Author's Chapter Notes:
I did an iTunes ficlet exercise and ending up doing one for Ororo/Logan. I thought I would share it here. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Staring up at the large grandfather clock at the corner of the room, Logan chewed on the recently lit cigar between his teeth. Smirking, he leaned over the pool table and continued his solo game, knowing full well that he’d have a companion soon.

Not two minutes later, he finally heard the familiar pair stilettos marching into the room, emitting all the power and sensuality their owner loved to display.

“You are aware that this is a school aren’t you?”

Holding back a chuckle, Logan looked up and caught sight of the displeased headmistress; her now long white hair pulled back into a stylish ponytail, tight body packed into a form fitting pinstripe suit, arms resting comfortably underneath her full breasts, subconsciously pushing them into his line of vision. So she wants to play this game he thought to himself, his grin broadening. “Coulda fooled me princess.”

Narrowing her eyes, Ororo tapped her fingers lightly against her arms, “I despise that name as much as I do your cigars.”

Snorting at her comment, he stood and took a large puff. While he knew part of her did dislike the smoke, he knew the smell got her going. “Do ya now?”

“I do,” she stood straight, lips pursed.

Chuckling at her demeanor, he dropped the pool stick in his hands and fell against the table. Giving her a once over, he smiled again, she played the ice queen better than anyone he’d ever known, but she couldn’t fool him. He could smell her peaking arousal, he was well aware just how much she was enjoying their little confrontation.

This was all a show, she wasn’t really as annoyed with him as she liked to put on. It was her defense mechanism, she used their petty little arguments to combat the deep feelings growing between them. He wished she would just succumb to hers the way he had to his, but she was a stubborn mule and he told her as much on several occasions. He’d wait it out though, she was too much fun not wait for.

“Honestly Logan this is no laughing matter, there are children living here, who despite their amazing abilities, do not have a self-healing body like the indestructible Wolverine.”

“They’re gone on spring break darlin’, something tells me the smell’ll be outta the carpet before they get back.”

She glared at him, still remaining in the spot she’d been in when he first saw her. Deciding there was far too much space between, Logan moved around the table and stepped toward her, only stopping when they were face to face. Staying quiet for a moment, he took the cigar from his lips and planted it between his fingers before leaning down to drop the tip of his nose to Ororo’s throat. Enjoying the shiver and increased heart rate his close proximity caused her, he sniffed the soft skin and let the sweet, amplified scent of his lover and the quiet moan that escaped her wash over him.

Collecting herself, Ororo cleared her throat and found her voice, “Put out the cigar.”

Pulling back slowly, Logan tossed her a lopsided grin and replied, “No.”

“Put it out,” she demanded in a firmer voice, even as he inched closer to her, planting his lips mere centimeters from her own.

“What’re you gonna do if I don’t?”

Smirking at his baiting, she intentionally rubbed against him as she moved her lips to his ear. “It’s not what I will do,” reaching up she nicked the bottom of his lobe with her teeth, “it’s what I won’t do.”

With a snicker, she turned and sauntered back to where she’d come from, stopping only to send him a raised brow before making her exit.

Nostrils flaring and hands itching, the great Wolverine shook his head and laughed as he sunk the cigar into his palm, wincing slightly at the few seconds of pain. Looking down at the tip to make sure it was out, he dropped it into the front pocket of his flannel shirt.

“Damn sexy minx.”

Smirking at his statement, he looked down the empty walkway where she’d disappeared and then quickly followed after her.

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