Storm heard the screams of a girl from the other room. She was hanging from her wrists, arms spread out- although, her feet were able to touch the ground; instead of her casual clothes, she was in her uniform- which she and the girls had worn under their clothes- which looked like Wolverine gotten a hold of since there was a slash mark on her mid-section.

The door opened, and Storm looked up to see a woman dressed up in all leather. As she stepped closer, Storm could see that she had emerald-green eyes, and red hair peeking out from the leather face-mask. "Welcome to the Sisterhood, Ororo Munroe," she said. "I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances."

"What were you doing in there?" Storm asked, not really interested in having a polite conversation.

"We're doin resurrections. What you heard was the first successful one."

"What do you want with me?"

"We're looking for another corpse," the other said. "And we know you know where she's buried. She looks... oh, say... like this..." The woman removed her face mask and Storm found herself staring into the face of Jean Grey.

"Jean?" Storm breathed. "It can't be. You're dead."

The woman laughed. "Of course she's dead. I'm her clone, Madelyn Pryor- the Red Queen."

Storm tried to shoot the woman with a lightning bolt, but realized she couldn't. "My powers..."

Again, the Red Queen laughed. "Did I forget to mention that we put power inhibitors in you? No matter what you do, you won't be able to access the weather.

"Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. I'm going to do a mind probe on you, and you're going to tell me about the X-men, and where Jean Grey is buried."

"Ne-" Storm was cut off by her own scream of pain as the Red Queen placed her hand on top of Storm's head.


"Hawk," Rogue said when she saw her friend on the stall floor. She'd heard Storm's frantic whinnies and came in here to see what was going on. Seeing Hawk on the floor, Rogue knew that something was wrong. "Hawk, what happened?"

Hawk groaned as she came to. "Rogue?"

"What happened?"

"I-I don't know. I was dismounting when a wave of pain hit me, and I blacked out. Must've fallen also, considering I'm on the floor."

"This is weird," Rogue said, counting off her fingers. "First, Ms. Frost is having seizures in the hall-"

"Wait, is having, seizures?"

Rogue nodded. "She and the others have stopped, but she's the only one who hasn't woken up yet- and we don't know when she's going to. Then the Cuckoo's go into their diamond form, but also have seizures; the Professor collapses in Cerebro, and is seen having a seizure; and now you blacked out, falling off of Midnight. I'm betting you also had a seizure."

Hawk shrugged.

X-men; Cuckoos, , please meet me in the briefing room.

Hawk and Rogue looked at each other. "Guess that means Ms. Frost and Professor are up," Hawk said.


Hawk and Rogue were the last- or almost the last- ones in the debriefing room. Logan followed in after them. In the room was Kurt Wagner- Nightcrawler- Henry "Hank" McCoy- Beast- Shadowcat, Colossus, Angel, Iceman, the Stepford Cuckoos- Phoebe, Irma "Mindee", and Celeste Cuckoo- Emma Frost, and, surprisingly, Dazzler. Rogue went to sit with her boyfriend, while Dazzler motioned for Hawk to sit with her. "So what's goin' on?" Hawk asked.

"We're just about to start."

The Cuckoos were the ones to begin. "We know for a fact," Phoebe began, "that this was a major psychic event."

"We also know," Irma continued.

"That we were all completely cut off from it," Celeste finished, looking to their headmaster, Emma Frost, for her approval. She nodded her head.

Triplets, Hawk thought. As of recently, she and Celeste became mutual friends; but the other two, Phoebe and Mindee, were still Hawk's arch enemies in the school. The Cuckoos- with the exception of Celeste- like to pick on Hawk because of the way she became a loner.

However, when it came to things like this, the Cuckoos acted as if they agreed on everything.

"So... how are we going to work this?" Logan asked.

"There are going to be two teams," Professor X said. "Logan, you, Colossus and I will go in first. The fewer we have the better. Nightcrawler, you'll lead the second group consisting of Dazzler, Hawk, Kitty, Rogue and Iceman. The-"

Hawk suddenly cried out in pain and fell off her chair to sink to her knees. The pain was worse than any migraine she'd ever had before. It was like someone taking a sledgehammer to her head and beating it to a pulp. She was vaguely aware of Logan, Dazzler, Kitty, and Rogue rushing to her side to see if she was okay. She tried to summon up enough strength to concentrate on getting her shields up, but the pain was beating too hard on her. Then, she felt someone putting up their own shield around her, to protect her from the pain. When she was finally able to get her shields up, the other one faded away. "Thanks, Professor."

"Trying to be the center of attention, bird-brain?" Phoebe asked mockingly. "Or were you just trying to gain sympathy for losing your favorite teacher?"

Irma snickered. That got them a warning glare from the Professor. "The day Hawk fakes that kind of headache, is the day Rogue will no longer be able to absorb someones powers."

"But why else would she do that?" Irma asked.

"Ever hear of a psychic-link?" Hawk asked tartly.

"Anyway," Charles said. "Logan, you and I will lead the first group. Nightcrawler, you lead the second group with Haw- that is if she's still up to it.

Hawk crossed her arms. "I'll be fine as long as I take some Excedrine and keep my blocks up."


It was a blessing when the Red Queen stopped her probe. "Red Queen," one of the members called.

"What is it, Mastermind," Red queen demanded. "I'm in the middle of an... examination."

Torture, you mean, Storm thought. She was rewarded with- what felt like- a boulder load of psychic pressure.

"She's awake," Mastermind replied.



"What happened," Kwannon asked, as she got up, looking around. "Where am I?"

"You're in your new home," Red Queen said. "Welcome to the sisterhood..."


"So, Storm's in that building?" Logan asked.

"Near as I can tell," Hawk replied. "What about you Professor?"

The Professor nodded.

"Think it's safe for me to make a telepathic connection?"

"For now," Professor X replied hesitantly. "But be gentle."

"Aren't I always?"


Storm... Storm... a soft voice whispered inside her head. Storm opened her eyes slowly, and realized the voice was inside her head. And female. "Hawk," she said softly.

Storm, are you okay?

Storm grimaced a little. The Red Queen's "examination" was taking a toll on her. ...Really.

Okay, well, we're outside. We're comin' in soon- well, at least some of us.


Hawk broke her connection. Storm was extremely weak, and in immense pain. Professor X, Wolverine, and Colossus were already inside by now. Nightcrawler's group was supposed to wait outside until Professor X gave the signal. Hawk took out her iPod and gave it to Dazzler. Dazzler's abilities were sound and light conversions, that usually "dazzle" people- hence her code name. However, she needed sound stored into her body- which "absorbs" both light and sound- using preferrably music, since it was easier.

They all waited in tense silence- except for Hawk and Dazzler, who were listening to "Hero".

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