"It was strange, 'Ro," Logan said. "It looked as if they had rehearsed it."

Storm smiled a little. She had woken up a few minutes ago to find Logan sitting next to her bedside. He had asked her how she felt, and she had responded by telling him that it felt like someone took a sledgehammer and bludgeoned her repeatedly with it. Then she had changed the subject by asking what had happened upstairs, where Logan told her about Hawk's little trick with Midnight. "It's called join-up, Logan. I've seen Hawk do it several times before she goes out for a ride. She's even shown me how to do it a couple of times."

"Oh," Logan said, stunned. "I thought she was using her empathy."

Storm shook her head. "No."

"Have you had any success with it?"

"Not as close as Hawk has, but I've had a little."

"Logan," someone called from the doorway. Storm looked to see Laura there. "Oh, , you're awake."

"Hello, Laura," Storm said. "What brings you back here?"

"I was wondering if I could enroll."

Storm smiled. "Of course you can. Although, you're going to have to talk to the Professor about it. As you can see, I'm sort of bedridden right now."

"I'll take you to him," Logan said, getting up. Then he turned back to Storm. "You need to get some rest."

Storm rolled her eyes. "I will, Logan. But, first could you do me a favor and get Hawk down here for a minute. I need to talk to her about the 'no classes' thing."

"And then you'll get some rest?"

"Yes, Logan," Storm growled, shooting him a warning glare.

"Okay, okay, Logan said backing off.

Logan knew Hawk was either in the stables, one of the common rooms, or her room. He decided to check the stables first, since it happened to be on the same level as the infirmary.

"So," Laura said after a few minutes. "D'you like her?"

The question caught Logan off guard, and he looked at her in surprise. "Who? Hawk? She's alright once you get to know her. A pain in the neck sometimes, but alright."

"No," Laura said, rolling her eyes. "."

"What makes you say that?"

"Oh, c'mon, Logan, even the Hawkgirl notices. Rogue told me she even did that 'sittin' in a tree' song behind your back a couple of times."


Laura shrugged. "Just tellin' ya what I heard. So, do you?"

"Maybe," Logan growled. "Or maybe I'm just concerned about a teammate."

Laura laughed. "Yeah, sure you are."

"Have you been talkin' to Hawk?"

Laura shook her head. "Nope. Just Rogue. She also seems to think you're fallin' for the 'goddess'- as she put it."

"Remind me to have a nice chat with her later."

They reached the stables, only to see Danielle Moonstar- Mirage- there. "Hey, Moonstar," Logan called. Danielle turned to Logan. "Where's Hawk?"

"I think she said she'd be in the common room."


"You're welcome."


"We were talking together, I said, 'what's up with this weather?' Don't know whether or not, how sad I just got, was of my own volition. Or if I'm just missing the sun. And tomorrow, I know,will be rainy at best. And the forecast, I know, is that I'll be depressed. But I'll wait outside, hoping that I'll catch sight of the sun. Because on and off,the clouds have fought their control over the sky. And lately the weather has been so Bi-polar and, consequently, so have I. And now I'm sunny with a High of 75, since You took my heavy heart and made it light. And its funny how you find You enjoy your life, when you're happy to be alive..." Hawk was on the couch, waiting for her turn for pool, while reading 'Harry Potter and the goblet of fire', and listening to 'High of 75' by one of her favorite bands, Relient K; in the common room.

"Hawk," Logan called from the doorway. Luckily she had only one earbud in, since she bolted up when she heard Logan's voice. "Storm's awake."


"She wants to see you in the infirmary."

"Why do I get the feeling that she wants to talk about somethin' I said."

"Because she wants to talk to you about your 'no classes' comment earlier."

"You told!" Hawk accused.

"Maybe," Logan smirked.

"Don't bother denying," she said, pointing a finger at him. "If you even try, I'll search your mind."

"You know what happens when you do that."

"It's not like I'm gonna get caught."

Is that so? Professor X said telepathically.

"Stang," Hawk muttered, glaring at Logan as he continued to smirk at her. "You are so in for it."

"Ready for you any day, Hawk."

"Don't test me."


Logan laughed as Hawk started grumbling about him, then turned to Rogue. "Marie."

Rogue looked up, knowing she was in trouble; but, she didn't know what for. "Yes, Logan?"

Logan motioned for her to come to him. "You and I need to have a little talk..."


Hawk flopped on the couch later that night with Rogue, and started to flip through the television channels. "So, what did Storm want?" Rogue asked.

"To let know that just because she was bedridden, did not mean that classes would be canceled. History class will be taken in the infirmary until she's released."

Kitty came in just then."What? You said they were canceled!"

"Kitty, you saw her yourself. Did she look like she was going to teach for awhile? No, I don't think so."

"Great," Kitty said, plopping down next to Hawk.

"Don't blame me. Storm was never the type to take it easy."

"That's why she's called Storm," Rogue said.

"So, what did Logan want?" Kitty asked Rogue. Hawk turned to her also.

"He said that I should mind my own business when it comes to his and Storm's relationship."

"You told him about that?"

