Marie- Rogue- and one of her best friends, Ashley- Crystal Hawk, or just plain Hawk- were the only two students at the table eating breakfast. They were talking about new Danger Room tactics, when Ororo Munroe- Storm- the headmistress, and leader of the X-men squad, come in. "Morning girls."

"Mornin' Storm," both girls said with Mississippi and Floridian accents. That was when Logan- Wolverine- came in.

"Hey kids."

"Hi, Logan."

Then Logan turned to Storm. "Mornin', 'Ro."

Storm gave him a shy smile, and blushed a little."Morning, Logan."

Rogue and Hawk looked at each other. "Logan and Storm, sittin' in a tree," Hawk began to mouth.

Rogue rolled her eyes. You're such a child, she thought.

Hawk smiled mischievously. Can't help it, she replied telepathically. Rogue glared at her; Hawk was a telepath- among other things- and she knew better than to enter people's minds without their permission. Storm looked at them suspiciously, but then continued her conversation with Logan.

"Storm and Logan sittin' in a tree," Hawk began again. Rogue elbowed her, and they both started giggling.

"Stop it," Rogue mouthed. But it was clear that she couldn't- until they both caught a bad case of the giggles. Logan looked at them, and they started giggling even harder.

"What's so funny?" he demanded.

"Nothing," they both replied innocently, trying to keep their faces composed, and failing miserably. Logan glared at them, and Rogue knew he didn't believe them.

Suddenly, the theme music for breaking news coverage came on the television. "This is the third body of a drug dealer this week," the reporter said. "Behind me is the crack house where the body was found. There appears to be no signs of foul play, and authorities doubt suicide. However, there was nothing physically visible to be seen about the death- which leaves authorities perplexed..."

Rogue turned her head toward Logan. "Sabretooth?"

"Ssshhhh!" Both Storm and Hawk said.

"This perplexity leads authorities to think that it might be-"

Hawk telekinetically shut off the television before they could say "mutants". Then, she turned to the adults. "Should we get involved?"

Storm sighed. "We'll monitor the news activity for anything suspicious; otherwise, we'll stick to business as usual."

Hawk looked slightly annoyed, but there was also a hint of understanding in her eyes. Rogue also understood Storm hesitancy. It had only been a few days since Storm's arch-nemesis, Amahl Farouk- who called himself the "Shadow King"- attacked Storm, nearly killed her, and she was still coping with the trauma.

Katherine Ann "Kitty" Pryde- Shadowcat- walked into the kitchen just then, and saw the looks on everyone's faces. "What's wrong?"

Hawk looked away, and Rogue guessed that she would probably tell her later. "Alright, everyone to the Danger Room," Storm ordered.


Hawk and Rogue ducked behind a piece of debris. It was Storm, Iceman- Robert Louise "Bobby" Drake- Rogue, Angel- Warren Worthington III- and Hawk against Logan, Colossus- Piotr (Peter) Nikolievitch Rasputin- Shadowcat, Cannonball- Samuel "Sam" Guthrie- Mirage- Danielle Moonstar- Sage, and Gambit- Remy LeBeau. The trick was to get your full team to the bunker before the other. That made it easier for Storm's team, since it was five to seven.

Hawk was paired with Rogue, since she could shape-shift and cancel out Rogue's power if need be. However, Hawk was a spare on Storm's team. Meaning that, if needed, Rogue would be with her other partner, Iceman, if Hawk should be called away to help Angel, Storm, or both.

Hawk put up a telekinetic shield while she looked for Storm. Since both Angel and Storm could fly, they weren't hard to find. Storm, Hawk called. Down here.

"Bobby!" Rogue called, waving him over. Bobby dove for them, Hawk taking down her shield for all of a second before putting it back up. Storm and Angel swooped down and Hawk had to take down her shield again before putting it back up again. "How far is it?" Hawk asked.

"About seventy-five meters," Storm replied. The ground shook as a missile struck, and Hawk's shield started to falter. "Iceman, Rogue," Storm ordered, " stay here until I give the signal to move. Angel, Hawk, you're with me in the air. We'll cover them as they head toward the bunker."

"Sweet, aerial cover," Hawk said.


The fliers shot up into the air; Storm shunted three missiles with her control over the winds Storm flew ahead of Angel, while he covered her flank, and Hawk flew a little farther back to cover their tails. Hawk looked down at her watch. Two minutes. Great.

Hawk twisted in the air and out up a shield that went from the sky to the ground; covering her on three sides and protecting Iceman and Rogue. The fliers swooped down to the ground, just as their grounded partners reached the bunker with them, and the area went from a completely obliviated town, to the Danger Room.


"Pay up, loser," Storm said teasingly to Logan as the pizzas arrived.

"I still think you guys cheated," Logan growled as he closed the door behind the pizza guy after paying. Storm was holding the pizzas.

"And exactly how did we cheat?" Storm asked, heading toward the dining area.

"You guys flew."

"We had two people grounded, Logan."

"Do I smell pizza?" Hawk called from the common room next door.

"Yes, Hawk," Storm replied. "You better come and get it before the other kids do."

