. Again the sweet scent of hers is drawn towards me by the nightly breeze and I inhale it again deeply inside me. She is a true goddess for me and my heart belongs to her.

Again I glance up the hill where she stands and I see her clearly now, how she stands there underneath the moon in its pale white light, her hair flowing in the wind and her eyes sparking like two diamonds in the silvery shine. She just stands there, like a goddess for me and I wished for nothing more than to hold her in my arms, draw her close to me and hold her tight. Then I’d gently brush my fingers over her cheeks when I put some strands of her hair out of her face and feel her soft skin underneath my fingertips.

My heart dances with joy and excitement every time when I see her and when I am near her just like it does again now. If I only could hold her in my arms, I’d be the happiest man on this planet and maybe then I’d find the courage to tell her, how much I love her. My heart is dancing with my love and I do love her from the bottom of this dancing heart and maybe I will find the courage to tell her how much she means to me, how close she is for me. I do love her with all my heart, even though she maybe will never return these feelings for me. But I do love her, my goddess ‘Ro.


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