Title: Solitude
Author: Ladie
Contact: fickycter@aol.com
Summary: Unsettled by her love for her best friend Storm decided to leave the mansion, shocked when she received an unexpected traveling companion.
Rating: R
Chapter 12: Time in Da Big easy
A/N: thanks to every one reading, and especially those who left a review. You’re honesty, and support is always appreciated. I’ll try to keep an eye out for the typos guys sorry about those.

When the afternoon gave way to night, and the storm refused to lessen Logan knew it was time to step in. Shivering as he stepped in to the icy room he rushed to the frost-covered goddess who still kneeled in the middle of the floor. He knew she didn’t feel the weather like most, but the sight still unnerved him.

“Ro,” He whispered approaching her slowly as he knelt in front of her.

“ You ok darlin?” he asked gently rubbing her arms to get the circulation going.

“Come on Ro,” he said worried by the difficulty she seemed to have opening her eyes and the sluggish way she moved.

Lifting her into his arms he carried her to the bathroom, setting her on the toilet while he ran a bath.

“You’re worrying me,” He said meeting her seemingly unseeing white eyes.

Making quick work of her clothes after adding a few cupfuls of the bubble bath he had found on the ledge of the tub he eased her in to the water. She needed more than just warmth now; she needed comfort, and pampering.

“ I’m here for you,” He said kissing her cheek as he began to bath her gently. Patiently waiting for her to come back to herself.

He understood pain so deep you had to disconnect with yourself to escape for a while. Noticing the wind was still howling, and the rain seemed to be getting worse he continued to whisper to her softly. If she created a natural disaster now and harmed someone she’d never forgive herself. Leaning her back to wash her hair he winced. She looked so broken, now sitting in the bath like an obedient child who had lost the will to fight.

“Come on snap out of it,” He growled half sending a prayer to whichever god or goddess was listening when he lifted her from the tub. Leading her to the bedroom he dressed her in a comfortable white night gown debating on if he she leave her to make tea.

“L- Logan?” She asked blinking as everything came back.

“Welcome back darlin,” he said saddened by the hurt shining in her eyes.

“ My baby’s gone Logan.”

“ And she’s not coming back,” She said sniffing as she held back unshed tears.

“ I’m sorry Ororo,” he said feeling out of place.

He didn’t know what to say, he had never been involved in this type of situation and he was never one for pretty meaningless words.

“I guess, leaving the way we did, and never mentioning it made it seem less real somehow like I’d walk back in here and everything would be fine,” She said shaking her head at their naivety.

“You want some tea?” He asked letting out a sigh of relief when she smiled slightly and nodded.

“Yea, that would be lovely,” She said waiting till he left to go back to the room that had caused her so much pain.

“Be at peace wherever you are my little one,” She whispered, reigning in the storm that she had wrought.

Dinner that night was lacking in the conversation department, but Logan was just happy to see her eat something. The weather had calmed down, and she was looking a lot more relaxed but still he knew she hurt.

Pacing back and forth nervously he silently urged Stormy to pick up her phone. He had felt something earlier, a blinding pain, and knew something wasn’t right with her. They’d shared a deep connection almost since the moment of meeting, and there was no way he could ignore it now.


Glancing at Logan when her cell phone began to ring she flashed an apologetic face before grabbing it, and going to stand out on the balcony.

”Hello Remy,” she said knowing it was him before he had the chance to speak. Damn, she should have realized he would know if she was in pain, he always knew. Just like she knew when things had gone wrong in Antarctica, passing out in the middle of lunch for no explainable reason.

“Stormy you ok? What’s wrong you need me?”

: Yes I need you: A small part of her mind said.

“ I am dealing with some issues, I will be fine,” she said opting for the more rational response.

“Did he hurt you, cause I’ll kill him, I’ll light dat skeleton of his up good.” He said making her smile. He was always her protector against everything, but himself.

“ No Remy, I just… its about Renee,” she said holding her breath as she waited for him to reply.


Eyes widened he felt himself cringe. The mention of his lost daughter making him feel like he’d just been sucker punched in the gut.

“Ya not all right Stormy, I’ coming der,” He said fighting against the painful memories replaying themselves in his head.

“I need time,” She said letting him know that they needed to come to grips with things on their own before laying them to rest together.

