Our Son

Summary: This is Evo verse 5 years ago Ororo and Logan had a night of drunken sex and Ororo ended up pregnant. Scared, she fled the mansion and 8 months later she had a baby boy. She gave him up for adoption and returned to the Mansion. What happens when their son turns up as a mutant. What will happen between Ororo and Logan and how will Logan react to the fact that he is a father?

Bio Character

Real Name: Micheal Robert Hughes

Code Name: Electro

Age: 5

Birthday: July 19, 2000

Power: Healing/ Controls weather

Height: 3’ 8”

Weight: 61 pounds

Hair: Blackish/Blue

Eyes: Sky Blue

Skin: Darker than Logan’s but lighter than Ororo’s color.

History: You’ll find out during the story.

Hey everybody I’ll have the first chapter to this story up within the week I still have to type it up. And about my latest story The Wedding I am having serious writer’s block for that one don’t expect an update anytime soon. Try to be patient.

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