"Logan giving you a hard time again?" Hawk asked, coming in, before directing her attention to her favorite love on earth. "Please tell me you've got pepperoni."

"Lucky for you it's the top box," Storm replied. "And Logan's calling me a cheater."

Hawk snorted. "Aw, he's just bein' a sore loser."

Logan glared at her.

"Aw, come off it, Logan. You're just jealous because we were faster than you, and the fact that we won fair 'n' square."

No sooner had Hawk grabbed her first couple of slices, and a , then Rogue showed up, followed by Kitty, then Alison Blaire- Dazzler- followed by pretty much the rest of the school."

"Thanks, Logan," the girls said, giggling.

Logan scowled at Storm. "Don't look at me. Hawk must've been eavesdropping."


After everyone dug in to the pizzas, and talked until about ten, they all went to bed. Rogue woke up when her roommate, Hawk- who had just moved in with her- turned on her side lamp."Hawk?" Rogue asked. Hawk didn't answer. "Hawk, what is it?"

"Someone's mind is restless," she replied. They both knew that Hawk couldn't sleep someone's mind was restless. She would usually be shot into someone's nightmare, and have to wake up herself to get out of it. They both knew it wasn't Storm, because the weather was calm. That left only one likely suspect. Then, they heard his cries. They both rushed out of the room and went a few doors down the hall. The cries were coming from right behind his door. It was definitely him. Hawk stepped forward to open the door, but Rogue stopped her.

"What d'ya think you're doin'?"

"Uh... waking him up."

"Hawk, that's not a good idea."

"Rogue, you know I can't sleep when someone's mind is restless."

"Hawk, I've woken him up before. I nearly died."

"Yet, you survived."

Smart one, Rogue thought. "That's only because I absorbed his healing factor."

"I have a healing factor too."

"Which we both know you can't use unless think about it. You can't think about it with a set of claws in your heart. You're pretty much dead when that happens."

"That's where you're wrong. It all depends on what's goin' on." Hawk tried again to open the door, but, again, Rogue stopped her.

"Hawk, don't."

"Rogue, if you're so worried, go get Storm." With that, Hawk successfully opened the door.

You're gonna get yourself in big trouble, girl.


Hawk walked over to Logan's shoulder, who was twitching and moaning about something in his sleep, and began to shake it. "Logan...Logan...Logan! Logan, wake up! Wake up!"


"Storm!" someone called quietly. Storm stirred a little, but didn't wake up. "Storm!"

When she heard her name called the second time, Storm knew she wasn't dreaming. She slowly opened her eyes to see Rogue in her room. "Rogue?" Storm asked groggily. "What is it?"

"It's Hawk. I tried to tell her... but she just wouldn't listen."

"Slow down, Rogue," Storm said, holding up her hand to indicate that she should calm down. "Now what's going on? Where is she?"

"In Logan's room."

It didn't take much thought to realize why she was in there. Storm closed her eyes and leaned back against her bed for a moment. "Oh, no."

"I tried to warn her, but she just wouldn't listen."

"It's alright, Rogue. It's not your fault. Since when does that child heed warnings?"

"Almost never."



"Logan, come on," Hawk hissed, "wake up. Come on, wake-" Hawk gasped in surprise, then yelped in pain as Logan shot up and stabbed her. She suddenly couldn't breathe, and was gasping for air. Logan had a petrified look on his face.

Hawk quickly found out what the damage was, and urged the wounds to heal. Then, she telekinetically sheathed Logan's claws, and blackness engulfed her.


Storm and Rogue had just come out of Storm's room, when they hears Hawk's yelp. She and Rogue raced to Logan's room, to see Hawk with Logan's claws protruding out of her back. Exactly like Rogue's incident.

Hawk clenched her fist, and Logan's claws retracted instantly. She managed to keep standing for a couple more seconds, then passed out onto the floor, breathing heavily. By then, other students had come out of their rooms to see what all the commotion was about.

Storm rushed forward to Hawk, then looked up at Logan, who nodded in understanding like they were both telepaths- very similar to what happened at Alcatraz, Storm thought. "Back to bed," Logan said. They all knew better than to argue with Wolverine, and did as they were told. Hawk was probably the only one brave enough- quite possibly the only one period- who'd him; but that obviously wasn't going to happen since she was passed out.

As soon as her breathing became normal again, Logan carried her back to her room. Storm and Logan exchanged a few small words before saying good night. Logan went back to his bed, while Storm stayed beside Hawk, talking with Rogue, until she woke up. Rogue ducked out then, so that they could talk privately.


Hawk could tell that Storm was not happy with her. "That was a very stupid thing you did back there."

"Ya think?" Hawk replied, groaning a little as she sat up.

Storm was not in the mood for her smart comments. "Just tell me one thing, Hawk. What on earth were you thinking?"

"I could wake Logan up and get some sleep afterward. He was keepin' me up. In fact he woke me up."

"Hawk, you could've just gotten me, and I would've woken him up."

"And end up like me? Uh, this may come as a shock to you, Storm, but you don't have a healing factor."

Storm glowered at her. I have other ways, Hawk. Like shocking him for example."

"Oh. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you weren't thinking."

Now, Hawk scowled. "You don't have to remind me."

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