“ I understand ma petite, but soon Remy comin for es Stormy, I worried bout you,” He said closing his eyes against the tears.

Renee Chance Lebeau, every dream he had ever dreamed come to life. He had wanted that bebe more than he had ever wanted anything in his entire life. A little Stormy with his hair, and her eyes, she was the final piece that completely filled the hole he had in his soul. Meeting Stormy had filled it partially, and being with her had filled it more, them having a bebe together had sealed it all together and made him feel like his life was truly worth something again. It meant more to him than the numerous lives he saved, more than the X-man, more than his time with the guild and all their bullshit. It had given him a purpose and healed all the hurts of the past; taking away the dark stain that Antarctica had left. When they had lost their miracle, a part of him had simply shut down.

“You’re in de apartment?” He asked, needing to hear her voice for a few moments longer.

“Yes,” She said as they both remained silent.

“ I have to go now Remy,” She said feeling the fresh pain from another hurt aching as she talked to him.

“Just member I here,” He said saddened by the fact that she was choosing to turn to Logan instead of himself.

“ I know brother,” She said making him scowl.

: No not brother: He wanted to say, thinking of her lush lips, and the way they felt moving against his own.

“ Bye Stormy.”

“Goodbye, and do not call me that,” She said gently pressing the end button.

There had been a time when she had not minded him calling her that, but now she realized those days were over, and they weren’t coming back. She had a chance for a new start with Logan, to do it right, and maybe even have it all. Marriage children, and a relationship built on love, trust and mutual respect. If it was one thing she knew it about Logan it was that he’d be a forever kind of guy, and these days it seemed like she was the one he wanted that with.

“Goodbye Etienne,” She murmured to the wind feeling lighter as she returned to Logan.

“Everything all right?”

“ Yes, I do believe it will be,” She said mysteriously smiling at his head tilted slightly signaling he was confused.

“Can we take a trip tomorrow?”

“Any where you want,” He said worried when a devilish gleam leaped in to her eyes.

“ Anywhere?”

“ Uhh, Ro?” he asked wondering if he’d just put his foot in his mouth.

“ Six Flags!” She asked making him laugh at her child like exuberance.

He didn’t remember every going to an amusement park, but he was pretty sure he probably had at one point.

“Sure Darlin,” he said willing to do anything to keep her from slipping back in to the mood she had been in earlier.

The next day was perfect weather for a trip to the amusement park, and Logan couldn’t help but think the white haired woman driving had a lot to do with it. She’d woken him up at six this morning chattering like a five year old about all the rides there. He’d been happy to see genuine joy in her eyes so he’d smiled, and nodded though he had no ideal what the hell she was talking about. Maybe closure was all she had needed to start the healing process.
Taking the time to study her attire he smiled in appreciation. She had dug in to the closet once more coming out with a pair of jean shorts that would’ve made Daisy Duke proud, and a simple white tank top. Underneath she wore a white bikini that should be illegal in all fifty states, and he couldn’t help the stirring of pride he felt knowing she was with him.

Grabbing is hand she laughed hurrying as she tried to beat the crowd.

“What’s so great about him?” Logan asked scoffing at the black and yellow ride they were in line for.

“Now Logan, don’t tell me you’re jealous of old Clark,” She said laughing as he rolled his eyes.

Three minutes later Logan was smiling down at the woman who had brought new life to him. He never would have thought of going to an amusement park, she still had the ability to see the world like a child, something he had lost the ability to do long ago. Tugging her toward the game both when a smiling stuffed sun caught her eye he felt his heart skip a beat.

”Come on,” He said ignoring the innocent expression she gave him as he pulled her toward the booth she’d been eyeing.

Cheering Logan on as he raced three others in a water jockey match she couldn’t stop the warmth that spread through her body. No one had ever won anything for her. Unless you counted the endless claw machine stuffed animals Remy was forever bringing home. It was nice to be out on a date like normal couples did. Though she had been with Forge for over two years, they had never done anything like this.

“Pick out what you want,” Logan suggested gruffly grinning when she blushed slightly at the attention.

“This one,” She said plucking the smiling sun from the basket.

“ I knew that was the one….” He trailed off taking in the shell shocked expression on her face.

Turning to where her gaze was fixed he too froze.

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