"No! I knew I'd get that lecture from him if I ever brought it up."

They glared at Hawk from either side of her- Kitty on her left, Rogue on her right. "Hey, don't look at me! I don't about our chats. Whatever happens in this room, stays in this room."

"But you're one of the biggest gossipers in the mansion," Kitty said.

"No, that's Jubilee. The only time I do it, is if it benefits me. This kind of chat doesn't benefit me."

They looked at Rogue. "Who else did you tell?"

"No one," Rogue said. "Wait... I told Talon but- Laura." She slapped her head as she realized her mistake.

"That's what you get for telling someone who hasn't been here long," Hawk said.

"Hey, you haven't been here long either."

"So? I've been here longer than Talon."

There was a sudden sound of breaking glass one room down, and then footsteps coming their direction. No one was in that common room, as most of the kids were upstairs. All three girls got up from the couch and saw five women, all dressed in leather stop in front of their room a few feet ahead. "Great," Kitty grumbled. "Didn't we just deal with these guys?"

Students! Professors! Wolverine! Hawk called to everyone in the mansion. Sorry to disturb your sleep or whatever activity you're doing, but we've got five intruders on the first floor.

Hawk broke off her contact, and shape-shifted into Mara Jade. She grabbed her iPod from the side table- using her TK- placed one earbud in her ear, and put on "Bouncing off the Ceiling (Upside Down)" by A*Teens.


Wolverine reached the main floor to see Hawk swinging her lightsaber around lazily, but keeping in control of her movements against a six-armed woman; Rogue was fighting a woman who kept on launching dragons of some sorts at her, and Kitty fighting... Lady Deathstrike? Wolverine unsheathed his claws and started to attack her, just as Hawk started to give out controlled strikes on the six-armed woman. He realized it was some sort of dance routine- with a lightsaber- and knew he should probably watch it while fighting Deathstrike.

"Remember me?" he asked Deathstrike.

"Logan!" Hawk called, as she jumped over one of the weapons that was coming at her. "There are three more. I think one of them's the Goblin Queen."

"Who's that?" Logan asked as he dodged Deathstrike.

"Storm's torturer," she said, as she slashed at one of the arms.

At the mention of that, Wolverine stabbed Deathstrike- who really charged at Wolverine- through the stomach, and tossed her aside. Hawk finally found a way through the tangle of arms and sliced them off in one rotation.


Rogue was having a lot of trouble with her person. Dragons kept on coming at her from every which way, and it took all of her skill just to avoid them. Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck the woman, distracting her. Next thing she knew, she was being slammed against the far wall.

Rogue turned to see Hawk- still in her Mara Jade form- holding her hand out, as if she were pushing something back. "Thanks," Rogue said.

"No prob."

Hawk shifted back to her normal self, and they raced up the stairs, where they ran into a brunette and a blond. They both smiled sinisterly, and Rogue suddenly got a dazed look in her eyes. "Hawk, where am I?"

"You're in the mansion with me," Hawk replied.

"How can that be when I'm in a mist?"

"Telepaths!" Hawk exclaimed, as she slapped her forehead. "Arg!" Then she turned to Rogue. "Wake up, Rogue." Hawk shot water from her palm at Rogue, which woke her up from the illusion. Then, Hawk placed a mind barrier on her to keep them out of their heads. The intruders didn't seem happy about this.

"We might need Dazzler," Hawk murmured.

"I'll get her," Rogue said, turning to leave.

"Oh, sure, leave me with them."

"Hey, you're better with telepaths than I am."


"Two to one," the brunette said. "This should be fun."

"What should be fun?" Hawk asked.

"What's it to you?" the blond retorted.

"I don't know," Hawk replied shrugging. She loved taunting her adversaries. "What's it to you that you're in this mansion?"

Hawk suddenly felt like she was being stabbed; realizing she put her blocks down, she put them up again. "You guys don't have much telepathy, do you?"

"We have plenty of telepathy," the brunette retorted hotly.

"Right, telepathic illusion, and telepathic illusions with psychosomatic symptoms. You guys can't even communicate with each other. So, what are you guys doin' here anyway?"

"That none of your business," the blond said.

"Uh, you guys ruined my evening; so, it is my business... Regan."

Regan Wyngarde- Lady Mastermind, the blond- stared at her in shock. She was about to retaliate when someone interrupted her. Luckily, Hawk had tapped into their thoughts, so she was able to hear everything. Mastermind, Lady Mastermind, stand down. We're leaving. Spiral, get us out of here.

"But we're dealing with one of the brats right now," Lady Mastermind complained.

I don't care!

"It's the one you dealt with earlier," Mastermind- Martinique Jason Wyngarde, who was named after her father, the original Mastermind- added.

There was a pause. Leave her. We'll deal with her later.

As if, Hawk thought. And then they all disappeared. Hawk raced to where she had last detected the Goblin Queen's mind, Wolverine's room. She turned on the light, and saw a lock of red hair on the bedside table. It didn't take a genius to figure out who's hair it was. "What are you doing in here?" a gruff voice demanded from behind her.

"You keep a lock of Jean Grey's hair on the bedside table?"

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